# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'Intercom::User' do let (:client) { Intercom::Client.new(token: 'token') } it "to_hash'es itself" do created_at = Time.now user = Intercom::User.new(email: 'jim@example.com', user_id: '12345', created_at: created_at, name: 'Jim Bob') as_hash = user.to_hash _(as_hash['email']).must_equal 'jim@example.com' _(as_hash['user_id']).must_equal '12345' _(as_hash['created_at']).must_equal created_at.to_i _(as_hash['name']).must_equal 'Jim Bob' end it 'presents created_at and last_impression_at as Date' do now = Time.now user = Intercom::User.from_api(created_at: now, last_impression_at: now) _(user.created_at).must_be_kind_of Time _(user.created_at.to_s).must_equal now.to_s _(user.last_impression_at).must_be_kind_of Time _(user.last_impression_at.to_s).must_equal now.to_s end it 'is throws a Intercom::AttributeNotSetError on trying to access an attribute that has not been set' do user = Intercom::User.new _(proc { user.foo_property }).must_raise Intercom::AttributeNotSetError end it 'presents a complete user record correctly' do user = Intercom::User.from_api(test_user) _(user.user_id).must_equal 'id-from-customers-app' _(user.email).must_equal 'bob@example.com' _(user.name).must_equal 'Joe Schmoe' _(user.app_id).must_equal 'the-app-id' _(user.session_count).must_equal 123 _(user.created_at.to_i).must_equal 1_401_970_114 _(user.remote_created_at.to_i).must_equal 1_393_613_864 _(user.updated_at.to_i).must_equal 1_401_970_114 _(user.avatar).must_be_kind_of Intercom::Avatar _(user.avatar.image_url).must_equal 'https://graph.facebook.com/1/picture?width=24&height=24' _(user.companies).must_be_kind_of Array _(user.companies.size).must_equal 1 _(user.companies[0]).must_be_kind_of Intercom::Company _(user.companies[0].company_id).must_equal '123' _(user.companies[0].id).must_equal 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' _(user.companies[0].app_id).must_equal 'the-app-id' _(user.companies[0].name).must_equal 'Company 1' _(user.companies[0].remote_created_at.to_i).must_equal 1_390_936_440 _(user.companies[0].created_at.to_i).must_equal 1_401_970_114 _(user.companies[0].updated_at.to_i).must_equal 1_401_970_114 _(user.companies[0].last_request_at.to_i).must_equal 1_401_970_113 _(user.companies[0].monthly_spend).must_equal 0 _(user.companies[0].session_count).must_equal 0 _(user.companies[0].user_count).must_equal 1 _(user.companies[0].tag_ids).must_equal [] _(user.custom_attributes).must_be_kind_of Intercom::Lib::FlatStore _(user.custom_attributes['a']).must_equal 'b' _(user.custom_attributes['b']).must_equal 2 _(user.social_profiles.size).must_equal 4 twitter_account = user.social_profiles.first _(twitter_account).must_be_kind_of Intercom::SocialProfile _(twitter_account.name).must_equal 'twitter' _(twitter_account.username).must_equal 'abc' _(twitter_account.url).must_equal 'http://twitter.com/abc' _(user.location_data).must_be_kind_of Intercom::LocationData _(user.location_data.city_name).must_equal 'Dublin' _(user.location_data.continent_code).must_equal 'EU' _(user.location_data.country_name).must_equal 'Ireland' _(user.location_data.latitude).must_equal '90' _(user.location_data.longitude).must_equal '10' _(user.location_data.country_code).must_equal 'IRL' _(user.unsubscribed_from_emails).must_equal true _(user.user_agent_data).must_equal 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.56 Safari/535.11' end it 'allows update_last_request_at' do client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'user_id' => '1224242', 'update_last_request_at' => true, 'custom_attributes' => {}).returns('user_id' => 'i-1224242', 'last_request_at' => 1_414_509_439) client.deprecated__users.create(user_id: '1224242', update_last_request_at: true) end it 'allows easy setting of custom data' do now = Time.now user = Intercom::User.new user.custom_attributes['mad'] = 123 user.custom_attributes['other'] = now.to_i user.custom_attributes['thing'] = 'yay' _(user.to_hash['custom_attributes']).must_equal 'mad' => 123, 'other' => now.to_i, 'thing' => 'yay' end it 'allows easy setting of multiple companies' do user = Intercom::User.new companies = [ { 'name' => 'Intercom', 'company_id' => '6' }, { 'name' => 'Test', 'company_id' => '9' } ] user.companies = companies _(user.to_hash['companies']).must_equal companies end it 'rejects nested data structures in custom_attributes' do user = Intercom::User.new _(proc { user.custom_attributes['thing'] = [1] }).must_raise(ArgumentError) _(proc { user.custom_attributes['thing'] = { 1 => 2 } }).must_raise(ArgumentError) _(proc { user.custom_attributes['thing'] = { 1 => { 2 => 3 } } }).must_raise(ArgumentError) user = Intercom::User.from_api(test_user) _(proc { user.custom_attributes['thing'] = [1] }).must_raise(ArgumentError) end describe 'incrementing custom_attributes fields' do before :each do @now = Time.now @user = Intercom::User.new('email' => 'jo@example.com', :user_id => 'i-1224242', :custom_attributes => { 'mad' => 123, 'another' => 432, 'other' => @now.to_i, :thing => 'yay' }) end it 'increments up by 1 with no args' do @user.increment('mad') _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['mad']).must_equal 124 end it 'increments up by given value' do @user.increment('mad', 4) _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['mad']).must_equal 127 end it 'increments down by given value' do @user.increment('mad', -1) _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['mad']).must_equal 122 end it 'can increment new custom data fields' do @user.increment('new_field', 3) _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['new_field']).must_equal 3 end it 'can call increment on the same key twice and increment by 2' do @user.increment('mad') @user.increment('mad') _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['mad']).must_equal 125 end end describe 'decrementing custom_attributes fields' do before :each do @now = Time.now @user = Intercom::User.new('email' => 'jo@example.com', :user_id => 'i-1224242', :custom_attributes => { 'mad' => 123, 'another' => 432, 'other' => @now.to_i, :thing => 'yay' }) end it 'decrements down by 1 with no args' do @user.decrement('mad') _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['mad']).must_equal 122 end it 'decrements down by given value' do @user.decrement('mad', 3) _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['mad']).must_equal 120 end it 'can decrement new custom data fields' do @user.decrement('new_field', 5) _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['new_field']).must_equal(-5) end it 'can call decrement on the same key twice and decrement by 2' do @user.decrement('mad') @user.decrement('mad') _(@user.to_hash['custom_attributes']['mad']).must_equal 121 end end it 'fetches a user' do client.expects(:get).with('/users', 'email' => 'bo@example.com').returns(test_user) user = client.deprecated__users.find('email' => 'bo@example.com') _(user.email).must_equal 'bob@example.com' _(user.name).must_equal 'Joe Schmoe' _(user.session_count).must_equal 123 end it 'gets users by tag' do client.expects(:get).with('/users?tag_id=124', {}).returns(page_of_users(false)) client.deprecated__users.by_tag(124).each { |t| } end it 'gets users by segment' do client.expects(:get).with('/users?segment_id=124', {}).returns(page_of_users(false)) client.deprecated__users.by_segment(124).each { |t| } end it 'saves a user (always sends custom_attributes)' do user = Intercom::User.new('email' => 'jo@example.com', :user_id => 'i-1224242') client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242', 'custom_attributes' => {}).returns('email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242') client.deprecated__users.save(user) end it 'saves a user with a company' do user = Intercom::User.new('email' => 'jo@example.com', :user_id => 'i-1224242', :company => { 'company_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Intercom' }) client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'custom_attributes' => {}, 'user_id' => 'i-1224242', 'email' => 'jo@example.com', 'company' => { 'company_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Intercom' }).returns('email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242') client.deprecated__users.save(user) end it 'saves a user with a companies' do user = Intercom::User.new('email' => 'jo@example.com', :user_id => 'i-1224242', :companies => [{ 'company_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Intercom' }]) client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'custom_attributes' => {}, 'email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242', 'companies' => [{ 'company_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Intercom' }]).returns('email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242') client.deprecated__users.save(user) end it 'can save a user with a nil email' do user = Intercom::User.new('email' => nil, :user_id => 'i-1224242', :companies => [{ 'company_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Intercom' }]) client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'custom_attributes' => {}, 