# python version 1.0 DO NOT EDIT # # This python file has been generated by smidump version 0.5.0: # # smidump -f python RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB FILENAME = "./libsmi-0.5.0/mibs/ietf/RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" MIB = { "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" : { "nodetype" : "module", "language" : "SMIv2", "organization" : """IETF RADEXT Working Group""", "contact" : """ Stefaan De Cnodder Alcatel Francis Wellesplein 1 B-2018 Antwerp Belgium Phone: +32 3 240 85 15 EMail: stefaan.de_cnodder@alcatel.be Nagi Reddy Jonnala Cisco Systems, Inc. Divyasree Chambers, B Wing, O'Shaugnessy Road, Bangalore-560027, India. Phone: +91 94487 60828 EMail: njonnala@cisco.com Murtaza Chiba Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Dr. San Jose CA, 95134 Phone: +1 408 525 7198 EMail: mchiba@cisco.com """, "description" : """The MIB module for entities implementing the client side of the Dynamic Authorization Extensions to the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol. Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). Initial version as published in RFC 4672; for full legal notices see the RFC itself.""", "revisions" : ( { "date" : "2006-09-29 00:00", "description" : """Initial version as published in RFC 4672""", }, { "date" : "2006-08-29 00:00", "description" : """[Revision added by libsmi due to a LAST-UPDATED clause.]""", }, ), "identity node" : "radiusDynAuthClientMIB", }, "imports" : ( {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "MODULE-IDENTITY"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "OBJECT-TYPE"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Integer32"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "mib-2"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"}, {"module" : "SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB", "name" : "SnmpAdminString"}, {"module" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"}, {"module" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"}, {"module" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetPortNumber"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-CONF", "name" : "MODULE-COMPLIANCE"}, {"module" : "SNMPv2-CONF", "name" : "OBJECT-GROUP"}, ), "nodes" : { "radiusDynAuthClientMIB" : { "nodetype" : "node", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", }, # node "radiusDynAuthClientMIBObjects" : { "nodetype" : "node", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", }, # node "radiusDynAuthClientScalars" : { "nodetype" : "node", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", }, # node "radiusDynAuthClientDisconInvalidServerAddresses" : { "nodetype" : "scalar", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "description" : """The number of Disconnect-Ack and Disconnect-NAK packets received from unknown addresses. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", }, # scalar "radiusDynAuthClientCoAInvalidServerAddresses" : { "nodetype" : "scalar", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "description" : """The number of CoA-Ack and CoA-NAK packets received from unknown addresses. Disconnect-NAK packets received from unknown addresses. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", }, # scalar "radiusDynAuthServerTable" : { "nodetype" : "table", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "description" : """The (conceptual) table listing the RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Servers with which the client shares a secret.""", }, # table "radiusDynAuthServerEntry" : { "nodetype" : "row", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "linkage" : [ "radiusDynAuthServerIndex", ], "description" : """An entry (conceptual row) representing one Dynamic Authorization Server with which the client shares a secret.""", }, # row "radiusDynAuthServerIndex" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "basetype" : "Integer32", "ranges" : [ { "min" : "1", "max" : "2147483647" }, ], "range" : { "min" : "1", "max" : "2147483647" }, }, }, "access" : "noaccess", "description" : """A number uniquely identifying each RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server with which this Dynamic Authorization Client communicates. This number is allocated by the agent implementing this MIB module and is unique in this context.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthServerAddressType" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "description" : """The type of IP address of the RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server referred to in this table entry.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthServerAddress" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "description" : """The IP address value of the RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server referred to in this table entry using the version neutral IP address format. The type of this address is determined by the value of the radiusDynAuthServerAddressType object.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthServerClientPortNumber" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "basetype" : "Unsigned32", "parent module" : { "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "type" : "InetPortNumber", }, "ranges" : [ { "min" : "1", "max" : "65535" }, ], "range" : { "min" : "1", "max" : "65535" }, }, }, "access" : "readonly", "description" : """The UDP destination port that the RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Client is using to send requests to this server. The value zero is invalid.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthServerID" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB", "name" : "SnmpAdminString"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "description" : """The NAS-Identifier of the RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server referred to in this table entry. This is not necessarily the same as sysName in MIB II.""", "reference" : """RFC 2865, Section 5.32, NAS-Identifier.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientRoundTripTime" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "hundredths of a second", "description" : """The time interval (in hundredths of a second) between the most recent Disconnect or CoA request and the receipt of the corresponding Disconnect or CoA reply. A value of zero is returned if no reply has been received yet from this server.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconRequests" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "requests", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-Requests sent to this Dynamic Authorization Server. This also includes the RADIUS Disconnect-Requests that have a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only'. Disconnect-NAK packets received from unknown addresses. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconAuthOnlyRequests" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "requests", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-Requests that include a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only' sent to this Dynamic Authorization Server. Disconnect-NAK packets received from unknown addresses. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconRetransmissions" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "retransmissions", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-request packets retransmitted to this RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server. Disconnect-NAK packets received from unknown addresses. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconAcks" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-ACK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconNaks" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-NAK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This includes the RADIUS Disconnect-NAK packets received with a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only' and the RADIUS Disconnect-NAK packets received if no session context was found. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconNakAuthOnlyRequest" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-NAK packets that include a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only' received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconNakSessNoContext" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-NAK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server because no session context was found; i.e., it includes an Error-Cause attribute with value 503 ('Session Context Not Found'). This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientMalformedDisconResponses" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of malformed RADIUS Disconnect-Ack and Disconnect-NAK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. Bad authenticators and unknown types are not included as malformed Disconnect-Ack and Disconnect-NAK packets. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM), and Section 2.3, Packet Format.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconBadAuthenticators" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-Ack and Disconnect-NAK packets that contained invalid Authenticator field received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM), and Section 2.3, Packet Format.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconPendingRequests" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "requests", "description" : """The number of RADIUS Disconnect-request packets destined for this server that have not yet timed out or received a response. This variable is incremented when an Disconnect-Request is sent and decremented due to receipt of a Disconnect-Ack, a Disconnect-NAK, a timeout, or a retransmission.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconTimeouts" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "timeouts", "description" : """The number of Disconnect request timeouts to this server. After a timeout, the client may retry to the same server or give up. A retry to the same server is counted as a retransmit and as a timeout. A send to a different server is counted as a Disconnect-Request and as a timeout. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientDisconPacketsDropped" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of incoming Disconnect-Ack and Disconnect-NAK packets from this Dynamic Authorization Server silently discarded by the client application for some reason other than malformed, bad authenticators, or unknown types. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.1, Disconnect Messages (DM), and Section 2.3, Packet Format.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoARequests" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "requests", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-Requests sent to this Dynamic Authorization Server. This also includes CoA requests that have a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only'. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoAAuthOnlyRequest" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "requests", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-requests that include a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only' sent to this Dynamic Authorization Client. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoARetransmissions" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "retransmissions", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-request packets retransmitted to this RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoAAcks" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-ACK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoANaks" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-NAK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This includes the RADIUS CoA-NAK packets received with a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only' and the RADIUS CoA-NAK packets received because no session context was found. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoANakAuthOnlyRequest" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-NAK packets that include a Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only' received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoANakSessNoContext" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-NAK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server because no session context was found; i.e., it includes an Error-Cause attribute with value 503 ('Session Context Not Found'). This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientMalformedCoAResponses" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of malformed RADIUS CoA-Ack and CoA-NAK packets received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. Bad authenticators and unknown types are not included as malformed CoA-Ack and CoA-NAK packets. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA), and Section 2.3, Packet Format.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoABadAuthenticators" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-Ack and CoA-NAK packets that contained invalid Authenticator field received from this Dynamic Authorization Server. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA), and Section 2.3, Packet Format.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoAPendingRequests" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "requests", "description" : """The number of RADIUS CoA-request packets destined for this server that have not yet timed out or received a response. This variable is incremented when an CoA-Request is sent and decremented due to receipt of a CoA-Ack, a CoA-NAK, or a timeout, or a retransmission.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoATimeouts" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "timeouts", "description" : """The number of CoA request timeouts to this server. After a timeout, the client may retry to the same server or give up. A retry to the same server is counted as a retransmit and as a timeout. A send to a different server is counted as a CoA-Request and as a timeout. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA).""