# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Diagtool ON_WINDOWS = /mingw/.match?(RUBY_PLATFORM) def self.windows? ON_WINDOWS end end require 'logger' require 'fileutils' require 'fluent/diagtool/collectutils' require 'fluent/diagtool/maskutils' require 'fluent/diagtool/validutils' require 'fluent/diagtool/windows/diagutils' if Diagtool.windows? include Diagtool module Diagtool class DiagUtils # TODO: Consider making the logic of this class more abstract and # cutting out the unix-specific logic into a separate module as well. # (Currently, very limited features are supported for Windows. # In order to reduce impact on the existing logic for Unix-like. # only Windows-specific logic is separated into the module, for now. # In the future, the implementation of this class should be more abstract.) prepend Windows::PlatformSpecificDiagUtils if Diagtool.windows? def initialize(params) time = Time.new @time_format = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%0k%M%0S") @conf = parse_diagconf(params) @cmd_list = [ "ps -eo pid,ppid,stime,time,%mem,%cpu,cmd", "cat /proc/meminfo", "netstat -plan", "netstat -s", ] if fluent_package? @conf[:package_name] = "fluent-package" @conf[:service_name] = "fluentd" else @conf[:package_name] = "td-agent" @conf[:service_name] = "td-agent" end end def run_precheck() prechecklog = Logger.new(STDOUT, formatter: proc {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime}: [Diagtool] [#{severity}] #{msg}\n" }) loglevel = 'WARN' c = CollectUtils.new(@conf, loglevel) c_env = c.export_env() prechecklog.info("[Precheck] Fluentd Type = #{@conf[:type]}") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] Check OS parameters...") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] operating system = #{c_env[:os]}") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] kernel version = #{c_env[:kernel]}") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] Check #{@conf[:package_name]} parameters...") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] #{@conf[:package_name]} conf path = #{c_env[:tdconf_path]}") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] #{@conf[:package_name]} conf file = #{c_env[:tdconf]}") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] #{@conf[:package_name]} log path = #{c_env[:tdlog_path]}") prechecklog.info("[Precheck] #{@conf[:package_name]} log = #{c_env[:tdlog]}") if c_env[:tdconf_path] == nil || c_env[:tdconf] == nil prechecklog.warn("[Precheck] can not find #{@conf[:package_name]} conf path: please run diagtool command with -c /path/to/<#{@conf[:package_name]} conf file>") end if c_env[:tdlog_path] == nil || c_env[:tdlog] == nil prechecklog.warn("[Precheck] can not find #{@conf[:package_name]} log path: please run diagtool command with -l /path/to/<#{@conf[:package_name]} log file>") end if c_env[:tdconf_path] != nil && c_env[:tdconf] != nil && c_env[:tdlog_path] != nil && c_env[:tdlog] != nil prechecklog.info("[Precheck] Precheck completed. You can run diagtool command without -c and -l options") end end def run_diagtool() @conf[:time] = @time_format @conf[:workdir] = @conf[:basedir] + '/' + @time_format @conf[:outdir] = @conf[:workdir] + '/output' FileUtils.mkdir_p(@conf[:workdir]) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@conf[:outdir]) diaglog = @conf[:workdir] + '/diagtool.output' @masklog = './mask_' + @time_format + '.json' @logger = Logger.new(STDOUT, formatter: proc {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime}: [Diagtool] [#{severity}] #{msg}\n" }) @logger_file = Logger.new(diaglog, formatter: proc {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime}: [Diagtool] [#{severity}] #{msg}\n" }) diaglogger_info("Parsing command options...") diaglogger_info(" Option : Output directory = #{@conf[:basedir]}") diaglogger_info(" Option : Mask = #{@conf[:mask]}") diaglogger_info(" Option : Word list = #{@conf[:words]}") diaglogger_info(" Option : Hash Seed = #{@conf[:seed]}") loglevel = 'WARN' diaglogger_info("Initializing parameters...") c = CollectUtils.new(@conf, loglevel) c_env = c.export_env() diaglogger_info("[Collect] Loading the environment parameters...") diaglogger_info("[Collect] operating system = #{c_env[:os]}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] kernel version = #{c_env[:kernel]}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} conf path = #{c_env[:tdconf_path]}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} conf file = #{c_env[:tdconf]}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} log path = #{c_env[:tdlog_path]}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} log = #{c_env[:tdlog]}") m = MaskUtils.new(@conf, loglevel) v = ValidUtils.new(loglevel) diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting log files of #{@conf[:package_name]}...") case @type when 'fluentd' tdlog = c.collect_tdlog() diaglogger_info("[Collect] log files of #{@conf[:package_name]} are stored in #{tdlog}") when 'fleuntbit' if tdlog.empty? diaglogger_info("FluentBit logs are redirected to the standard output interface ") tdlog = '' else tdlog = c.collect_tdlog() diaglogger_info("[Collect] log files of #{@conf[:package_name]} are stored in #{tdlog}") end end diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting config file of #{@conf[:package_name]}...") tdconf = c.collect_tdconf() diaglogger_info("[Collect] config file is stored in #{tdconf}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting #{@conf[:package_name]} gem information...") tdgem = c.collect_tdgems() diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} gem information is stored in #{tdgem}") gem_info = c.collect_manually_installed_gems(tdgem) diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} gem information (bundled by default) is stored in #{gem_info[:bundled]}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} manually