'email' => nil, 'user_id' => 'i-1224242', 'companies' => [{ 'company_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Intercom' }]).returns('email' => nil, 'user_id' => 'i-1224242') client.deprecated__users.save(user) end it 'archives a user' do user = Intercom::User.new('id' => '1') client.expects(:delete).with('/users/1', {}).returns(user) client.deprecated__users.archive(user) end it 'has an alias to archive a user' do user = Intercom::User.new('id' => '1') client.expects(:delete).with('/users/1', {}).returns(user) client.deprecated__users.delete(user) end it 'sends a request for a hard deletion' do user = Intercom::User.new('id' => '1') client.expects(:post).with('/user_delete_requests', intercom_user_id: '1').returns(id: user.id) client.deprecated__users.request_hard_delete(user) end it 'can use client.users.create for convenience' do client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'custom_attributes' => {}, 'email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242').returns('email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242') user = client.deprecated__users.create('email' => 'jo@example.com', :user_id => 'i-1224242') _(user.email).must_equal 'jo@example.com' end it 'updates the user with attributes as set by the server' do client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242', 'custom_attributes' => {}).returns('email' => 'jo@example.com', 'user_id' => 'i-1224242', 'session_count' => 4) user = client.deprecated__users.create('email' => 'jo@example.com', :user_id => 'i-1224242') _(user.session_count).must_equal 4 end it 'allows setting dates to nil without converting them to 0' do client.expects(:post).with('/users', 'email' => 'jo@example.com', 'custom_attributes' => {}, 'remote_created_at' => nil).returns('email' => 'jo@example.com') user = client.deprecated__users.create('email' => 'jo@example.com', 'remote_created_at' => nil) assert_nil user.remote_created_at end it 'sets/gets rw keys' do params = { 'email' => 'me@example.com', :user_id => 'abc123', 'name' => 'Bob Smith', 'last_seen_ip' => '', 'last_seen_user_agent' => 'ie6', 'created_at' => Time.now } user = Intercom::User.new(params) custom_attributes = (params.keys + ['custom_attributes']).map(&:to_s).sort _(user.to_hash.keys.sort).must_equal custom_attributes params.keys.each do |key| _(user.send(key).to_s).must_equal params[key].to_s end end it 'will allow extra attributes in response from api' do user = Intercom::User.send(:from_api, 'new_param' => 'some value') _(user.new_param).must_equal 'some value' end it 'returns a ClientCollectionProxy for all without making any requests' do client.expects(:execute_request).never all = client.deprecated__users.all _(all).must_be_instance_of(Intercom::ClientCollectionProxy) end it 'can print users without crashing' do client.expects(:get).with('/users', 'email' => 'bo@example.com').returns(test_user) user = client.deprecated__users.find('email' => 'bo@example.com') begin orignal_stdout = $stdout $stdout = StringIO.new puts user p user ensure $stdout = orignal_stdout end end describe 'bulk operations' do let (:job) do { 'app_id' => 'app_id', 'id' => 'super_awesome_job', 'created_at' => 1_446_033_421, 'completed_at' => 1_446_048_736, 'closing_at' => 1_446_034_321, 'updated_at' => 1_446_048_736, 'name' => 'api_bulk_job', 'state' => 'completed', 'links' => { 'error' => 'https://api.intercom.io/jobs/super_awesome_job/error', 'self' => 'https://api.intercom.io/jobs/super_awesome_job' }, 'tasks' => [ { 'id' => 'super_awesome_task', 'item_count' => 2, 'created_at' => 1_446_033_421, 'started_at' => 1_446_033_709, 'completed_at' => 1_446_033_709, 'state' => 'completed' } ] } end let(:bulk_request) do { items: [ { method: 'post', data_type: 'user', data: { user_id: 25, email: 'alice@example.com' } }, { method: 'delete', data_type: 'user', data: { user_id: 26, email: 'bob@example.com' } } ] } end let(:users_to_create) do [ { user_id: 25, email: 'alice@example.com' } ] end let(:users_to_delete) do [ { user_id: 26, email: 'bob@example.com' } ] end it 'submits a bulk job' do client.expects(:post).with('/bulk/users', bulk_request).returns(job) client.deprecated__users.submit_bulk_job(create_items: users_to_create, delete_items: users_to_delete) end it 'adds users to an existing bulk job' do bulk_request[:job] = { id: 'super_awesome_job' } client.expects(:post).with('/bulk/users', bulk_request).returns(job) client.deprecated__users.submit_bulk_job(create_items: users_to_create, delete_items: users_to_delete, job_id: 'super_awesome_job') end end end