module Jumoku # This module provides the basic routines needed to implement the specialized # builders: {UndirectedTreeBuilder} and {DirectedTreeBuilder}. # module Shared STRATEGIES = [:edge_labeling, :node_labeling] def self.included(base) base.class_eval do # Late aliasing as it references methods provided by Plexus modules. alias has_node? has_vertex? end end attr_accessor :_options # Adds the node to the tree. # # For convenience, you may pass a branch as the parameter, # which one node already exists in the tree and the other is # to be added. # # @overload add_node!(n) # @param [node] n # @overload add_node!(b) # @param [Branch] b Branch[node i, node j, label l = nil]; if i (j) already exists, then j (i) must not exist # @return [RawTree] self def add_node! u, v = nil, l = nil if nodes.empty? add_vertex! u, l elsif u.is_a? _branch_type add_branch! u, nil, l elsif not v.nil? add_branch! u, v, l else # Ensure the connected constraint. raise RawTreeError, "In order to add a node to the tree, you must specify another node to attach to." end end # Adds a new branch to the tree. # # As a tree is an undirected structure, the order of the parameters is of # no importance, that is: `add_branch!(u,v) == add_branch!(v,u)`. # # @overload add_branch!(i, j, l = nil) # @param [node] i # @param [node] j # @param [Label] l # @overload add_branch!(b) # @param [Branch] b Branch[node i, node j, label l = nil]; if i (j) already exists, then j (i) must not exist # @return [RawTree] self # def add_branch! u, v = nil, l = nil if has_node? u and has_node? v unless has_branch? u, v # Ensure the acyclic constraint. raise ForbiddenCycle, "Can't form a cycle within a tree." end end # TODO: DRY this up. if u.is_a? _branch_type v = u = u.source end if has_node? u or has_node? v or nodes.empty? add_edge! u, v, l else # Ensure the connected constraint. raise RawTreeError, "Can't add a dead branch to a tree." end end # Removes a node from the tree. # # You cannot remove non terminal nodes as it would break the # connectivity constraint of the tree. # # I may add an option which would allow to force removal # of internal nodes and return two new trees from this # destructive operation. # # @param [node] u # @return [RawTree] self def remove_node!(u, force = false) if force || terminal?(u) remove_vertex! u else # Ensure the connected constraint. raise UndefinedNode, "Can't remove a non terminal node in a tree" end end # Removes a branch from the tree. # # You cannot remove non terminal branches as it would break # the connectivity constraint of the tree. # # I may add an option which would allow to force removal # of internal nodes and return two new trees from this # destructive operation. # # @overload remove_branch!(i, j) # @param [node] i # @param [node] j # @overload remove_branch!(b) # @param [Branch] b # @return [RawTree] self def remove_branch! u, v = nil if u.is_a? _branch_type v = u = u.source end if has_node? u and has_node? v if terminal? u and terminal? v remove_edge! u, v # empty the tree if u and v are the last two nodes, for they're # not connected anymore if [u, v].all? { |node| nodes.include? node } and nodes.size == 2 remove_node! u, true remove_node! v, true end elsif terminal? u and not terminal? v remove_node! u elsif terminal? v and not terminal? u remove_node! v else raise RawTreeError, "Can't remove a non terminal branch in a tree." end else raise RawTreeError, "Can't remove a branch which does not exist." end end # TODO: add an option to force nodes deletion upon branch deletion # (:and_nodes => true) ; called by a wrapping method # remove_branch_and_nodes, alias break_branch # (and their ! roomates). # The nodes of the tree in a 1D array. # # @return [Array(node)] def nodes vertices end # The terminal nodes of the tree in a 1D array. # # @return [Array(node)] only terminal nodes (empty array if no terminal nodes, # but should never happen in a tree). def terminal_nodes nodes.inject([]) do |terminals, node| terminals << node if terminal?(node) terminals end end alias boundaries terminal_nodes # The branches of the tree in a 1D array. # # @return [Array(Branch)] def branches edges end # Tree helpers. # Checks whether the tree is a valid tree (directed or undirected), that is # if the following conditions are fulfilled: # # * acyclic # * connected # # @return [Boolean] def valid? acyclic? and connected? end # Is the node a terminal node? # # @return [Boolean] def terminal? u raise UndefinedNode, "Not a node of this tree." unless has_node? u return true if (1..2).include? nodes.size degree(u) == 1 end alias has_terminal_node? terminal? alias leaf? terminal? # Is the tree empty? # # @return [Boolean] def empty? nodes.empty? end private # Do *not* call cloning method on a cloned tree, as it will trigger # an infinite cloning loop. # # TODO: add support for a global CLONING flag (defaults: true). If set # to false, _clone would just return self, so that #add_node would behave # like #add_node! for instance. # # @return [Tree] cloned tree # def _clone end def _extract_strategies(options) options =! { |k,v| STRATEGIES.include?(k) } || options.dup options.inject([]) do |strategies, (k,v)| begin strategies << Jumoku.const_get(k.to_s.constantize).const_get(v.to_s.constantize) strategies rescue NameError # silently ignored strategies end end end end end