o Sby@s(dZGdddeZGdddeZdS)z%Represent a response from the server.c@s`eZdZdZddZeddZeddZedd Zed d Z ed d Z eddZ dS)Response_data_address _request_id _duration _from_command_docscCs(||_||_||_||_||_||_dS)alRepresent a response from the server. :Parameters: - `data`: A network response message. - `address`: (host, port) of the source server. - `request_id`: The request id of this operation. - `duration`: The duration of the operation. - `from_command`: if the response is the result of a db command. Nr)selfdataaddress request_idduration from_commanddocsr7/tmp/pip-target-onvjaxws/lib/python/pymongo/response.py__init__s   zResponse.__init__cC|jS)z!Server response's raw BSON bytes.)rr rrrr &z Response.datacCr)z"(host, port) of the source server.)rrrrrr +rzResponse.addresscCr)z!The request id of this operation.)rrrrrr 0rzResponse.request_idcCr)zThe duration of the operation.)rrrrrr 5rzResponse.durationcCr)z.If the response is a result from a db command.)rrrrrr:rzResponse.from_commandcCr)zThe decoded document(s).)rrrrrr?rz Response.docsN) __name__ __module__ __qualname__ __slots__rpropertyr r r r rrrrrrrs     rcs8eZdZdZfddZeddZeddZZS)PinnedResponse) _socket_info _more_to_comec s*tt|||||||||_||_dS)aRepresent a response to an exhaust cursor's initial query. :Parameters: - `data`: A network response message. - `address`: (host, port) of the source server. - `socket_info`: The SocketInfo used for the initial query. - `pool`: The Pool from which the SocketInfo came. - `request_id`: The request id of this operation. - `duration`: The duration of the operation. - `from_command`: If the response is the result of a db command. - `docs`: List of documents. - `more_to_come`: Bool indicating whether cursor is ready to be exhausted. N)superrrrr) r r r socket_infor r rr more_to_come __class__rrrHs   zPinnedResponse.__init__cCr)zThe SocketInfo used for the initial query. The server will send batches on this socket, without waiting for getMores from the client, until the result set is exhausted or there is an error. )rrrrrr_szPinnedResponse.socket_infocCr)zvIf true, server is ready to send batches on the socket until the result set is exhausted or there is an error.)rrrrrr iszPinnedResponse.more_to_come) rrrrrrrr __classcell__rrr!rrEs   rN)__doc__objectrrrrrrs3