/** @class @extends rio.Attr Model is used to create model classes in a rio application. It provides ActiveResource style synchronization with a rest-based resource and automated client-server bindings with a push server. @author Jason Tillery @copyright 2008-2009 Thinklink LLC */ rio.Model = { create: function() { var args = $A(arguments); if (args.length > 0 && args.last() != undefined && !args.last().ATTR) { args[args.size() - 1] = Object.extend({ noExtend: true }, args.last()); } var model = rio.Attr.create.apply(this, args); if (model._fields.id == undefined || model.prototype.setId == undefined) { model.attrAccessor("id"); } model.attrEvent("destroy"); Object.extend(model, { resource: function(url) { model.addMethods({ isNew: function() { return this.getId() == undefined || (this.getId().temporary != undefined && this.getId().temporary()); }, url: function() { return model.url() + "/" + this.getId(); }, save: function(options) { if (this.__destroying) { return; } if (this.valid && !this.valid()) { return; } // var idField = Object.keys(model._fields).detect(function(field) { // var val = this["_" + field]; // return field != "id" && val && val.temporary && val.temporary(); // }.bind(this)); // if (idField) { // this["_" + idField].doAfterReification(this.save.curry(options).bind(this)); // return; // } // if (this._creating) { // if (!this._pendingUpdates) { this._pendingUpdates = []; } // this._pendingUpdates.push(this.save.curry(options).bind(this)); // return; // } var firstTimeCreating = !this._creating; this._creating = true; if(this.isNew() && this.beforeCreate && firstTimeCreating){ this.beforeCreate(); } model.addToTransaction(this, options); }, destroy: function(options) { if(this.__destroying) {return;} if (this.beforeDestroy) { this.beforeDestroy(); } this.__destroying = true; model.addToTransaction(this, Object.extend({destroy: true}, options)); this.removeFromCaches(); this.fire("destroy"); }, parameters: function() { var modelKey = model.url().match(/^\/?(.*)$/)[1].singularize(); var parameters = {}; var persistentFieldNames = model.persistentFieldNames(); for (var i=persistentFieldNames.length; i--;) { var name = persistentFieldNames[i]; var currentState = this["_" + name]; var lastState = this._lastSavedState ? this._lastSavedState[name] : undefined; if (currentState != lastState) { parameters[modelKey + "[" + name.underscore() + "]"] = currentState; } } return parameters; }, afterUpdateField: function() { model.updateInCollectionEntites(this); }, attributeState: function() { var state = {}; var persistentFieldNames = model.persistentFieldNames(); for (var i=persistentFieldNames.length; i--;) { var f = persistentFieldNames[i]; state[f] = this[("get-" + f).camelize()](); } return state; }, attributeStateChange: function() { var state = {}; var persistentFieldNames = model.persistentFieldNames(); for (var i=persistentFieldNames.length; i--;) { var f = persistentFieldNames[i]; var currentState = this["_" + f]; var lastState = this._lastSavedState ? this._lastSavedState[f] : undefined; if (currentState != lastState) { state[f] = currentState; } } return state; }, removeFromCaches: function() { model.removeFromCollectionEntities(this); model.removeFromCache(this.getId()); }, toString: function() { return "[rio.models.*]"; } }); Object.extend(model, { undoEnabled: false, url: function() { return url; }, _idCache: {}, id: function(val, createIfNotFound) { if (val) { if (this._idCache[val]) { return this._idCache[val]; } if (createIfNotFound) { var id = new rio.Id(val); this._idCache[val] = id; return id; } } else { return new rio.Id(); } }, reifyId: function(id, val) { id.reify(val); if (this._idCache[val]) { rio.warn("id collision while reifying - " + model + "#" + id); } this._idCache[val] = id; }, persistentFieldNames: function() { return Object.keys(model._fields).reject(function(f) { return model._clientOnlyAttrs.include(f) || model.prototype[("set-" + f).camelize()] == undefined || f == "id"; }); }, _transaction: [], addToTransaction: function(entity, options) { options = options || {}; var existingTransaction = this._transaction.detect(function(t) { return t.entity == entity; }); if (existingTransaction) { if (options.destroy) { if (existingTransaction.entity.isNew()) { this._transaction.splice(this._transaction.indexOf(existingTransaction), 1); // don't need to do this, now that we immediately remove on destroy // model.removeFromCollectionEntities(existingTransaction.entity); } else { existingTransaction.options = options; } } else { existingTransaction.attributeState = entity.attributeStateChange(); existingTransaction.parameters = entity.parameters(); } // TODO: chain onSuccess/onFailure functions } else { this._transaction.push({ entity: entity, options: options, attributeState: entity.attributeStateChange(), parameters: entity.parameters() }); } if (!this._transactionQueued) { this._transactionQueued = true; this.prepareTransaction(); } }, /* Simply defers execution. Can override this for testing. */ prepareTransaction: function() { this.executeTransaction.bind(this, rio.Undo.isProcessingUndo(), rio.Undo.isProcessingRedo()).defer(); }, __transactionInProgress: false, __queuedTransactions: [], executeTransaction: function(undoTransaction, redoTransaction) { this._transactionQueued = false; var transaction = this._transaction.clone(); this._transaction.clear(); // Transactions can be queued here, so lets make sure that all entities _lastSavedState's are // correct before letting subsequent transaction queue up. for (var i=0, len=transaction.length; i<len; i++) { var t = transaction[i]; t.oldLastSavedState = t.entity._lastSavedState; t.entity._lastSavedState = t.options.destroy ? undefined : t.entity.attributeState(); } transaction.undoTransaction = undoTransaction; transaction.redoTransaction = redoTransaction; if (this.__transactionInProgress) { this.__queuedTransactions.push(transaction); return; } else { this._doExecuteTransaction(transaction); } }, _doExecuteTransaction: function(transaction) { if (transaction.empty()) { return; } if (model.undoEnabled) { var undos = transaction.map(function(t) { var undo = { id: t.entity.getId(), state: t.oldLastSavedState, destroy: t.options.destroy }; // t.entity._lastSavedState = t.options.destroy ? undefined : t.entity.attributeState(); return undo; }); var processUndos = function() { undos.reverse().each(function(u) { if (u.state) { if (u.destroy) { var instance = new model(Object.extend({ id: u.id }, u.state)); instance._lastSavedState = undefined; instance.save(); } else { model.getFromCache(u.id).updateAttributes(u.state); } } else { model.getFromCache(u.id).destroy(); } }); }; if (transaction.undoTransaction) { rio.Undo.registerRedo(processUndos); } else { rio.Undo.registerUndo(processUndos, transaction.redoTransaction); } } // // Always update the last saved states // for (var i=0, len=transaction.length; i<len; i++) { // var t = transaction[i]; // // // LOOKS LIKE A BUG // // TODO: SHOULD PROBABLY BE USING THE t.attributeState instead of t.entity.attributeState() // t.entity._lastSavedState = t.options.destroy ? undefined : t.entity.attributeState(); // } var createSuccess = function(entity, onSuccess, json) { entity._creating = false; var results = model._filterAndProcessJsonWhileAccumulatingCollectionEntities(json); var idString = results[0].id; if (entity.getId() && entity.getId().temporary && entity.getId().temporary()) { var id = parseInt(idString, 10); model.reifyId(entity.getId(), id); } else { // NOTE: An entity will not be updated with any attributes but the ID on create success entity._id = model.id(parseInt(idString, 10), true); model.putInCache(entity._id, entity); } onSuccess(entity); if (entity.afterCreate) { entity.afterCreate(); } // if (entity._pendingUpdates) { // entity._pendingUpdates.each(function(u) { u(); }); // } return results[1]; }; var updateSuccess = function(entity, onSuccess) { onSuccess(entity); }; var destroySuccess = function(entity, onSuccess) { // don't need to do this, now that we immediately remove on destroy // model.removeFromCollectionEntities(entity); (onSuccess || Prototype.emptyFunction)(); }; var url; var method; var parameters; var onSuccess; var onFailure; var onConnectionFailure; if (transaction.length > 1) { url = model.url(); method = "post"; parameters = {}; transaction.each(function(t) { var id = t.entity.getId(); if (t.options.destroy) { parameters["transaction[" + id + "]"] = "delete"; } else { for (var f in t.attributeState) { var val = t.attributeState[f]; if (val && val.toString) { val = val.toString(); } parameters["transaction[" + id + "][" + f.underscore() + "]"] = val; } } }); onSuccess = function(response) { var afterFunctions = transaction.map(function(t) { var entity = t.entity; var options = t.options; options = options || {}; options.onSuccess = options.onSuccess || Prototype.emptyFunction; var json = response.responseJSON.transaction[t.entity.getId()]; return ( options.destroy ? destroySuccess : (entity.isNew() ? createSuccess : updateSuccess) )(entity, options.onSuccess, json); }); afterFunctions.compact().each(function(af) { af(); }); }.bind(this); onFailure = function() { var handled = true; transaction.each(function(t) { if (t.options.onFailure) { t.options.onFailure(); } else { handled = false; } }); if (!handled) { rio.Application.fail("Failed creating, updating, or destroying.", model + "\n" + Object.toJSON(parameters)); } }.bind(this); onConnectionFailure = function() { transaction.each(function(t) { if (t.options.onConnectionFailure) { t.options.onConnectionFailure(); } }); }; } else { var entity = transaction.first().entity; var options = transaction.first().options; options = options || {}; options.onSuccess = options.onSuccess || Prototype.emptyFunction; parameters = options.parameters || transaction.first().parameters; url = entity.isNew() ? model.url() : entity.url(); method = options.destroy ? "delete" : (entity.isNew() ? "post" : "put"); onSuccess = function(response) { var after = ( options.destroy ? destroySuccess : (entity.isNew() ? createSuccess : updateSuccess) )(entity, options.onSuccess, response.responseJSON); if (after) { after(); } }; onFailure = options.onFailure; onConnectionFailure = options.onConnectionFailure; } this.__transactionInProgress = true; new Ajax.Request(url, { asynchronous: true, method: method, evalJSON: true, parameters: $H(parameters).merge({ 'transaction_key': rio.environment.transactionKey, 'authenticity_token': rio.Application.getToken() }).toObject(), onSuccess: function(response) { if (response.status == 0) { if (onConnectionFailure) { onConnectionFailure(); } else { rio.Application.fail("Connection Failure", model + ":\n" + Object.toJSON(parameters)); } } else { onSuccess(response); } }, onFailure: function() { // if (!entity.__destroying) { if (onFailure) { onFailure(); } else { rio.Application.fail("Failed creating, updating, or destroying.", model + ":\n" + Object.toJSON(parameters)); } // } }.bind(this), onComplete: function(response) { this.__transactionInProgress = false; if (!this.__queuedTransactions.empty()) { this._doExecuteTransaction(this.__queuedTransactions.shift()); } }.bind(this) }); transaction.each(function(t) { if (t.entity.isNew()) { t.entity._creating = true; } if (t.options.destroy) { t.entity.__destroying = true; } }); }, create: function(options) { var obj = new model(options); obj.save(options); return obj; }, find: function(id, options) { if (id == undefined) { return; } var rioId = id.constructor == rio.Id ? id : model.id(id); options = options || {}; var asynchronous = options.asynchronous == undefined || options.asynchronous; if (options.onSuccess == undefined) { asynchronous = false; options.onSuccess = Prototype.emptyFunction; } var existing = this.getFromCache(rioId); if (existing) { options.onSuccess(existing); return existing; } var entity; new Ajax.Request(this.url() + "/" + id, { asynchronous: asynchronous, method: 'get', evalJSON: true, onSuccess: function(response) { entity = new model(model._filterAndProcessJson(response.responseJSON)); options.onSuccess(entity); }, onFailure: options.onFailure || Prototype.emptyFunction }); if (!asynchronous) { return entity; } }, findAll: function(options) { options = options || {}; var asynchronous = options.asynchronous == undefined || options.asynchronous; if (options.onSuccess == undefined) { asynchronous = false; options.onSuccess = Prototype.emptyFunction; } var idField = Object.keys(options.parameters).detect(function(parameter) { var val = options.parameters[parameter]; return val && val.temporary && val.temporary(); }); var urlToUse = options.url || this.url(); var parameters = new rio.Parameters(options.parameters || {}, options.nonAjaxParameters); // Assume that there are no entities yet (since a param is unreified) // New entities will be added to the collectionEntity as they are created or broadcast // If this poses a problem, we can always schedule a find for after reification and then reconcile the CE's if (idField) { var collectionEntity = rio.CollectionEntity.create({ model: model, values: [], condition: parameters.conditionFunction() }); this.putCollectionEntity(urlToUse + "#" + Object.toJSON(parameters.ajaxParameters()), collectionEntity); Object.values(model._identityCache).each(function(entity) { collectionEntity.add(entity); }); options.onSuccess(collectionEntity); return collectionEntity; } if (this._collectionEntities[urlToUse + "#" + Object.toJSON(parameters.ajaxParameters())]) { var found = this._collectionEntities[urlToUse + "#" + Object.toJSON(parameters.ajaxParameters())]; found.prepare(); options.onSuccess(found); if (!asynchronous) { return found; } else { return; } } var results; rio.Model._findAllRequests.push( new