require 'helper' require 'fixtures/markup_app/app' class TestFormHelpers < Test::Unit::TestCase include SinatraMore::FormHelpers def app MarkupDemo.tap { |app| app.set :environment, :test } end context 'for #form_tag method' do should "display correct forms in ruby" do actual_html = form_tag('/register', :class => 'test', :method => "post") { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :class => "test") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => '_method', :count => 0) { actual_html } end should "display correct text inputs within form_tag" do actual_html = form_tag('/register', :class => 'test') { text_field_tag(:username) } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'text', :name => "username") { actual_html } end should "display correct form with method :put" do actual_html = form_tag('/update', :class => 'put-form', :method => "put") { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :class => "put-form", :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'put') { actual_html } end should "display correct form with method :delete" do actual_html = form_tag('/remove', :class => 'delete-form', :method => "delete") { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :class => "delete-form", :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'delete') { actual_html } end should "display correct form with multipart encoding" do actual_html = form_tag('/remove', :multipart => true) { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:form, :enctype => "multipart/form-data") { actual_html } end should "display correct forms in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form', :action => '/simple' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :action => '/advanced', :id => 'advanced', :method => 'get' end should "display correct forms in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form', :action => '/simple' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :action => '/advanced', :id => 'advanced', :method => 'get' end end context 'for #field_set_tag method' do should "display correct field_sets in ruby" do actual_html = field_set_tag("Basic", :class => 'basic') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag(:fieldset, :class => 'basic') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('fieldset legend', :content => "Basic") { actual_html } end should "display correct field_sets in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset', :count => 1 assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset legend' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset', :count => 1, :class => 'advanced-field-set' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset legend', :content => "Advanced" end should "display correct field_sets in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset', :count => 1 assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form fieldset legend' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset', :count => 1, :class => 'advanced-field-set' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset legend', :content => "Advanced" end end context 'for #error_messages_for method' do should "display correct error messages list in ruby" do user = stub(:class => "User", :errors => stub(:full_messages => ["1", "2"], :none? => false), :blank? => false) actual_html = error_messages_for(user) assert_has_tag('div.field-errors') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.field-errors p', :content => "The user could not be saved") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.field-errors ul.errors-list') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.field-errors ul.errors-list li', :count => 2) { actual_html } end should "display correct error messages list in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors p', :content => "There are problems with saving user!" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul.errors-list' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul.errors-list li', :count => 3 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul.errors-list li', :content => "This is a second fake error" end should "display correct error messages list in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_no_selector 'form.simple-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors p', :content => "There are problems with saving user!" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul.errors-list' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul.errors-list li', :count => 3 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form .field-errors ul.errors-list li', :content => "This is a second fake error" end end context 'for #label_tag method' do should "display label tag in ruby" do actual_html = label_tag(:username, :class => 'long-label', :caption => "Nickname") assert_has_tag(:label, :for => 'username', :class => 'long-label', :content => "Nickname") { actual_html } end should "display label tag in erb for simple form" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :count => 4 assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Username", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Gender", :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in erb for advanced form" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label', :count => 6 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Nickname", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.about', :content => "About Me", :for => 'about' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :content => "Photo" , :for => 'photo' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.gender', :content => "Gender" , :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in haml for simple form" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :count => 4 assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Username", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form label', :content => "Gender", :for => 'gender' end should "display label tag in haml for advanced form" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label', :count => 6 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Nickname", :for => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.first', :content => "Password", :for => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.about', :content => "About Me", :for => 'about' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form', :content => "Photo" , :for => 'photo' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form label.gender', :content => "Gender" , :for => 'gender' end end context 'for #hidden_field_tag method' do should "display hidden field in ruby" do actual_html = hidden_field_tag(:session_key, :id => 'session_id', :value => '56768') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'hidden', :id => "session_id", :name => 'session_key', :value => '56768') { actual_html } end should "display hidden field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" end should "display hidden field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=hidden]', :count => 1, :name => 'session_id', :value => "__secret__" end end context 'for #text_field_tag method' do should "display text field in ruby" do actual_html = text_field_tag(:username, :class => 'long') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'text', :class => "long", :name => 'username') { actual_html } end should "display text field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username', :id => 'the_username' end should "display text field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form fieldset input[type=text]', :count => 1, :name => 'username', :id => 'the_username' end end context 'for #text_area_tag method' do should "display text area in ruby" do actual_html = text_area_tag(:about, :class => 'long') assert_has_tag(:textarea, :class => "long", :content => '', :name => 'about') { actual_html } end should "display text area in ruby with specified content" do actual_html = text_area_tag(:about, :value => "a test") assert_has_tag(:textarea, :content => "a test", :name => 'about') { actual_html } end should "display text area in ruby with no content with closing tag" do actual_html = text_area_tag(:about) assert_has_tag(:textarea, :content => "", :name => 'about') { actual_html } assert_equal '<textarea name="about"></textarea>', actual_html end should "display text area in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form