require 'sinatra' require 'rdiscount' require 'haml' require 'sass' ## Public Interface # # A rackup file with just these two lines: # # require 'gitdoc' # GitDoc! # # is all thats required to serve up the directory. # # GitDoc is a Sinatra app so you can customize it like one: # # require 'gitdoc' # GitDoc.enable :compiler # GitDoc.disable :default_styles # GitDoc.set :title, "My Documents" # GitDoc! GitDoc = Sinatra::Application def GitDoc! dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(caller.first.split(':').first)) set :dir, dir if settings.compiler require 'gitdoc/response_cache' use GitDoc::ResponseCache, File.join(dir,'build') end run GitDoc end ## Implementation set :haml, :format => :html5 set :views, lambda { root } disable :logging # the server always writes its own log anyway disable :compiler helpers do ### Document Compiler require 'digest/sha1' # Compiles a GitDoc document (basically markdown with code highlighting) # into html def gd source html = extract_code source html = process_haml html html = extract_styles html html = html = highlight_code html newline_entities_for_tag :pre, html end def process_haml source # only supports single lines atm source.gsub %r{///\s*haml\s*(.+)?$} do haml $1 end end def extract_styles source # only suppors css atm, also a dirty hack source.gsub(/^\r?\n(.+?)<\/style>?$/m) do |match| "
" end end # `extract_code` and `highlight_code` based on: # # Replaces all code fragments with a SHA1 hash. Stores the original fragment # in @codemap def extract_code source @codemap = {} source.gsub(/^``` ?(.+?)\r?\n(.+?)\r?\n```\r?$/m) do Digest::SHA1.hexdigest($2).tap { |id| @codemap[id] = { :lang => $1, :code => $2 } } end end # Replaces all SHA1 hash strings present in @codemap with pygmentized # html suitable for coloring with a stylesheet def highlight_code html @codemap.each do |id, spec| formatted = begin # TODO: fix. fails silenty right now IO.popen("pygmentize -l #{spec[:lang]} -f html", 'r+') do |io| io << unindent(spec[:code]) io.close_write end end html.gsub!(id, formatted) end html end # Removes leading indent if all non-blank lines are indented def unindent code code.gsub!(/^( |\t)/m, '') if code.lines.all? { |line| line =~ /\A\r?\n\Z/ || line =~ /^( |\t)/ } code end # Allows the rendered markdown to be indented in its containing document # without introducing extra whitespace into preformatted blocks def newline_entities_for_tag tag, html html.gsub(/<#{tag}>.*?<\/#{tag}>/m) do |match| match.gsub(/\n/m," ") end end ### Coffee Compiler require 'coffee-script' def coffee source CoffeeScript.compile source end ### HTML Extensions def html filename html = compile_sass_tags html = compile_scss_tags html compile_stylus_tags html, filename end def compile_scss_tags source source.gsub(/^" end end def compile_sass_tags source source.gsub(/^" end end def compile_stylus_tags source, filename source.gsub(/^" end end require 'shellwords' # Hacked in. Requires node and the coffee and stylus npm packages installed def stylus src, file stylus_compiler = <<-COFFEE sys = require 'sys' ; stylus = require 'stylus' str = """\n#{src}\n""" stylus.render str, {paths: ['#{File.dirname file}']}, (err,css) -> sys.puts css COFFEE `coffee --eval #{Shellwords.escape stylus_compiler}`.chomp end # Custom templates def custom_body? File.exists? settings.dir + '/body.haml' end def custom_body haml + '/body.haml') end def title @title || settings.title || 'Documents' end end # If the path doesn't have a file extension and a matching GitDoc document # exists then it is compiled and rendered get '*' do |name| name += 'index' if name =~ /\/$/ file = settings.dir + name + '.md' pass unless File.exist? file @doc = gd haml :doc end # If the path doesn't have a file extension or the extension is .html and a # matching html file exists then process it with the extended html compiler get %r{(.*?)(\.html)?$} do |name,extension| file = settings.dir + name + (extension || '.html') pass unless File.exist? file html file end # GitDoc document styles get '/gitdoc.css' do content_type :css styles = sass(:reset) styles += + '/highlight.css') styles += sass(:default) if settings.default_styles? custom_styles = settings.dir + '/styles.sass' styles += sass( if File.exist? custom_styles styles end # If the corresponding .coffee file exists it is compiled and rendered get '*.coffee.js' do |name| file = settings.dir + '/' + name + '.coffee' pass unless File.exist? file content_type :js coffee end get '*.txt' do |name| file = settings.dir + '/' + name pass unless File.exist? file content_type :text end # If the path matches any file in the directory then send that down get '*.*' do |name,ext| file = File.join(settings.dir + '/' + name + '.' + ext) pass unless File.exist? file send_file file end get '/favicon.ico' do pass if File.exists? settings.dir + '/favicon.ico' send_file settings.root + '/favicon.ico' end not_found do version ='/VERSION') @title = "Not Found" @doc = gd( "# #{@title}"+ "\n\n"+ "GitDoc version #{version}" ) haml :doc end