require 'test/unit' require 'stringio' begin require 'quickl' rescue LoadError $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../../../lib', __FILE__) require 'quickl' end $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'Delegator' class DelegatorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def assert_exits(match, exit_code) yield assert_false true, "Expected to exit with #{match}, nothing raised" rescue Quickl::Exit => ex assert_equal ex.exit_code, exit_code assert ex.message =~ match end def run_command(*args) $stdout = Delegator.no_react_to(Quickl::Exit) args $stdout.string ensure $stdout = STDOUT end def test_alone assert_exits(/Delegate execution to a sub command/, 0){ run_command } end def test_help_option assert_exits(/DESCRIPTION/, 0){ run_command("--help") } end def test_version_option assert_exits(/(c)/, 0){ run_command("--version") } end def test_no_such_option assert_exits(/invalid option/, -1){ run_command("--no-such-option") } end def test_help_delegation assert run_command("help", "hello-world") =~ /Say hello/ end def test_hello_delegation assert_equal "Hello world!\n", run_command("hello-world") assert_equal "Hello bob!\n", run_command("hello-world", "bob") end def test_hello_capitalize assert_equal "Hello World!\n", run_command("hello-world", "--capitalize") assert_equal "Hello Bob!\n", run_command("hello-world", "bob", "--capitalize") end end