describe "OracleEnhancedAdapter context index" do include SchemaSpecHelper include LoggerSpecHelper def create_table_posts schema_define do create_table :posts, force: true do |t| t.string :title t.text :body t.integer :comments_count t.timestamps null: true t.string :all_text, limit: 2 # will be used for multi-column index end end end def create_table_comments schema_define do create_table :comments, force: true do |t| t.integer :post_id t.string :author t.text :body t.timestamps null: true end end end def create_tables create_table_posts create_table_comments end def drop_table_posts schema_define { drop_table :posts } end def drop_table_comments schema_define { drop_table :comments } end def drop_tables drop_table_comments drop_table_posts end # Try to grant CTXAPP role to be able to set CONTEXT index parameters. def grant_ctxapp @sys_conn = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedConnection.create(SYS_CONNECTION_PARAMS) @sys_conn.exec "GRANT CTXAPP TO #{DATABASE_USER}" rescue nil end before(:all) do grant_ctxapp ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) end describe "on single table" do before(:all) do @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection @title_words = %w{aaa bbb ccc} @body_words = %w{foo bar baz} create_table_posts class ::Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_context_index end @post0 = Post.create(title: "dummy title", body: "dummy body") @post1 = Post.create(title: @title_words.join(" "), body: @body_words.join(" ")) @post2 = Post.create(title: (@title_words * 2).join(" "), body: (@body_words * 2).join(" ")) @post_with_null_body = Post.create(title: "withnull", body: nil) @post_with_null_title = Post.create(title: nil, body: "withnull") end after(:all) do drop_table_posts Object.send(:remove_const, "Post") ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end before(:each) do @post = nil end after(:each) do @post.destroy if @post end it "should create single VARCHAR2 column index" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, :title @title_words.each do |word| expect(Post.contains(:title, word).to_a).to eq([@post2, @post1]) end @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :title end it "should create single CLOB column index" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, :body @body_words.each do |word| expect(Post.contains(:body, word).to_a).to eq([@post2, @post1]) end @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :body end it "should not include text index secondary tables in user tables list" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, :title expect(@conn.tables.any? { |t| t =~ /^dr\$/i }).to be_falsey @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :title end it "should create multiple column index" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] (@title_words + @body_words).each do |word| expect(Post.contains(:title, word).to_a).to eq([@post2, @post1]) end @conn.remove_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] end it "should index records with null values" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] expect(Post.contains(:title, "withnull").to_a).to eq([@post_with_null_body, @post_with_null_title]) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] end it "should create multiple column index with specified main index column" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body], index_column: :all_text, sync: "ON COMMIT" @post = Post.create(title: "abc", body: "def") expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "abc").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "def").to_a).to eq([@post]) @post.update_attributes!(title: "ghi") # index will not be updated as all_text column is not changed expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "ghi").to_a).to be_empty @post.update_attributes!(all_text: "1") # index will be updated when all_text column is changed expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "ghi").to_a).to eq([@post]) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, index_column: :all_text end it "should create multiple column index with trigger updated main index column" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body], index_column: :all_text, index_column_trigger_on: [:created_at, :updated_at], sync: "ON COMMIT" @post = Post.create(title: "abc", body: "def") expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "abc").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "def").to_a).to eq([@post]) @post.update_attributes!(title: "ghi") # index should be updated as created_at column is changed expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "ghi").to_a).to eq([@post]) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, index_column: :all_text end it "should use base letter conversion with BASIC_LEXER" do @post = Post.create!(title: "āčē", body: "dummy") @conn.add_context_index :posts, :title, lexer: { type: "BASIC_LEXER", base_letter_type: "GENERIC", base_letter: true } expect(Post.contains(:title, "āčē").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:title, "ace").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:title, "ACE").to_a).to eq([@post]) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :title end it "should create transactional index and sync index within transaction on inserts and updates" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, :title, transactional: true Post.transaction do @post = Post.create(title: "abc") expect(Post.contains(:title, "abc").to_a).to eq([@post]) @post.update_attributes!(title: "ghi") expect(Post.contains(:title, "ghi").to_a).to eq([@post]) end @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :title end it "should use index when contains has schema_name.table_name syntax" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, :title @title_words.each do |word| expect(Post.contains("posts.title", word).to_a).to eq([@post2, @post1]) end @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :title end end describe "on multiple tables" do before(:all) do @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection create_tables class ::Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy has_context_index end class ::Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post, counter_cache: true end end after(:all) do drop_tables Object.send(:remove_const, "Comment") Object.send(:remove_const, "Post") ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end after(:each) do @conn.remove_context_index :posts, name: "post_and_comments_index" rescue nil @conn.remove_context_index :posts, index_column: :all_text rescue nil Post.destroy_all end it "should create multiple table index with specified main index column" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body, # specify aliases always with AS keyword "SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = :id" ], name: "post_and_comments_index", index_column: :all_text, index_column_trigger_on: [:updated_at, :comments_count], sync: "ON COMMIT" @post = Post.create!(title: "aaa", body: "bbb") @post.comments.create!(author: "ccc", body: "ddd") @post.comments.create!(author: "eee", body: "fff") ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", "eee", "fff"].each do |word| expect(Post.contains(:all_text, word).to_a).to eq([@post]) end end it "should create multiple table index with specified main index column (when subquery has newlines)" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body, # specify aliases always with AS keyword %{ SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = :id } ], name: "post_and_comments_index", index_column: :all_text, index_column_trigger_on: [:updated_at, :comments_count], sync: "ON COMMIT" @post = Post.create!