en: muck: users: register_account: "Register for a {{application_name}} account" already_registered: "Already a member?" sign_in_now: Sign in now! sign_in: Sign In sign_in_title: Sign In sign_out_title: Sign Out sign_up: Sign Up thanks_sign_up: "Thanks for signing up!" thanks_sign_up_login: "Thanks for signing up! You may login now" thanks_sign_up_check: "Your account has been created. Please check your e-mail for your account activation instructions!" welcome_message: "Welcome to muck. This system provides the basic components to help you build your website." username_not_available: Username not available username_available: Username available join_application_name: Join and get it done choose_member_name: Member Name first_name: First Name last_name: Last Name name: Name email_address: Email Address email_help: "Please use a valid, current e-mail address. We will never share or spam your e-mail address." email_available: "Email available" email_invalid: "Invalid email" email_empty: "Please enter an email address" login_empty: "Please enter a login" username: Username username_help: "You can use between 6 and 20 characters. If the name you want isn't available try adding numbers or punctuation." password: Password password_help: "Your password should be at least six characters long. A Mix of upper and lower-case letters and numbers works well" confirm_password: Confirm Password password_confirmation_help: "To ensure that your password is correct please enter it again here." sign_up_now: Sign-up Now terms_and_service: "By clicking 'Sign-up Now' you agree to comply with the {{tos_link_anchor}}Terms and Conditions{{link_end}}." my_dashboard: My Dashboard update_user: Update your user information problem_editing_account: There was a problem updating your information. edit_profile: Edit Profile update_profile: Update your profile complete_profile: Complete Your Profile email_not_available: "Email already in use. {{reset_password_help}}" recover_password_prompt: "(If you forgot your password recover it here)" welcome: Welcome login_title: Log-in to your Account reset_password: "Reset Password" recover_password: "Recover Password" register_for_account: Register for an account forgot_your_password: Forgot your password? forgot_password: Forgot Password request_username_subject: Forgotten username forgot_your_username: Forgot your username? forgot_username: Forgot Username request_username: Request Username username_sent: Your username has been sent emailed to you. Please check your Email. remember_me: Remember me what_is_the_email: What is the email address used to create your account? reset_your_password: Reset Your Password reset_password: Reset Password select_new_password: Select a New Password confirm_select_new_password: Confirm Password Change username_recover_prompt: "Please provide the email that you used when you created your account, your username will be emailed to you." account_activated: Your account has been activated! You can now login. activation_not_found: Activation code not found. Please try creating a new account. already_activated: Your account has already been activated. You can log in below. password_updated: Password successfully updated. password_cannot_be_blank: "Password field cannot be blank." new_password_doesnt_match: New password does not match the password confirmation. old_password_incorrect: Your old password is incorrect. problem_changing_password: "There was a problem changing your password. {{errors}}" change_password: Change Password change_your_password: Change Your Password current_password: Current Password confirm_password: Confirm Password password_reset: "Password reset." reset_password: "Reset Your Password" password_not_reset: "Password not reset." password_mismatch: "Password mismatch." remove_my_account: Remove My Account delete_my_account: Delete my user account and all my data. confirm_delete_account: 'Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nThis can not be undone.' all_users: All Users problem_creating_account: 'There was a problem creating your account. Please correct the following errors:' user_account_deleted: "You have successfully deleted your account." user_disabled: User disabled user_disable_problem: There was a problem disabling this user. user_enabled: User enabled user_enable_problem: There was a problem enabling this user. cannot_deactivate_yourself: You cannot deactivate yourself! user_marked_active: User has been marked as active user_marked_inactive: User has been marked as inactive user_successfully_deleted: "User {{login}} was successfully deleted." password_reset_link_sent: "Instructions to reset your password have been emailed to you. Please check your email." could_not_find_user_with_email: "Could not find a user with that email address." could_not_find_reset_code: "Could not find a password reset code. Please try resetting your password again." sorry_invalid_reset_code: "We're sorry, but we could not locate your account. If you are having issues try copying and pasting the URL from your email into your browser or restarting the reset password process." already_logged_in: "You are already logged in and don't need to recover your password." login_success: "Login successful!" login_out_success: "You have been logged out." login_fail: "We're sorry, but we couldn't recognize your login information. Please try again." login_requred: "You must be logged in to access this feature." logout_required: "" permission_denied: "You don't have permission to complete the requested action." access_denied: "You don't have permission to access the requested page." user_update: "You're user information has been updated." invalid_username: "Invalid username" activation_complete: Activation Complete activation_instructions: Activation Instructions account_not_activated: "Your {{application_name}} account has not yet been activated." password_reset_email_subject: "You have requested to change your {{application_name}} password" welcome_email_subject: "Welcome to {{application_name}}" admin_users_title: "User Administration" delete_this_user: "Delete this user." sign_up: Sign up email_recover_prompt: "Please provide the email you signed up with to recover your password." application_base_url_not_set: "Please set application_base_url in global_config.yml" admin: unactivated_users: "There are {{count}} unactivated users" activate_all_inactive_users: "Activate All Inactive Users" activate_all_inactive_users_confirm: "Are you sure you want to activate all inactive users in the system? This cannot be undone!" show_emails: "Show Emails" search_users: Search Users navigation: all_users: All Users inactive_users: Inactive Users search_users: Search Users roles: roles: Roles edit_roles: Edit Roles remove_role: Remove Role assign_role: Assign Role role_created: Role was successfully created.