require 'spec_helper' describe Legato::Management::Goal do context "The Goal class" do def self.subject_class_name "goals" end it_behaves_like "a management finder" it 'creates a new goal instance from a hash of attributes' do user = stub goal ={"id" => 12345, "name" => "Goal 1", "webPropertyId" => "WebProperty 7", "profileId" => "Profile 111", "value" => "/blah"}, user) goal.user.should == user == 12345 == "Goal 1" goal.web_property_id.should == "WebProperty 7" goal.profile_id.should == "Profile 111" goal.attributes["value"].should == "/blah" goal.attributes.has_key?("id").should eq(false) end it 'returns an array of all goals available to a user under an account' do account = stub(:user => 'user', :path => 'accounts/12345') Legato::Management::Goal.stubs(:all) Legato::Management::Goal.for_account(account) Legato::Management::Goal.should have_received(:all).with('user', 'accounts/12345/webproperties/~all/profiles/~all/goals') end it 'returns an array of all goals available to a user under an web property' do web_property = stub(:user => 'user', :path => 'accounts/~all/webproperties/12345') Legato::Management::Goal.stubs(:all) Legato::Management::Goal.for_web_property(web_property) Legato::Management::Goal.should have_received(:all).with('user', 'accounts/~all/webproperties/12345/profiles/~all/goals') end it 'returns an array of all goals available to a user under a profile' do profile = stub(:user => 'user', :path => 'accounts/~all/webproperties/~all/profiles/12345') Legato::Management::Goal.stubs(:all) Legato::Management::Goal.for_profile(profile) Legato::Management::Goal.should have_received(:all).with('user', 'accounts/~all/webproperties/~all/profiles/12345/goals') end end context "A Goal instance" do it 'builds the path for the goal from the id' do goal ={"id" => 12345}, stub) goal.path.should == '/accounts/~all/webproperties/~all/profiles/~all/goals/12345' end end end