textarea', :count => 1, :name => 'about', :class => 'large' end should "display text area in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form textarea', :count => 1, :name => 'about', :class => 'large' end end context 'for #password_field_tag method' do should "display password field in ruby" do actual_html = password_field_tag(:password, :class => 'long') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'password', :class => "long", :name => 'password') { actual_html } end should "display password field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' end should "display password field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=password]', :count => 1, :name => 'password' end end context 'for #file_field_tag method' do should "display file field in ruby" do actual_html = file_field_tag(:photo, :class => 'photo') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'file', :class => "photo", :name => 'photo') { actual_html } end should "display file field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=file]', :count => 1, :name => 'photo', :class => 'upload' end should "display file field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=file]', :count => 1, :name => 'photo', :class => 'upload' end end context "for #check_box_tag method" do should "display check_box tag in ruby" do actual_html = check_box_tag("clear_session") assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'checkbox', :value => '1', :name => 'clear_session') { actual_html } assert_has_no_tag(:input, :type => 'hidden') { actual_html } end should "display check_box tag in ruby with extended attributes" do actual_html = check_box_tag("clear_session", :disabled => true, :checked => true) assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'checkbox', :disabled => 'disabled', :checked => 'checked') { actual_html } end should "display check_box tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=checkbox]', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=checkbox]', :value => "1", :checked => 'checked' end should "display check_box tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=checkbox]', :count => 1 assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=checkbox]', :value => "1", :checked => 'checked' end end context "for #radio_button_tag method" do should "display radio_button tag in ruby" do actual_html = radio_button_tag("gender", :value => 'male') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'radio', :value => 'male', :name => 'gender') { actual_html } end should "display radio_button tag in ruby with extended attributes" do actual_html = radio_button_tag("gender", :disabled => true, :checked => true) assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'radio', :disabled => 'disabled', :checked => 'checked') { actual_html } end should "display radio_button tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'male' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'female' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "male", :checked => 'checked' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "female" end should "display radio_button tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'male' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=radio]', :count => 1, :value => 'female' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "male", :checked => 'checked' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=radio]', :value => "female" end end context "for #select_tag method" do should "display select tag in ruby" do actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :options => ['green', 'blue', 'black'], :include_blank => true) assert_has_tag(:select, :name => 'favorite_color') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option:first-child', :content => '') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'green', :value => 'green') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'blue', :value => 'blue') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'black', :value => 'black') { actual_html } end should "display select tag in ruby with extended attributes" do actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :disabled => true, :options => ['only', 'option']) assert_has_tag(:select, :disabled => 'disabled') { actual_html } end should "display select tag in ruby with multiple attribute" do actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :multiple => true, :options => ['only', 'option']) assert_has_tag(:select, :multiple => 'multiple', :name => 'favorite_color[]') { actual_html } end should "display options with values and selected" do options = [['Green', 'green1'], ['Blue', 'blue1'], ['Black', "black1"]] actual_html = select_tag(:favorite_color, :options => options, :selected => 'green1') assert_has_tag(:select, :name => 'favorite_color') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :selected => 'selected', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Green', :value => 'green1', :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Blue', :value => 'blue1') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :content => 'Black', :value => 'black1') { actual_html } end should "display select tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form select', :count => 1, :name => 'color' assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => 'green') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => 'orange') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => 'purple') assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form select', :name => 'fav_color' assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => '2', :selected => 'selected') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => '3') end should "display select tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form select', :count => 1, :name => 'color' assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => 'green') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => 'orange') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => 'purple') assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form select', :name => 'fav_color' assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'green', :value => '1') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'orange', :value => '2', :selected => 'selected') assert_have_selector('select option', :content => 'purple', :value => '3') end end context 'for #submit_tag method' do should "display submit tag in ruby" do actual_html = submit_tag("Update", :class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'submit', :class => "success", :value => 'Update') { actual_html } end should "display submit tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Submit" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Login" end should "display submit tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.simple-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Submit" assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=submit]', :count => 1, :value => "Login" end end context 'for #button_tag method' do should "display submit tag in ruby" do actual_html = button_tag("Cancel", :class => 'clear') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'button', :class => "clear", :value => 'Cancel') { actual_html } end should "display submit tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=button]', :count => 1, :value => "Cancel" end should "display submit tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=button]', :count => 1, :value => "Cancel" end end context 'for #image_submit_tag method' do should "display image submit tag in ruby with relative path" do actual_html = image_submit_tag('buttons/ok.png', :class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'image', :class => "success", :src => '/images/buttons/ok.png') { actual_html } end should "display image submit tag in ruby with absolute path" do actual_html = image_submit_tag('/system/ok.png', :class => 'success') assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'image', :class => "success", :src => '/system/ok.png') { actual_html } end should "display image submit tag in erb" do visit '/erb/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=image]', :count => 1, :src => "/images/buttons/submit.png" end should "display image submit tag in haml" do visit '/haml/form_tag' assert_have_selector 'form.advanced-form input[type=image]', :count => 1, :src => "/images/buttons/submit.png" end end end