# Copyright 2020 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # # module JSS # Classes ##################################### # An LDAP server in the JSS. # # This class doesn't curretly provide creation or updaing of LDAP server # definitions in the JSS. Please use the JSS web UI. # # However, it does provide methods for querying users and usergroups from # LDAP servers, and checking group membership. # # The class methods {LDAPServer.user_in_ldap?} and {LDAPServer.group_in_ldap?} can be # used to check all defined LDAP servers for a user or group. They are used by # {JSS::Scopable::Scope} when adding user and groups to scope limitations and exceptions. # # Within an LDAPServer instance, the methods {#find_user} and {#find_group} will return # all matches in the server for a given search term. # # @see JSS::APIObject # class LDAPServer < JSS::APIObject # Constants ##################################### # The base for REST resources of this class RSRC_BASE = 'ldapservers'.freeze # the hash key used for the JSON list output of all objects in the JSS RSRC_LIST_KEY = :ldap_servers # The hash key used for the JSON object output. # It's also used in various error messages RSRC_OBJECT_KEY = :ldap_server # the default LDAP port DEFAULT_PORT = 389 # possible values for search scope SEARCH_SCOPES = ['All Subtrees', 'First Level Only'].freeze # possible authentication types AUTH_TYPES = { 'none' => :anonymous, 'simple' => :simple, 'CRAM-MD5' => :cram_md5, 'DIGEST-MD5' => :digest_md5 }.freeze # possible referral responses REFERRAL_RESPONSES = ['', nil, 'follow', 'ignore'].freeze # possible objectclass mapping options OBJECT_CLASS_MAPPING_OPTIONS = %w[any all].freeze # the object type for this object in # the object history table. # See {APIObject#add_object_history_entry} OBJECT_HISTORY_OBJECT_TYPE = 80 # Class Methods ##################################### # Does a user exist in any ldap server? # # @param user[String] a username to search for in all LDAP servers # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API connection to use for the search# # @return [Integer, nil] the id of the first LDAP server with the user, # nil if not found # def self.server_for_user(user, api: JSS.api) all_objects(:refresh, api: api).each do |ldap| next if ldap.find_user(user, :exact).empty? return ldap.id end nil end # For Backward Compatibility, # # @param user[String] a username to search for in all LDAP servers # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API connection to use for the search # # @return [Boolean] Does the user exist in any LDAP server? # def self.user_in_ldap?(user, api: JSS.api) server_for_user(user, api: api) ? true : false end # Does a group exist in any ldap server? # # @param group[String] a group to search for in all LDAP servers # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API connection to use for the search # # @return [Integer, nil] the id of the first LDAP server with the group, # nil if not found # def self.server_for_group(group, api: JSS.api) all_objects(:refresh, api: api).each do |ldap| next if ldap.find_group(group, :exact).empty? return ldap.id end nil end # For Backward Compatibility, # # @param user[String] a group name to search for in all LDAP servers # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API connection to use for the search # # @return [Boolean] Does the group exist in any LDAP server? # def self.group_in_ldap?(group, api: JSS.api) server_for_group(group, api: api) ? true : false end # On a given server, does a given group contain a given user? # # This class method allows the check to happen without instanting # the LDAPServer. # # @param server[String, Integer] The name or id of the LDAP server to use # # @param user[String] the username to check for memebership in the group # # @param group[String] the group name to see if the user is a member # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API connection to use for the search # # @return [Boolean] is the user a member of the group? # def self.check_membership(ldap_server, user, group, api: JSS.api) ldap_server_id = valid_id ldap_server raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No LDAPServer matching #{ldap_server}" unless ldap_server_id rsrc = "#{RSRC_BASE}/id/#{ldap_server_id}/group/#{CGI.escape group.to_s}/user/#{CGI.escape user.to_s}" member_check = api.get_rsrc rsrc return false if member_check[:ldap_users].empty? true end # Attributes ##################################### # These attributes all come from the :connection hash of the # API data # @return [String] the hostname of the server attr_reader :hostanme # @return [Integer] the port for