= vasputils changelog == Master (for 0.1.6) == Version 0.1.5 [2016-05-11] released * Add VasprunXml::calculation_basis * Add VasprunXml::elements * Add VasprunXml::calculation_cells == Version 0.1.4 [2016-05-09] released * Refactoring of unused variables * Add VasprunXml::calculation_energies == Version 0.1.3 [2016-04-20] released * Add 'incar generate --overwrite' * Bugfix 'vaspdir qsub' * Bugfix 'vaspdir show --dirs-with-matches' * Use vasputils.gemspec instead of Gemfile == Version 0.1.2 [2016-03-11] released * bugfix for 'vasprunxml pdos --sum' == Version 0.1.1 [2016-03-11] released * Add command * bin/vasprunxml * bin/incar * bin/kpoints * poscar substitute -a option * Remove bin/resetvaspdir. Use 'bin/vaspdir reset' * Remove bin/runvaspdir. Use 'bin/vaspdir exec' * Remove bin/showvaspdir. Use 'bin/vaspdir show' * Remove bin/resetvaspgeomopt. Use 'bin/vaspgeomopt reset' * Remove bin/runvaspgeomopt. Use 'bin/vaspgeomopt exec' * Remove bin/showvaspgeomopt. Use 'bin/vaspgeomopt show' * Remove bin/vaspspcond * Remove bin/qsubvasp * Change INCAR interface, inherited from Hash * Remove bin/geomoptposcar. Use 'bin/poscar snapgeomopt' * Remove bin/symposcar == Version 0.1.0 not released * Small revision of output of 'showvaspdir' to show zero at the tail of toten. * LAST_UPDATE in 'showvaspdir -a' is changed to be "time ago". * Small revision of output of 'symposcar' to include 'operation_id' * Add bin/vaspdir with subcommands; - 'vaspdir show' shows inspect VaspDir, instead of showvaspdir. - 'vaspdir run' runs vasp calculation, instead of runvaspdir. - 'vaspdir reset' reset to inital state of VaspDir, instead of resetvaspdir. * bin/vaspgeomopt is made, instead of showvaspdir, etc. * Poscar, Kpoints, Incar, Potcar modules converted to class. * Change interface of poscar.parse and poscar.load_file to return poscar class instance. * Add poscar.to_cell * Add poscar.load_cell * Add bin/poscar * Add bin/potcar * Add vaspspcond including subcommand 'vary', instead of varycondition. * Add VaspUtils::VasprunXml * Add bin/geomoptposcar * Add subcommand `povray' to bin/poscar * Add element order to Poscar.dump == Version 0.0.12 [2014-08-30] released * Update bin/symposcar . * Add options to bin/checkvasp and modified output format. * Rename VaspGeomOpt to VaspGeometryOptimizer * Add VaspGeometryOptimizer::reset_init * Add VaspGeometryOptimizer::reset_next * Add VaspGeometryOptimizer::reset_reincarnation * Add bin/resetvaspgeompot * Remove bin/nextvasp. Use bin/resetvaspgeomopt -n. * Rename bin/setvaspdir to bin/resetvaspdir * Remove optiions from bin/resetvaspdir * Change prefix for subdir of VaspGeomOpt from "try" to "geomopt" * Change indent width from 2 to 4. * Add bin/varycondition and related libraries. * Raise InitializeError when VaspGeometryOptimizer.new is failed. * Divide bin/checkvasp to bin/showvaspdir and bin/showvaspgeomopt. * Divide bin/runvasp to bin/runvaspdir and bin/runvaspgeomopt. * Add some options to bin/showvaspdir * Update dependency on other gems. == Version 0.0.11 * Modify bin/qsubvasp * Add VaspUtils::generate_kmeshes * Add example/dot.vasputils * Add Setting class * Add Potcar::Concatenater * Add Incar.dump * Modify vasputils/poscar.rb to adjust vasp 5.2 style * Renamed and modified bin/rmvaspout to bin/redovasp * Add bin/nextvasp == Version 0.0.10 * Delete Outcar.volume * Delete Outcar.irreducible_kpoints * Accelerate Outcar, using UNIX commands: grep, tail, and head * Modify bin/symposcar * Add bin/rmvaspout * Change name space for classes == Version 0.0.9 * Add VaspDir.poscar * Add bin/checkvasp * Delete bin/lsvasp, bin/lsvaspdir, bin/lsvaspseries == Version 0.0.8 * Modified bin/qsubvasp, add -g option == Version 0.0.7 * Modified bin/qsubvasp == Version 0.0.6 * bin/qsubvasp is added * lib/vaspdir is modified to raise ExecuteError when vasp failed == Version 0.0.5 * Modifiy error process in VaspDir.calculate * Add qsubvasp == Version 0.0.4 * Modified to use Comana * bin/runvasp is added * VaspDir is modified * VaspGeomOpt is added == Version 0.0.3