###* Browser support =============== Unpoly supports all modern browsers. It degrades gracefully with old versions of Internet Explorer: IE 10, IE11, Edge : Full support IE 9 : Page updates that change browser history fall back to a classic page load. IE 8 : Unpoly prevents itself from booting itself, leaving you with a classic server-side application. @class up.browser ### up.browser = (($) -> u = up.util ###* @method up.browser.loadPage @param {String} url @param {String} [options.method='get'] @param {Object|Array} [options.data] @internal ### loadPage = (url, options = {}) -> method = u.option(options.method, 'get').toLowerCase() if method == 'get' query = u.requestDataAsQuery(options.data) url = "#{url}?#{query}" if query setLocationHref(url) else $form = $("
") addField = (field) -> $field = $('') $field.attr(field) $field.appendTo($form) addField(name: up.protocol.config.methodParam, value: method) if csrfField = up.rails.csrfField() addField(csrfField) u.each u.requestDataAsArray(options.data), addField $form.hide().appendTo('body') submitForm($form) ###* For mocking in specs. @method submitForm ### submitForm = ($form) -> $form.submit() ###* For mocking in specs. @method setLocationHref ### setLocationHref = (url) -> location.href = url ###* A cross-browser way to interact with `console.log`, `console.error`, etc. This function falls back to `console.log` if the output stream is not implemented. It also prints substitution strings (e.g. `console.log("From %o to %o", "a", "b")`) as a single string if the browser console does not support substitution strings. \#\#\# Example up.browser.puts('log', 'Hi world'); up.browser.puts('error', 'There was an error in %o', obj); @function up.browser.puts @internal ### puts = (stream, args...) -> if canLogSubstitution() console[stream](args...) else # IE <= 9 cannot pass varargs to console.log using Function#apply because IE message = sprintf(args...) console[stream](message) CONSOLE_PLACEHOLDERS = /\%[odisf]/g stringifyArg = (arg) -> maxLength = 200 closer = '' if u.isString(arg) string = arg.replace(/[\n\r\t ]+/g, ' ') string = string.replace(/^[\n\r\t ]+/, '') string = string.replace(/[\n\r\t ]$/, '') string = "\"#{string}\"" closer = '"' else if u.isUndefined(arg) # JSON.stringify(undefined) is actually undefined string = 'undefined' else if u.isNumber(arg) || u.isFunction(arg) string = arg.toString() else if u.isArray(arg) string = "[#{u.map(arg, stringifyArg).join(', ')}]" closer = ']' else if u.isJQuery(arg) string = "$(#{u.map(arg, stringifyArg).join(', ')})" closer = ')' else if u.isElement(arg) $arg = $(arg) string = "<#{arg.tagName.toLowerCase()}" for attr in ['id', 'name', 'class'] if value = $arg.attr(attr) string += " #{attr}=\"#{value}\"" string += ">" closer = '>' else # object string = JSON.stringify(arg) if string.length > maxLength string = "#{string.substr(0, maxLength)} …" string += closer string ###* See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Console#Using_string_substitutions @function up.browser.sprintf @internal ### sprintf = (message, args...) -> sprintfWithFormattedArgs(u.identity, message, args...) ###* @function up.browser.sprintfWithBounds @internal ### sprintfWithFormattedArgs = (formatter, message, args...) -> return '' if u.isBlank(message) i = 0 message.replace CONSOLE_PLACEHOLDERS, -> arg = args[i] arg = formatter(stringifyArg(arg)) i += 1 arg url = -> location.href isIE8OrWorse = u.memoize -> # This is the most concise way to exclude IE8 and lower # while keeping all relevant desktop and mobile browsers. u.isUndefined(document.addEventListener) isIE9OrWorse = u.memoize -> isIE8OrWorse() || navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 9.') != -1 ###* Returns whether this browser supports manipulation of the current URL via [`history.pushState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History/pushState). When Unpoly is asked to change history on a browser that doesn't support `pushState` (e.g. through [`up.follow()`](/up.follow)), it will gracefully fall back to a full page load. @function up.browser.canPushState @return {Boolean} @experimental ### canPushState = u.memoize -> # We cannot use pushState if the initial request method is a POST for two reasons: # # 1. Unpoly replaces the initial state so it can handle the pop event when the # user goes back to the initial URL later. If the initial request was a POST, # Unpoly will wrongly assumed that it can restore the state by reloading with GET. # # 2. Some browsers have a bug where the initial request method is used for all # subsequently pushed states. That means if the user reloads the page on a later # GET state, the browser will wrongly attempt a POST request. # Modern Firefoxes, Chromes and IE10+ don't seem to be affected