Ajax.Request(urlToUse, { asynchronous: asynchronous, method: 'get', evalJSON: true, parameters: {conditions: Object.toJSON(parameters.ajaxParameters())}, onSuccess: function(response) { results = this._collectionEntityFromJson(response.responseJSON, parameters, urlToUse); results.prepare(); options.onSuccess(results); }.bind(this) }) ); if (!asynchronous) { return results; } }, _hasManyAssociations: {}, hasMany: function(hasManyName) { var options = {}; if (!Object.isString(hasManyName)) { options = hasManyName[1] || {}; hasManyName = hasManyName[0]; } options.className = hasManyName.singularize().classize(); options.foreignKey = this.NAME.toLowerCase() + "Id"; options.parameters = options.parameters || {}; this._hasManyAssociations[hasManyName] = options; this.attrAccessor(hasManyName); this.clientOnlyAttr(hasManyName); var getName = ("get-" + hasManyName).camelize(); this.prototype[getName] = this.prototype[getName].wrap(function(proceed) { if (this["_" + hasManyName] == undefined) { var parameters = Object.clone(options.parameters); parameters[options.foreignKey] = this.getId(); rio.models[options.className].findAll({ asynchronous: false, parameters: parameters, onSuccess: function(entities) { this["_" + hasManyName] = entities; }.bind(this) }); } return proceed.apply(this, $A(arguments).slice(1)); }); }, belongsTo: function(args) { var options = {}; var associationName; if (!Object.isString(args)) { associationName = args[0]; options = args[1] || {}; } else { associationName = args; } this.attrAccessor(associationName); this.clientOnlyAttr(associationName); var className = options.className || associationName.classize(); var foreignKey = options.foreignKey || associationName + "Id"; var getName = ("get-" + associationName).camelize(); this.prototype[getName] = this.prototype[getName].wrap(function(proceed) { if (this["_" + associationName] == undefined) { var setAssociation = function() { var associationId = this["_" + foreignKey]; var foundValue = rio.models[className].find(associationId, { asynchronous: false }); this[("set-" + associationName).camelize()](foundValue); }.bind(this); setAssociation(); this[foreignKey].bind(setAssociation, true); } return proceed.apply(this, $A(arguments).slice(1)); }); }, _parametersFromJsonParameters: function(params) { return new rio.Parameters( Object.keys(params).inject({}, function(acc, p) { acc[p.camelize()] = params[p]; return acc; }) ); }, _processIncludedCollectionEntities: function(json) { for (var i=json.length; i--;) { var include = json[i]; params = this._parametersFromJsonParameters(include.parameters); var url = rio.models[include.className].url(); if (this._collectionEntities[url + "#" + Object.toJSON(params.ajaxParameters())] == undefined) { rio.models[include.className]._collectionEntityFromJson(include.json, params, url); } } }, _filterAndProcessJsonWhileAccumulatingCollectionEntities: function(inJson) { if (inJson._set) { var ceFunction = function() { model._processIncludedCollectionEntities(inJson._set.include); }; return [rio.Model.filterJson(inJson._set.self), ceFunction]; } else { return [rio.Model.filterJson(inJson), Prototype.emptyFunction]; } }, _filterAndProcessJson: function(inJson) { var results = model._filterAndProcessJsonWhileAccumulatingCollectionEntities(inJson); results[1](); return results[0]; }, _collectionEntityFromJson: function(json, parameters, url) { // In case multiple identical queries were made simultaneously if (this._collectionEntities[url + "#" + Object.toJSON(parameters.ajaxParameters())]) { return this._collectionEntities[url + "#" + Object.toJSON(parameters.ajaxParameters())]; } var results = json.map(function(result) { // This may cause bugs. It should map the results of _filterAndProcessJsonWhileAccumulatingCollectionEntities // and execute them after them map to prevent reification collisions var modelJson = model._filterAndProcessJson(result); var fromCache = this.getFromCache(model.id(modelJson.id)); if (fromCache) { return fromCache; } else { var lazyNew = function() { var fromCache = this.getFromCache(model.id(modelJson.id)); if (fromCache) { return fromCache; } return new model(modelJson); }.bind(this); lazyNew.__lazyNew = true; return lazyNew; } }.bind(this)); var collectionEntity = rio.CollectionEntity.create({ model: model, values: results, condition: parameters.conditionFunction() }); collectionEntity.prepare = function() { collectionEntity.prepare = Prototype.emptyFunction; // prevent the initialization from double adding the entities var oldAdd = this.add; try { var i; this.add = Prototype.emptyFunction; var timesToLoop = this.length; var toRemove = []; for (i=0; i<timesToLoop; i++) { if (this[i].