// This file was auto-generated based on version 1.0.0 of the canonical data. using Xunit; public class RomanNumeralsTest { [Fact] public void Number_1_is_a_single_i() { Assert.Equal("I", 1.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_2_is_two_i_s() { Assert.Equal("II", 2.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_3_is_three_i_s() { Assert.Equal("III", 3.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_4_being_5_1_is_iv() { Assert.Equal("IV", 4.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_5_is_a_single_v() { Assert.Equal("V", 5.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_6_being_5_1_is_vi() { Assert.Equal("VI", 6.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_9_being_10_1_is_ix() { Assert.Equal("IX", 9.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_20_is_two_x_s() { Assert.Equal("XXVII", 27.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_48_is_not_50_2_but_rather_40_8() { Assert.Equal("XLVIII", 48.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_50_is_a_single_l() { Assert.Equal("LIX", 59.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_90_being_100_10_is_xc() { Assert.Equal("XCIII", 93.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_100_is_a_single_c() { Assert.Equal("CXLI", 141.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_60_being_50_10_is_lx() { Assert.Equal("CLXIII", 163.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_400_being_500_100_is_cd() { Assert.Equal("CDII", 402.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_500_is_a_single_d() { Assert.Equal("DLXXV", 575.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_900_being_1000_100_is_cm() { Assert.Equal("CMXI", 911.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_1000_is_a_single_m() { Assert.Equal("MXXIV", 1024.ToRoman()); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_3000_is_three_m_s() { Assert.Equal("MMM", 3000.ToRoman()); } }