by this, # but we saw this behavior with Safari 8 and IE9 (IE9 can't do pushState anyway). # # The way that we work around this is that we don't support pushState if the # initial request method was anything other than GET (but allow the rest of the # Unpoly framework to work). This way Unpoly will fall back to full page loads until # the framework was booted from a GET request. u.isDefined(history.pushState) && up.protocol.initialRequestMethod() == 'get' ###* Returns whether this browser supports animation using [CSS transitions](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Transitions). When Unpoly is asked to animate history on a browser that doesn't support CSS transitions (e.g. through [`up.animate()`](/up.animate)), it will skip the animation by instantly jumping to the last frame. @function up.browser.canCssTransition @return {Boolean} @experimental ### canCssTransition = u.memoize -> 'transition' of document.documentElement.style ###* Returns whether this browser supports the DOM event [`input`](https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/Events/input). @function up.browser.canInputEvent @return {Boolean} @experimental ### canInputEvent = u.memoize -> 'oninput' of document.createElement('input') ###* Returns whether this browser supports the [`FormData`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData) interface. @function up.browser.canFormData @return {Boolean} @experimental ### canFormData = u.memoize -> !!window.FormData ###* Returns whether this browser supports [string substitution](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console#Using_string_substitutions) in `console` functions. \#\#\# Example for string substition console.log("Hello %o!", "Judy"); @function up.browser.canLogSubstitution @return {Boolean} @internal ### canLogSubstitution = u.memoize -> !isIE9OrWorse() isRecentJQuery = u.memoize -> version = $.fn.jquery parts = version.split('.') major = parseInt(parts[0]) minor = parseInt(parts[1]) major >= 2 || (major == 1 && minor >= 9) ###* Returns and deletes a cookie with the given name Inspired by Turbolinks: https://github.com/rails/turbolinks/blob/83d4b3d2c52a681f07900c28adb28bc8da604733/lib/assets/javascripts/turbolinks.coffee#L292 @function up.browser.popCookie @internal ### popCookie = (name) -> value = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(name+"=(\\w+)"))?[1] if u.isPresent(value) document.cookie = name + '=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT; path=/' value ###* @function up,browser.whenConfirmed @return {Promise} @param {String} options.confirm @param {Boolean} options.preload @internal ### whenConfirmed = (options) -> if options.preload || u.isBlank(options.confirm) || window.confirm(options.confirm) u.resolvedPromise() else u.unresolvablePromise() ###* Returns whether Unpoly supports the current browser. If this returns `false` Unpoly will prevent itself from [booting](/up.boot) and ignores all registered [event handlers](/up.on) and [compilers](/up.compiler). This leaves you with a classic server-side application. This is usually a better fallback than loading incompatible Javascript and causing many errors on load. \#\#\# Graceful degradation This function also returns `true` if Unpoly only support some features, but can degrade gracefully for other features. E.g. Internet Explorer 9 is almost fully supported, but due to its lack of [`history.pushState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History/pushState) Unpoly falls back to a full page load when asked to manipulate history. @function up.browser.isSupported @stable ### isSupported = -> (!isIE8OrWorse()) && isRecentJQuery() ###* @internal ### installPolyfills = -> window.console ?= {} # Missing in IE9 with DevTools closed for method in ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd'] console[method] ?= (args...) -> puts('log', args...) console.log ?= u.noop # Cannot be faked ###* @internal ### sessionStorage = u.memoize -> window.sessionStorage || { getItem: u.noop, setItem: u.noop, removeItem: u.noop } ###* Returns `'foo'` if the hash is `'#foo'`. Returns undefined if the hash is `'#'`, `''` or `undefined`. @function up.browser.hash @internal ### hash = (value) -> value ||= location.hash value ||= '' value = value.substr(1) if value[0] == '#' u.presence(value) knife: eval(Knife?.point) url: url loadPage: loadPage whenConfirmed: whenConfirmed canPushState: canPushState canCssTransition: canCssTransition canInputEvent: canInputEvent canFormData: canFormData canLogSubstitution: canLogSubstitution isSupported: isSupported installPolyfills: installPolyfills puts: puts sprintf: sprintf sprintfWithFormattedArgs: sprintfWithFormattedArgs sessionStorage: sessionStorage popCookie: popCookie hash: hash )(jQuery)