class YouTubeG module Upload class UploadError < YouTubeG::Error; end class AuthenticationError < YouTubeG::Error; end # Implements video uploads/updates/deletions # # require 'youtube_g' # # uploader ="user", "pass", "dev-key") # uploader.upload"test.m4v"), :title => 'test', # :description => 'cool vid d00d', # :category => 'People', # :keywords => %w[cool blah test] # class VideoUpload def initialize user, pass, dev_key, client_id = 'youtube_g' @user, @pass, @dev_key, @client_id = user, pass, dev_key, client_id end # # Upload "data" to youtube, where data is either an IO object or # raw file data. # The hash keys for opts (which specify video info) are as follows: # :mime_type # :filename # :title # :description # :category # :keywords # :private # Specifying :private will make the video private, otherwise it will be public. # # When one of the fields is invalid according to YouTube, # an UploadError will be raised. Its message contains a list of newline separated # errors, containing the key and its error code. # # When the authentication credentials are incorrect, an AuthenticationError will be raised. def upload data, opts = {} @opts = { :mime_type => 'video/mp4', :title => '', :description => '', :category => '', :keywords => [] }.merge(opts) @opts[:filename] ||= generate_uniq_filename_from(data) post_body_io = generate_upload_io(video_xml, data) upload_headers = authorization_headers.merge({ "Slug" => "#{@opts[:filename]}", "Content-Type" => "multipart/related; boundary=#{boundary}", "Content-Length" => "#{post_body_io.expected_length}", # required per YouTube spec # "Transfer-Encoding" => "chunked" # We will stream instead of posting at once }) path = '/feeds/api/users/%s/uploads' % @user Net::HTTP.start(uploads_url) do | session | # Use the chained IO as body so that Net::HTTP reads into the socket for us post =, upload_headers) post.body_stream = post_body_io response = session.request(post) raise_on_faulty_response(response) return uploaded_video_id_from(response.body) end end # Updates a video in YouTube. Requires: # :title # :description # :category # :keywords # The following are optional attributes: # :private # When the authentication credentials are incorrect, an AuthenticationError will be raised. def update(video_id, options) @opts = options update_body = video_xml update_header = authorization_headers.merge({ "Content-Type" => "application/atom+xml", "Content-Length" => "#{update_body.length}", }) update_url = "/feeds/api/users/#{@user}/uploads/#{video_id}" Net::HTTP.start(base_url) do | session | response = session.put(update_url, update_body, update_header) raise_on_faulty_response(response) return end end # Delete a video on YouTube def delete(video_id) delete_header = authorization_headers.merge({ "Content-Type" => "application/atom+xml", "Content-Length" => "0", }) delete_url = "/feeds/api/users/#{@user}/uploads/#{video_id}" Net::HTTP.start(base_url) do |session| response = session.delete(delete_url, delete_header) raise_on_faulty_response(response) return true end end private def uploads_url ["uploads", base_url].join('.') end def base_url "" end def boundary "An43094fu" end def authorization_headers { "Authorization" => "GoogleLogin auth=#{auth_token}", "X-GData-Client" => "#{@client_id}", "X-GData-Key" => "key=#{@dev_key}" } end def parse_upload_error_from(string)["//errors"].inject('') do | all_faults, error| location = error.elements["location"].text[/media:group\/media:(.*)\/text\(\)/,1] code = error.elements["code"].text all_faults + sprintf("%s: %s\n", location, code) end end def raise_on_faulty_response(response) if response.code.to_i == 403 raise AuthenticationError, response.body[/(.+)<\/TITLE>/, 1] elsif response.code.to_i / 10 != 20 # Response in 20x means success raise UploadError, parse_upload_error_from(response.body) end end def uploaded_video_id_from(string) xml = xml.elements["//id"].text[/videos\/(.+)/, 1] end # If data can be read, use the first 1024 bytes as filename. If data # is a file, use path. If data is a string, checksum it def generate_uniq_filename_from(data) if data.respond_to?(:path) Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data.path) elsif data.respond_to?(:read) chunk = data.rewind Digest::MD5.hexdigest(chunk) else Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) end end def auth_token @auth_token ||= begin http ="", 443) http.use_ssl = true body = "Email=#{YouTubeG.esc @user}&Passwd=#{YouTubeG.esc @pass}&service=youtube&source=#{YouTubeG.esc @client_id}" response ="/youtube/accounts/ClientLogin", body, "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") raise UploadError, response.body[/Error=(.+)/,1] if response.code.to_i != 200 @auth_token = response.body[/Auth=(.+)/, 1] end end # TODO: isn't there a cleaner way to output top-notch XML without requiring stuff all over the place? def video_xml b = b.instruct! b.entry(:xmlns => "", 'xmlns:media' => "", 'xmlns:yt' => "") do | m | m.tag!("media:group") do | mg | mg.tag!("media:title", @opts[:title], :type => "plain") mg.tag!("media:description", @opts[:description], :type => "plain") mg.tag!("media:keywords", @opts[:keywords].join(",")) mg.tag!('media:category', @opts[:category], :scheme => "") mg.tag!('yt:private') if @opts[:private] end end.to_s end def generate_upload_io(video_xml, data) post_body = [ "--#{boundary}\r\n", "Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n", video_xml, "\r\n--#{boundary}\r\n", "Content-Type: #{@opts[:mime_type]}\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n", data, "\r\n--#{boundary}--\r\n", ] # Use Greedy IO to not be limited by 1K chunks end end end end