ldap attr_reader :port # @return [Boolean] should the connection use ssl? attr_reader :use_ssl # @return [String] what authentication method should be used? attr_reader :authentication_type # @return [String] the Distinguished Name of the account used for connections/lookups? attr_reader :lookup_dn # @return [String] the password for the connection/lookup account, as a SHA256 digest. attr_reader :lookup_pw_sha256 # @return [Integer] timeout, in seconds, for opening LDAP connections attr_reader :open_close_timeout # @return [Integer] timeout, in seconds, for search queries attr_reader :search_timeout # @return [String] the referral response from the server attr_reader :referral_response # @return [Boolean] should searches use wildcards? attr_reader :use_wildcards # @return [HashString>] # # The LDAP attributes mapped to various user data # # The hash keys are: # - :search_base => # - :search_scope => # - :object_classes => # - :map_object_class_to_any_or_all => # - :map_username => # - :map_user_id => # - :map_department => # - :map_building => # - :map_room => # - :map_realname => # - :map_phone => # - :map_email_address => # - :map_position => # - :map_user_uuid => # - :append_to_email_results => # attr_reader :user_mappings # @return [HashString>] # # The LDAP attributes mapped to various user group data # # The hash keys are: # - :search_base => # - :search_scope => # - :object_classes => # - :map_object_class_to_any_or_all => # - :map_group_id => # - :map_group_name => # - :map_group_uuid => # attr_reader :user_group_mappings # @return [HashString>] # # The LDAP attributes used to identify a user as a member of a group # # The hash keys are: # - :user_group_membership_stored_in => # - :map_user_membership_use_dn => # - :map_group_membership_to_user_field => # - :group_id => # - :map_object_class_to_any_or_all => # - :append_to_username => # - :username => # - :object_classes => # - :use_dn => # - :search_base => # - :recursive_lookups => # - :search_scope => # - :map_user_membership_to_group_field => # attr_reader :user_group_membership_mappings # Constructor ##################################### # # See JSS::APIObject#initialize # def initialize(args = {}) super @hostname = @init_data[:connection][:hostname] @port = @init_data[:connection][:port] @use_ssl = @init_data[:connection][:use_ssl] @authentication_type = AUTH_TYPES[@init_data[:connection][:authentication_type]] @open_close_timeout = @init_data[:connection][:open_close_timeout] @search_timeout = @init_data[:connection][:search_timeout] @referral_response = @init_data[:connection][:referral_response] @use_wildcards = @init_data[:connection][:use_wildcards] @lookup_dn = @init_data[:connection][:account][:distinguished_username] @lookup_pw_sha256 = @init_data[:connection][:account][:password_sha256] @user_mappings = @init_data[:mappings_for_users][:user_mappings] @user_group_mappings = @init_data[:mappings_for_users][:user_group_mappings] @user_group_membership_mappings = @init_data[:mappings_for_users][:user_group_membership_mappings] @connection = nil @connected = false end # Public Instance Methods ##################################### # Search for a user in this ldap server # # @param user[String] the username to search for # # @param exact[Boolean] if true, force an exact match, otherwise use wildcards # # @return [Array] The mapped LDAP data for all usernames matching the query # def find_user(user, exact = false) raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, 'LDAPServer not yet saved in the JSS' unless @in_jss raw = api.get_rsrc("#{RSRC_BASE}/id/#{@id}/user/#{CGI.escape user.to_s}")[:ldap_users] exact ? raw.select { |u| u[:username] == user } : raw end # @param group[String] the group name to search for # # @param exact[Boolean] if true, force an exact match, otherwuse use wildcards # # @return [Array] The groupname and uid for all groups matching the query # def find_group(group, exact = false) raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, 'LDAPServer not yet saved in the JSS' unless @in_jss raw = api.get_rsrc("#{RSRC_BASE}/id/#{@id}/group/#{CGI.escape group.to_s}")[:ldap_groups] exact ? raw.select { |u| u[:groupname] == group } : raw end # @param user[String] the username to check for memebership in the group # # @param group[String] the group name to see if the user is a member # # @return [Boolean, nil] is the user a member? Nil if unable to check # def check_membership(user, group) raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, 'LDAPServer not yet saved in the JSS' unless @in_jss self.class.check_membership @id, user, group, api: @api end end # class ldap server end # module