# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' require 'tumblr' require 'cinch-storage' require 'cinch-toolbox' module Cinch::Plugins class LinksTumblr include Cinch::Plugin listen_to :channel match /tumblr/ self.help = 'Use .tumblr for the url and password (if any) for the channel\'s tumblr.' def initialize(*args) super @storage = CinchStorage.new(config[:filename] || 'yaml/tumblr.yml') @storage.data[:history] ||= Hash.new @hostname = config['hostname'] || nil @password = config['password'] || nil @creds = { :consumer_key => config['consumer_key'], :consumer_secret => config['consumer_secret'], :token => config['token'], :token_secret => config['token_secret'] } end def execute(m) if m.channel.nil? # Tumblr's are channel bound, so require the user to be in a channel m.user.msg "You must use that command in the main channel." return else if @hostname msg = "Links are available @ http://#{@hostname}" msg << " Password: #{@password}" unless @password.nil? m.user.send msg else debug "ERROR: Tumblr hostname has not been specified, see docs for info." end end end def listen(m) urls = URI.extract(m.message, ["http", "https"]) urls.each do |url| @storage.data[:history][m.channel.name] ||= Hash.new # Check to see if we've seen the link unless @storage.data[:history][m.channel.name].key?(url) short_url = Cinch::Toolbox.shorten(url) title = Cinch::Toolbox.get_page_title(url) tumble(url, title, m.user.nick) # Store the links to try and cut down on popular urls getting tumbled 20 times @storage.data[:history][m.channel.name][url] = { :time => Time.now } end end if urls synchronize(:save_links) do @storage.save end end end private def tumble(url, title, nick) # Redit if redit = url.match(/^https?:\/\/.*imgur\.com.*\/([A-Za-z0-9]+\.\S{3})/) post_image("http://i.imgur.com/#{redit[1]}", title, nick) # Images elsif url.match(/\.jpg|jpeg|gif|png$/i) post_image(url, title, nick) # Youtube / Vimeo elsif url.match(/https?:\/\/[^\/]*\.?(youtube|youtu|vimeo)\./) post_video(url, nil, nick) # Everything else else post_link(url, title, nick) end end def post_link(url, title = nil, nick = nil) document = tumblr_header('link', { 'name' => title, 'tags' => nick }) document << url tublr_post(document) end def post_quote(quote, source, nick = nil) document = tumblr_header('quote', { 'source' => source, 'tags' => [nick, 'twitter'] }) document << quote tublr_post(document) end def post_image(url, title = nil, nick = nil) document = tumblr_header('text', { 'title' => title, 'tags' => [nick, 'image'] }) document << "


" tublr_post(document) end def post_video(url, title, nick = nil) document = tumblr_header('video', { 'caption' => title, 'tags' => [nick, 'video'] }) document << url tublr_post(document) end def tumblr_header(type = 'text', options = {}) opts = { 'type' => type, 'hostname' => @hostname }.update(options) doc = YAML::dump(opts) doc << "---\n" return doc end def tublr_post(doc) client = Tumblr::Client.new(@hostname, @creds) post = Tumblr::Post.load(doc) request = post.post(client) request.perform do |response| if response.success? debug "Successfully posted to Tumblr" else debug "Something went wrong posting to Tumblr #{response.code} #{response.message}" end end end end end