installed gem information is stored in #{gem_info[:local]}") local_gems = File.read(gem_info[:local]).lines(chomp: true) unless local_gems == [""] diaglogger_info("[Collect] #{@conf[:package_name]} manually installed gems:") local_gems.each do |gem| diaglogger_info("[Collect] * #{gem}") end end diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting config file of OS log...") oslog = c.collect_oslog() if @conf[:mask] == 'yes' diaglogger_info("[Mask] Masking OS log file : #{oslog}...") oslog = m.mask_tdlog(oslog, clean = true) end diaglogger_info("[Collect] config file is stored in #{oslog}") diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting date/time information...") if system('which chronyc > /dev/null 2>&1') ntp = c.collect_cmd_output(command="chronyc sources") diaglogger_info("[Collect] date/time information is stored in #{ntp}") elsif system('which ntpq > /dev/null 2>&1') ntp = c.collect_cmd_output(command="ntpq -p") diaglogger_info("[Collect] date/time information is stored in #{ntp}") else diaglogger_warn("[Collect] chrony/ntp does not exist. skip collectig date/time information") end ### # Correct OS information ### @cmd_list.each { |cmd| diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting command output : command = #{cmd}") if system(cmd + '> /dev/null 2>&1') out = c.collect_cmd_output(cmd) if @conf[:mask] == 'yes' diaglogger_info("[Mask] Masking command output file : #{out}...") out = m.mask_tdlog(out, clean = true) end diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting command output #{cmd.split[0]} stored in #{out}") end } ### # Correct information to be validated ### diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting sysctl information...") sysctl = c.collect_cmd_output("sysctl -a") diaglogger_info("[Collect] sysctl information is stored in #{sysctl}") diaglogger_info("[Valid] Validating sysctl information...") ret, sysctl = v.valid_sysctl(sysctl) list = sysctl.keys list.each do |k| if sysctl[k]['result'] == 'correct' diaglogger_info("[Valid] Sysctl: #{k} => #{sysctl[k]['value']} is correct (recommendation is #{sysctl[k]['recommend']})") elsif sysctl[k]['result'] == 'incorrect' diaglogger_warn("[Valid] Sysctl: #{k} => #{sysctl[k]['value']} is incorrect (recommendation is #{sysctl[k]['recommend']})") end end diaglogger_info("[Collect] Collecting ulimit information...") ulimit = c.collect_cmd_output(cmd="sh -c 'ulimit -n'") diaglogger_info("[Collect] ulimit information is stored in #{ulimit}") diaglogger_info("[Valid] Validating ulimit information...") ret, rec, val = v.valid_ulimit(ulimit) if ret == true diaglogger_info("[Valid] ulimit => #{val} is correct (recommendation is >#{rec})") else diaglogger_warn("[Valid] ulimit => #{val} is incorrect (recommendation is >#{rec})") end if @conf[:mask] == 'yes' tdconf.each { | file | diaglogger_info("[Mask] Masking #{@conf[:package_name]} config file : #{file}...") m.mask_tdlog(file, clean = true) } end if @conf[:mask] == 'yes' if tdlog != nil tdlog.each { | file | diaglogger_info("[Mask] Masking #{@conf[:package_name]} log file : #{file}...") filename = file.split("/")[-1] if filename.include?(".gz") m.mask_tdlog_gz(file, clean = true) elsif m.mask_tdlog(file, clean = true) end } end end if @conf[:mask] == 'yes' diaglogger_info("[Mask] Export mask log file : #{@masklog}") m.export_masklog(@masklog) end tar_file = c.compress_output() diaglogger_info("[Collect] Generate tar file #{tar_file}") end def parse_diagconf(params) options = { :precheck => '', :basedir => '', :type =>'', :mask => '', :words => [], :wfile => '', :seed => '', :tdconf =>'', :tdlog => '' } ### Parse precheck flag if params[:precheck] options[:precheck] = params[:precheck] else options[:precheck] = false end if options[:precheck] == false if params[:output] != nil if Dir.exist?(params[:output]) options[:basedir] = params[:output] else raise "output directory '#{params[:output]}' does not exist" end else raise "output directory '-o' must be specified" end end ### Parse fluent type if params[:type] == 'fluentd' || params[:type] == 'fluentbit' options[:type] = params[:type] else raise "fluentd type '-t' must be specified (fluentd or fluentbit)" end ### Parse mask flag if params[:mask] == nil options[:mask] = 'no' else if params[:mask] == 'yes' || params[:mask] == 'no' options[:mask] = params[:mask] else raise "invalid arguments '#{params[:mask]}' : input of '-m|--mask' should be 'yes' or 'no'" end end ### Parse uder-defined keyword list which will be used in the mask function options[:words] = params[:"word-list"] if params[:"word-list"] != nil ### Parse uder-defined keyword file which will be used in the mask function if params[:"word-file"] != nil f = params[:"word-file"] if File.exist?(f) File.readlines(f).each do |l| options[:words].append(l.gsub(/\n/,'')) end else raise "#{params[:"word-file"]} : No such file or directory" end end options[:words] = options[:words].uniq ### Parse hash seed which will be used in the mask function options[:seed] = params[:"hash-seed"] if params[:"hash-seed"] != nil ### Parse the path of fluentd config file if params[:conf] != nil f = params[:conf] if File.exist?(f) options[:tdconf] = params[:conf] else raise "#{params[:conf]} : No such file or directory" end end ### Parse the path of fluentd log file if params[:log] != nil f = params[:log] if File.exist?(f) options[:tdlog] = params[:log] else raise "#{params[:log]} : No such file or directory" end end return options end def diaglogger_debug(str) @logger.debug(str) @logger_file.debug(str) end def diaglogger_info(str) @logger.info(str) @logger_file.info(str) end def diaglogger_warn(str) @logger.warn(str) @logger_file.warn(str) end def diaglogger_error(str) @logger.error(str) @logger_file.error(str) end def fluent_package? File.exist?("/etc/fluent/fluentd.conf") || File.exist?("/opt/fluent/bin/fluentd") end end end