# ActiveAdmin Selectize [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/activeadmin_selectize.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/activeadmin_selectize) An Active Admin plugin to use [Selectize.js](http://selectize.github.io/selectize.js) (jQuery required). Features: - nice select inputs - items search - AJAX content loading - improve many-to-many / one-to-many selection ## Install - Add to your Gemfile: `gem 'activeadmin_selectize'` - Add _jquery-rails_ gem or include jQuery manually - Execute bundle - Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin styles (_app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss_): `@import 'activeadmin/selectize_input';` - Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin javascripts (_app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js_): ```css //= require activeadmin/selectize/selectize //= require activeadmin/selectize_input ``` - Use the input with `as: :selectize` in Active Admin model conf Why 2 separated scripts? In this way you can include a different version of Selectize.js if you like. ## Example Example 1: an Article model with a many-to-many relation with Tag model: ```ruby class Article < ApplicationRecord has_and_belongs_to_many :tags accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags end ``` ```ruby # ActiveAdmin article form conf: form do |f| f.inputs 'Article' do f.input :title f.input :description f.input :published f.input :tags, as: :selectize, collection: f.object.tags, input_html: { 'data-opt-remote': admin_tags_path( format: :json ), 'data-opt-text': 'name', 'data-opt-value': 'id', 'data-opt-highlight': 'true', placeholder: 'Search a tag...' } end f.actions end ``` ## Options Pass the required options using `input_html`. - **data-opt-remote**: URL used for AJAX search requests (method GET) - **data-opt-text**: field to use as option label - **data-opt-value**: field to use as select value - **data-opt-NAME**: option _NAME_ passed directly to Selectize.js - see [options](https://github.com/selectize/selectize.js/blob/master/docs/usage.md#configuration) Alternative syntax: - **data-opts**: overrides Selectize options - example: `'data-opts': '{"highlight":true,"plugins":[]}'` ## Contributors - [Mattia Roccoberton](http://blocknot.es) - creator, maintainer ## License [MIT](LICENSE.txt)