require 'thor' require 'thor/actions' require 'active_support/secure_random' module IceBreaker class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions desc "new [app]", "Create a new Rails 3.1 application" long_desc <<-D IceBreaker will ask you a few questions to determine what features you would like to generate. Based on your answers it will setup a new Rails 3.1 application. D def new(project) # Check for a gemset and warn if none gemset = `rvm gemset name`.chomp unless gemset == project say "Your current rvm gemset name is: #{gemset}" say "It is recommend that you use a separate RVM gemset called '#{project}' when creating a Rails project with IceBreaker. This will keep your system gems clean." say "You can exit now and create it by running this command: rvm use 1.9.2@#{project} --create" if yes?("Would you like to exit now and create a separate RVM gemset for #{project}?") exit 0 end end command = "rails new #{project} --skip-active-record --skip-test-unit --template=#{template} " puts "Creating new Rails 3.1 project with: #{command}" exec(command) end desc "version", "Prints IceBreaker's version information" def version say "IceBreaker version #{IceBreaker::VERSION}" #TODO: This isn't working in installed gem end map %w(-v --version) => :version private def template File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../templates/bootstrap.rb") end end end