{I" class:ETI"BundledAsset;FI"logical_path;TI",spotlight/blocks/search_result_block.js;FI" pathname;TI"h/Users/cabeer/Projects/sul/spotlight/app/assets/javascripts/spotlight/blocks/search_result_block.js;FI"content_type;TI"application/javascript;TI" mtime;Tl+Ť¾TI" length;Ti)I" digest;TI"%eb40c790c3a520ba7c66ce94a5042520;FI" source;TI")/* Simple Image Block */ SirTrevor.Blocks.SearchResults = (function(){ return Spotlight.Block.extend({ searches_key: "searches-options", view_types_key: '[data-behavior="result-view-types"]', blockGroup: 'Exhibit item widgets', description: "This widget displays a set of search results on a page. Specify a search result set by selecting an existing browse category. You can also select the view types that are available to the user when viewing the result set.", template: [ '
', '
', '<%= description %>', '
', '
', '', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '

Result view types

', '
', '
' ].join("\n"), onBlockRender: function(data){ Spotlight.Block.prototype.onBlockRender.apply(); this.loadSearchOptions(); this.loadViewTypes(); }, afterLoadData: function(data){ // set a data attribute on the select fields so the ajax request knows which option to select this.$('select#' + this.formId(this.searches_key)).data('select-after-ajax', data[this.searches_key]); this.serializeViewTypes(data); }, loadSearchOptions: function(){ var block = this; var searches_url = $('form[data-searches-endpoint]').data('searches-endpoint'); var searches_field = $('#' + this.formId(this.searches_key)); var searches_selected_value = searches_field.data("select-after-ajax"); $.ajax({ accepts: "json", url: searches_url }).success(function(data){ if($("option", searches_field).length == 1){ var options = ""; $.each(data, function(i, search){ options += ""; }); searches_field.append(options); searches_field.val([searches_selected_value]); // re-serialze the form so the form observer // knows about the new drop dwon options. serializeFormStatus($('form[data-searches-endpoint]')); } }); }, loadViewTypes: function(){ var view_types_url = $('form[data-available-configurations-endpoint]').data('available-configurations-endpoint'); var selected_view_types = this.processSelectedViewTypes(this.viewTypesArea().data("select-after-ajax")); var block = this; $.ajax({ accepts: "json", url: view_types_url }).success(function(data){ var checkboxes = ""; $.each(data.view, function(view_type, opts){ checkboxes += "
"; checkboxes += ""; checkboxes += "
"; }); block.viewTypesArea().append(checkboxes); // re-serialze the form so the form observer // knows about the new checkboxes. serializeFormStatus($('form[data-searches-endpoint]')); }); }, serializeViewTypes: function(data){ var types = []; $.each(data, function(key, value){ if ( value == "on" ) { types.push(key); } }); this.viewTypesArea().data('select-after-ajax', types.join(",")); }, processSelectedViewTypes: function(typeString) { return (typeString || "").split(","); }, capitalize: function (text) { return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); }, checkViewType: function(type){ if (this.viewTypeSelected(type)) { return " checked='checked'"; } else { return ""; } }, viewTypesArea: function(){ return this.$(this.view_types_key); }, viewTypeSelected: function(type){ return (this.processSelectedViewTypes(this.viewTypesArea().data('select-after-ajax')).indexOf(type) > -1) }, type: "search_results", title: function() { return "Search Results"; }, icon_name: 'search_results', }); })(); ;TI"required_assets_digest;TI"%42efcaa23eccbcec3746a62188033d20;FI" _version;TI"%069e88c06b889877799890854d7f4c40;F