# Terraform This directory holds the terraform modules for maintaining your complete persistent infrastructure. Prerequisite: install the `jq` JSON processor: `brew install jq` ## Initial setup 1. Manually run the bootstrap module following instructions under `Terraform State Credentials` 1. Setup CI/CD Pipeline to run Terraform 1. Copy bootstrap credentials to your CI/CD secrets using the instructions in the base README 1. Create a cloud.gov SpaceDeployer by following the instructions under `SpaceDeployers` 1. Copy SpaceDeployer credentials to your CI/CD secrets using the instructions in the base README 1. Manually Running Terraform 1. Follow instructions under `Set up a new environment` to create your infrastructure ## Terraform State Credentials The bootstrap module is used to create an s3 bucket for later terraform runs to store their state in. ### Bootstrapping the state storage s3 buckets for the first time 1. Run `terraform init` 1. Run `./run.sh plan` to verify that the changes are what you expect 1. Run `./run.sh apply` to set up the bucket and retrieve credentials 1. Follow instructions under `Use bootstrap credentials` 1. Ensure that `import.sh` includes a line and correct IDs for any resources created 1. Run `./teardown_creds.sh` to remove the space deployer account used to create the s3 bucket ### To make changes to the bootstrap module *This should not be necessary in most cases* 1. Run `terraform init` 1. If you don't have terraform state locally: 1. run `./import.sh` 1. optionally run `./run.sh apply` to include the existing outputs in the state file 1. Make your changes 1. Continue from step 2 of the boostrapping instructions ### Retrieving existing bucket credentials 1. Run `./run.sh show` 1. Follow instructions under `Use bootstrap credentials` #### Use bootstrap credentials 1. Add the following to `~/.aws/credentials` ``` [<%= app_name %>-terraform-backend] aws_access_key_id = aws_secret_access_key = ``` 1. Copy `bucket` from `bucket_credentials` output to the backend block of `staging/providers.tf` and `production/providers.tf` ## SpaceDeployers A [SpaceDeployer](https://cloud.gov/docs/services/cloud-gov-service-account/) account is required to run terraform or deploy the application from the CI/CD pipeline. Create a new account by running: `./create_space_deployer.sh ` ## Set up a new environment manually The below steps rely on you first configuring access to the Terraform state in s3 as described in [Terraform State Credentials](#terraform-state-credentials). 1. `cd` to the environment you are working in 1. Set up a SpaceDeployer ```bash # create a space deployer service instance that can log in with just a username and password # the value of < SPACE_NAME > should be `staging` or `prod` depending on where you are working # the value for < ACCOUNT_NAME > can be anything, although we recommend # something that communicates the purpose of the deployer # for example: circleci-deployer for the credentials CircleCI uses to # deploy the application or -terraform for credentials to run terraform manually ../create_space_deployer.sh > secrets.auto.tfvars ``` The script will output the `username` (as `cf_user`) and `password` (as `cf_password`) for your ``. Read more in the [cloud.gov service account documentation](https://cloud.gov/docs/services/cloud-gov-service-account/). The easiest way to use this script is to redirect the output directly to the `secrets.auto.tfvars` file it needs to be used in 1. Run terraform from your new environment directory with ```bash terraform init terraform plan ``` 1. Apply changes with `terraform apply`. 1. Remove the space deployer service instance if it doesn't need to be used again, such as when manually running terraform once. ```bash # and have the same values as used above. ../destroy_space_deployer.sh ``` ## Structure Each environment has its own module, which relies on a shared module for everything except the providers code and environment specific variables and settings. ``` - bootstrap/ |- main.tf |- providers.tf |- variables.tf |- run.sh |- teardown_creds.sh |- import.sh - / |- main.tf |- providers.tf |- secrets.auto.tfvars |- variables.tf - shared/ |- s3/ |- main.tf |- providers.tf |- variables.tf |- database/ |- main.tf |- providers.tf |- variables.tf |- domain/ |- main.tf |- providers.tf |- variables.tf ``` In the shared modules: - `providers.tf` contains set up instructions for Terraform about Cloud Foundry and AWS - `main.tf` sets up the data and resources the application relies on - `variables.tf` lists the required variables and applicable default values In the environment-specific modules: - `providers.tf` lists the required providers - `main.tf` calls the shared Terraform code, but this is also a place where you can add any other services, resources, etc, which you would like to set up for that environment - `variables.tf` lists the variables that will be needed, either to pass through to the child module or for use in this module - `secrets.auto.tfvars` is a file which contains the information about the service-key and other secrets that should not be shared In the bootstrap module: - `providers.tf` lists the required providers - `main.tf` sets up s3 bucket to be shared across all environments. It lives in `prod` to communicate that it should not be deleted - `variables.tf` lists the variables that will be needed. Most values are hard-coded in this module - `run.sh` Helper script to set up a space deployer and run terraform. The terraform action (`show`/`plan`/`apply`/`destroy`) is passed as an argument - `teardown_creds.sh` Helper script to remove the space deployer setup as part of `run.sh` - `import.sh` Helper script to create a new local state file in case terraform changes are needed