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCoAPacketsDropped" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of incoming CoA-Ack and CoA-NAK from this Dynamic Authorization Server silently discarded by the client application for some reason other than malformed, bad authenticators, or unknown types. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.2, Change-of-Authorization Messages (CoA), and Section 2.3, Packet Format.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientUnknownTypes" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "replies", "description" : """The number of incoming packets of unknown types that were received on the Dynamic Authorization port. This counter may experience a discontinuity when the DAC module (re)starts, as indicated by the value of radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity.""", "reference" : """RFC 3576, Section 2.3, Packet Format.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity" : { "nodetype" : "column", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "syntax" : { "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"}, }, "access" : "readonly", "units" : "hundredths of a second", "description" : """The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last counter discontinuity. A discontinuity may be the result of a reinitialization of the DAC module within the managed entity.""", }, # column "radiusDynAuthClientMIBConformance" : { "nodetype" : "node", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", }, # node "radiusDynAuthClientMIBCompliances" : { "nodetype" : "node", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", }, # node "radiusDynAuthClientMIBGroups" : { "nodetype" : "node", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", }, # node }, # nodes "groups" : { "radiusDynAuthClientMIBGroup" : { "nodetype" : "group", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "members" : { "radiusDynAuthClientDisconInvalidServerAddresses" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoAInvalidServerAddresses" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthServerAddressType" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthServerAddress" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthServerClientPortNumber" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthServerID" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientRoundTripTime" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconRequests" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconRetransmissions" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconAcks" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconNaks" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientMalformedDisconResponses" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconBadAuthenticators" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconPendingRequests" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconTimeouts" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconPacketsDropped" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoARequests" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoARetransmissions" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoAAcks" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoANaks" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientMalformedCoAResponses" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoABadAuthenticators" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoAPendingRequests" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoATimeouts" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoAPacketsDropped" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientUnknownTypes" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, }, # members "description" : """The collection of objects providing management of a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Client.""", }, # group "radiusDynAuthClientAuthOnlyGroup" : { "nodetype" : "group", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "members" : { "radiusDynAuthClientDisconAuthOnlyRequests" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientDisconNakAuthOnlyRequest" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoAAuthOnlyRequest" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoANakAuthOnlyRequest" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, }, # members "description" : """The collection of objects supporting the RADIUS messages including Service-Type attribute with value 'Authorize Only'.""", }, # group "radiusDynAuthClientNoSessGroup" : { "nodetype" : "group", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "members" : { "radiusDynAuthClientDisconNakSessNoContext" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientCoANakSessNoContext" : { "nodetype" : "member", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, }, # members "description" : """The collection of objects supporting the RADIUS messages that are referring to non-existing sessions.""", }, # group }, # groups "compliances" : { "radiusDynAuthClientMIBCompliance" : { "nodetype" : "compliance", "moduleName" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "oid" : "", "status" : "current", "description" : """The compliance statement for entities implementing the RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Client. Implementation of this module is for entities that support IPv4 and/or IPv6.""", "requires" : { "radiusDynAuthClientMIBGroup" : { "nodetype" : "mandatory", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB" }, "radiusDynAuthClientAuthOnlyGroup" : { "nodetype" : "optional", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "description" : """Only required for Dynamic Authorization Clients that are supporting Service-Type attributes with value 'Authorize-Only'.""", }, "radiusDynAuthClientNoSessGroup" : { "nodetype" : "optional", "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "description" : """This group is not required if the Dynamic Authorization Server cannot easily determine whether a session exists (e.g., in case of a RADIUS proxy).""", }, }, # requires "refinements" : { "radiusDynAuthServerAddressType" : { "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "syntax" : { "type" : { "basetype" : "Enumeration", "parent module" : { "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "type" : "InetAddressType", }, "ipv4" : { "nodetype" : "namednumber", "number" : "1" }, "ipv6" : { "nodetype" : "namednumber", "number" : "2" }, }, }, # syntax "description" : """An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses.""", }, "radiusDynAuthServerAddress" : { "module" : "RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB", "syntax" : { "type" : { "basetype" : "OctetString", "parent module" : { "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "type" : "InetAddress", }, "ranges" : [ { "min" : "4", "max" : "4" }, { "min" : "16", "max" : "16" }, ], "range" : { "min" : "4", "max" : "16" }, }, }, # syntax "description" : """An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses.""", }, }, # refinements }, # compliance }, # compliances }