(title: "aaa", body: "bbb") @post.comments.create!(author: "ccc", body: "ddd") @post.comments.create!(author: "eee", body: "fff") ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", "eee", "fff"].each do |word| expect(Post.contains(:all_text, word).to_a).to eq([@post]) end end it "should find by search term within specified field" do @post = Post.create!(title: "aaa", body: "bbb") @post.comments.create!(author: "ccc", body: "ddd") @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body, # specify aliases always with AS keyword "SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = :id" ], index_column: :all_text expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "aaa within title").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "aaa within body").to_a).to be_empty expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "bbb within body").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "bbb within title").to_a).to be_empty expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "ccc within comment_author").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "ccc within comment_body").to_a).to be_empty expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "ddd within comment_body").to_a).to eq([@post]) expect(Post.contains(:all_text, "ddd within comment_author").to_a).to be_empty end end describe "with specified tablespace" do before(:all) do @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection create_table_posts class ::Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_context_index end @post = Post.create(title: "aaa", body: "bbb") @tablespace = @conn.default_tablespace set_logger @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection end after(:all) do drop_table_posts Object.send(:remove_const, "Post") ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end after(:each) do clear_logger end def verify_logged_statements ["K_TABLE_CLAUSE", "R_TABLE_CLAUSE", "N_TABLE_CLAUSE", "I_INDEX_CLAUSE", "P_TABLE_CLAUSE"].each do |clause| expect(@logger.output(:debug)).to match(/CTX_DDL\.SET_ATTRIBUTE\('index_posts_on_title_sto', '#{clause}', '.*TABLESPACE #{@tablespace}'\)/) end expect(@logger.output(:debug)).to match(/CREATE INDEX .* PARAMETERS \('STORAGE index_posts_on_title_sto'\)/) end it "should create index on single column" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, :title, tablespace: @tablespace verify_logged_statements expect(Post.contains(:title, "aaa").to_a).to eq([@post]) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :title end it "should create index on multiple columns" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body], name: "index_posts_text", tablespace: @conn.default_tablespace verify_logged_statements expect(Post.contains(:title, "aaa AND bbb").to_a).to eq([@post]) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, name: "index_posts_text" end end describe "schema dump" do def standard_dump stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.ignore_tables = [] ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, stream) stream.string end describe "without table prefixe and suffix" do before(:all) do @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection create_tables end after(:all) do drop_tables end it "should dump definition of single column index" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, :title expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \["title"\], name: \"index_posts_on_title\"$/) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, :title end it "should dump definition of multiple column index" do @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \[:title, :body\]$/) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] end it "should dump definition of multiple table index with options" do options = { name: "post_and_comments_index", index_column: :all_text, index_column_trigger_on: :updated_at, transactional: true, sync: "ON COMMIT" } sub_query = "SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = :id" @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body, sub_query], options expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \[:title, :body, "#{sub_query}"\], #{options.inspect[1..-2]}$/) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, name: "post_and_comments_index" end it "should dump definition of multiple table index with options (when definition is larger than 4000 bytes)" do options = { name: "post_and_comments_index", index_column: :all_text, index_column_trigger_on: :updated_at, transactional: true, sync: "ON COMMIT" } sub_query = "SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = :id#{' AND 1=1' * 500}" @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body, sub_query], options expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \[:title, :body, "#{sub_query}"\], #{options.inspect[1..-2]}$/) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, name: "post_and_comments_index" end it "should dump definition of multiple table index with options (when subquery has newlines)" do options = { name: "post_and_comments_index", index_column: :all_text, index_column_trigger_on: :updated_at, transactional: true, sync: "ON COMMIT" } sub_query = "SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body\nFROM comments\nWHERE comments.post_id = :id" @conn.add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body, sub_query], options expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \[:title, :body, "#{sub_query.gsub(/\n/, ' ')}"\], #{options.inspect[1..-2]}$/) @conn.remove_context_index :posts, name: "post_and_comments_index" end end describe "with table prefix and suffix" do before(:all) do ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "xxx_" ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_xxx" create_tables end after(:all) do drop_tables ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "" ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "" end it "should dump definition of single column index" do schema_define { add_context_index :posts, :title } expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \["title"\], name: "i_xxx_posts_xxx_title"$/) schema_define { remove_context_index :posts, :title } end it "should dump definition of multiple column index" do schema_define { add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] } expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \[:title, :body\]$/) schema_define { remove_context_index :posts, [:title, :body] } end it "should dump definition of multiple table index with options" do options = { name: "xxx_post_and_comments_i", index_column: :all_text, index_column_trigger_on: :updated_at, lexer: { type: "BASIC_LEXER", base_letter_type: "GENERIC", base_letter: true }, wordlist: { type: "BASIC_WORDLIST", prefix_index: true }, sync: "ON COMMIT" } schema_define do add_context_index :posts, [:title, :body, "SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = :id" ], options end expect(standard_dump).to match(/add_context_index "posts", \[:title, :body, "SELECT AS comment_author, comments.body AS comment_body FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = :id"\], #{ options.inspect[1..-2].gsub(/[{}]/) { |s| '\\' << s }}$/) schema_define { remove_context_index :posts, name: "xxx_post_and_comments_i" } end end end end