__lazyNew) { var modelInstance = this[i](); if (!this.include(modelInstance)) { this[i] = modelInstance; } else { toRemove.push(i); } } } for (i=toRemove.length; i--;) { this.splice(toRemove[i], 1); } } finally { this.add = oldAdd; } }; (function() { // Ultimately we shouldn't need to do this // This is required if when parsing eager loaded json collections // contain individual entities that need to be added to other collection entities // and the entity representing the eager collection is never loaded, hence prepared. collectionEntity.prepare(); }.defer()); this.putCollectionEntity(url + "#" + Object.toJSON(parameters.ajaxParameters()), collectionEntity); return collectionEntity; }, _clientOnlyAttrs: [], clientOnlyAttr: function(attrName) { this._clientOnlyAttrs.push(attrName); }, _identityCache: {}, getFromCache: function(id) { if (id == undefined) { return; } return this._identityCache[id.cacheKey ? id.cacheKey() : id] || this._identityCache[model.id(id) && model.id(id).cacheKey()]; }, putInCache: function(id, value) { var cacheKey = id.cacheKey ? id.cacheKey() : id; if (this._identityCache[cacheKey] == value) { return; } this._identityCache[cacheKey] = value; this.addToCollectionEntities(value); }, removeFromCache: function(id) { var cacheKey = id.cacheKey ? id.cacheKey() : id; delete this._identityCache[cacheKey]; }, _collectionEntities: {}, putCollectionEntity: function(key, value) { this._collectionEntities[key] = value; }, addToCollectionEntities: function(value) { var ces = this._collectionEntities; for (var key in ces) { ces[key].add(value); } }, updateInCollectionEntites: function(value) { var ces = this._collectionEntities; for (var key in ces) { ces[key].update(value); } }, removeFromCollectionEntities: function(value) { Object.values(this._collectionEntities).each(function(collectionEntity) { collectionEntity.remove(value); }); } }); }, hasChannel: function() { return false; }, channel: function() { model.addMethods({ broadcast: function() { var args = $A(arguments); var methodName = args.shift(); var body = { id: this.getId().toString(), method: methodName, args: args }; new Ajax.Request("/push/broadcast", { asynchronous: true, method: "get", evalJSON: false, evalJS: false, parameters: { channel: this.channelName(), message: Object.toJSON(body) } }); }, channelName: function() { return model + "." + this.getId(); } }); Object.extend(model, { hasChannel: function() { return true; }, receiveBroadcast: function(options) { var instance = model.getFromCache(model.id(options.id)); if (instance) { instance[options.method].apply(instance, options.args); } } }); } }); if (args.length > 0 && args.last() != undefined && !args.last().ATTR) { var initializers = args.last(); if (Object.isString(initializers.resource)) { model.resource(initializers.resource); } if (initializers.channel) { model.channel(); } if (initializers.hasMany) { initializers.hasMany.each(function(h) { model.hasMany(h); }); } if (initializers.belongsTo) { initializers.belongsTo.each(function(h) { model.belongsTo(h); }); } (initializers.clientOnlyAttrs || []).each(function(clientOnlyAttr) { model.clientOnlyAttr(clientOnlyAttr); }); if (initializers.undoEnabled) { model.undoEnabled = true; } rio.Model.extend(model, initializers.methods || {}); } return model; }, _findAllRequests: [], afterActiveQueries: function(fcn) { var count = 0; this._findAllRequests.each(function(far) { if (far._complete) { return; } count++; far.options.onComplete = (far.options.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).wrap(function(proceed) { var ret = proceed(arguments); count--; if (count == 0) { fcn(); } return ret; }); }); if (count == 0) { fcn(); } }, filterJson: function(json) { if (json.attributes) { return json.attributes; } return (rio.environment.includeRootInJson) ? Object.values(json)[0] : json; }, remoteCreate: function(options) { if (options.transactionKey == rio.environment.transactionKey) { return; } try { var results = rio.Model.doRemoteCreate(options); if (results.undoFunction) { rio.Undo.registerUndo(results.undoFunction); } } catch(e) { rio.error(e, "Remote create error!"); } }, remoteUpdate: function(options) { if (options.transactionKey == rio.environment.transactionKey) { return; } try { var results = rio.Model.doRemoteUpdate(options); if (results.undoFunction) { rio.Undo.registerUndo(results.undoFunction); } } catch(e) { rio.error(e, "Remote update error!"); } }, remoteDestroy: function(options) { if (options.transactionKey == rio.environment.transactionKey) { return; } try { var results = rio.Model.doRemoteDestroy(options); if (results.undoFunction) { rio.Undo.registerUndo(results.undoFunction); } } catch(e) { rio.error(e, "Remote destroy error!"); } }, doRemoteCreate: function(options) { var model = rio.models[options.name]; var fromCache = model.getFromCache(model.id(options.id)); if (!fromCache) { fromCache = new model(model._filterAndProcessJson(options.json)); } else { return {}; } return { undoFunction: model.undoEnabled ? function() { model.getFromCache(fromCache.getId()).destroy(); } : null }; }, doRemoteUpdate: function(options) { var model = rio.models[options.name]; var instance = model.getFromCache(model.id(options.id)); if (!instance) { return {}; } var json = model._filterAndProcessJson(options.json); var results = {}; if (model.undoEnabled) { var oldState = instance.attributeState(); var processUndo = function() { model.getFromCache(instance.getId()).updateAttributes(oldState); }; results.undoFunction = processUndo; } var attributes = Object.keys(json).without("id").inject({}, function(acc, k) { acc[k.camelize()] = json[k]; return acc; }); instance.updateAttributes(attributes, { skipSave: true }); rio.models[options.name].updateInCollectionEntites(instance); instance._lastSavedState = instance.attributeState(); return results; }, doRemoteDestroy: function(options) { var model = rio.models[options.name]; var fromCache = model.getFromCache(model.id(options.id)); var results = {}; if (fromCache) { if (model.undoEnabled) { var oldState = fromCache.attributeState(); var processUndo = function() { var instance = new model(Object.extend({id: fromCache.getId()}, oldState)); instance._lastSavedState = undefined; instance.save(); }; results.undoFunction = processUndo; } fromCache.removeFromCaches(); fromCache.fire("destroy"); } return results; }, remoteTransaction: function(transactionData) { if (transactionData.transactionKey == rio.environment.transactionKey) { return; } try { // TODO: Two potential bugs here // // 1) Need to execute this in a rio.Attr.transaction // 2) Need to get back the collection entity process functions from _filterAndProcessJsonWhileAccumulatingCollectionEntities // and run them at the end. Otherwise we might have reification collisions. var resultSets = transactionData.transaction.map(function(t) { switch(t.action) { case "create": return rio.Model.doRemoteCreate(t); case "update": return rio.Model.doRemoteUpdate(t); case "destroy": return rio.Model.doRemoteDestroy(t); } }); var undos = resultSets.map(function(r) { return r.undoFunction; }).compact(); if (!undos.empty()) { rio.Undo.registerUndo(function() { undos.each(function(undo) { undo(); }); }); } } catch(e) { rio.error(e, "Remote transaction error!"); } }, extend: function(model, extension) { extension.__initialize = extension.initialize || Prototype.emptyFunction; extension.initialize = function(options) { this.__model = model; if (options.id == undefined && model.url) { options.id = model.id(); this._id = options.id; } if (options.id && options.id.constructor != rio.Id && model.id) { options.id = model.id(options.id, true); this.setId(options.id); } (this.__initialize.bind(this))(options); // Add the hasManyAssocitation#create methods Object.keys(model._hasManyAssociations).each(function(hasManyName) { var options = model._hasManyAssociations[hasManyName]; this[hasManyName].create = function(createOptions) { // In the case that the entity is still new, we should preload the association // to make sure no entries are missed // TODO: before we can wrap in isNew, we need to make the spec fixture proxy include created entities // if (this.isNew()) { this[("get-" + hasManyName).camelize()](); // } var parameters = Object.clone(options.parameters); parameters[options.foreignKey] = this.getId(); return rio.models[options.className].create(Object.extend(createOptions || {}, parameters)); }.bind(this); }.bind(this)); if (model.hasChannel()) { if (rio.push) { var addChannel = function() { rio.push.addChannel(this.channelName()); }.bind(this); if (options.id && options.id.temporary()) { options.id.doAfterReification(addChannel); } else { addChannel(); } } else { rio.warn("Attempted to add a channel without an available push server"); } } options = options || {}; if (options.id && model.url) { model.putInCache(options.id, this); } if (options.id && options.id.temporary && !options.id.temporary()) { this._lastSavedState = this.attributeState(); } }; rio.Attr.extend(model, extension); }, toString: function() { return "Model"; } };