require File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)))), 'spec_helper') require File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))))), 'lib', 'reek', 'smells', 'long_yield_list') require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'smell_detector_shared') include Reek include Reek::Smells describe LongYieldList do before(:each) do @source_name = 'oo la la' @detector = # SMELL: can't use the default config, because that contains an override, # which causes the mocked matches?() method to be called twice!! end it_should_behave_like 'SmellDetector' context 'yield' do it 'should not report yield with no parameters' do 'def simple(arga, argb, &blk) f(3);yield; end'.should_not reek end it 'should not report yield with few parameters' do 'def simple(arga, argb, &blk) f(3);yield a,b; end'.should_not reek end it 'should report yield with many parameters' do 'def simple(arga, argb, &blk) f(3);yield arga,argb,arga,argb; end'.should reek_only_of(:LongYieldList, /simple/, /yields/, /4/) end it 'should not report yield of a long expression' do 'def simple(arga, argb, &blk) f(3);yield(if @dec then argb else 5+3 end); end'.should_not reek end end context 'looking at the YAML' do before :each do src = <