#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Created by Paolo Bosetti on 2009-04-27. # Copyright (c) 2009 University of Trento. All rights # reserved. require "rubygems" require "erubis" require "cgi" class String def escapeHTML CGI.escapeHTML self end end =begin rdoc Flotr namespace. =end module Flotr BASENAME = File.dirname(__FILE__) OUTPUT_FILE = "flotr.html" STD_TEMPLATE = "zooming.rhtml" =begin rdoc Series to be plotted are instance of the Flotr::Data class. Initialize a new Data object with a set of OPTIONS, then add points with the << method. =end class Data OPTIONS = [:color, :label, :lines, :bars, :points, :hints, :shadowSize] attr_accessor *OPTIONS attr_accessor :data =begin rdoc Creates a new serie of points. opts is a Hash with a subset of the keys given in OPTIONS. =end def initialize(opts={}) @data = [] opts.each do |k,v| if OPTIONS.include? k self.send(k.to_s+'=', v) else warn "Warning: data option '#{k}' does not exist, ignored" end end end =begin rdoc Provides a JavaScript-formatted description of the data array. =end def inspect options = "" OPTIONS.each do |o| if self.send o then options += "#{o}: \"#{self.send o}\", " end end "{ #{options}data: #{@data.inspect}}" end =begin rdoc Adds other to the data array. other must be a two element array like [0,0]. =end def <<(other) other = other.to_a raise ArgumentError unless other[0].kind_of? Numeric raise ArgumentError unless other[1].kind_of? Numeric @data << other end end =begin rdoc The Plot object. Serves as a container for the data series (Data objects) and for the plot options. Call the plot/show methods to generate the plot file Flotr::OUTPUT_FILE. =end class Plot attr_accessor :series, :title, :comment, :template, :options attr_accessor :width, :height attr_accessor :label, :xlim, :ylim =begin rdoc Creates a new plot. You only have to provide a title for the plot, that will (probably) be used as a page title by the active template. =end def initialize(title = "Flotr Plot") @title = title @template = "#{BASENAME}/#{STD_TEMPLATE}" @series = [] @options = {} @width, @height = 600, 300 @label = @xlim = @ylim = {} end =begin rdoc Lists the available standard templates. These are .rhtml files located in the lib floder inside the gem. The extension .rhtml is dropped. =end def std_templates Dir.glob("#{BASENAME}/*.rhtml").map {|f| File.basename(f, ".rhtml")} end =begin rdoc Selects the active template. It has to be one of those included in the result of the std_templates method. =end def std_template=(template) raise "Template #{template} does not exist!" unless self.std_templates.include?(template) @template = "#{BASENAME}/#{template}.rhtml" end =begin rdoc Returns the currently selected standard template, or nil if the active template is a custom one. Use Plot#template=(full/path/to/template.rhtml) to set a custom template. =end def std_template if File.dirname(@template) == BASENAME File.basename(@template, ".rhtml") else nil end end =begin rdoc Generates the html file containing the plot and fires up a preferred browser window with the plot loaded. =end def plot eruby = Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read(@template)) File.open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'w') do |f| f.print eruby.result(binding()) end case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ system "open \"#{OUTPUT_FILE}\"" when /mswin/ system "start #{OUTPUT_FILE}" else puts "open #{OUTPUT_FILE} in your preferred browser" end end alias show plot =begin rdoc Adds a Data serie to the Plot. It also returns self, so multiple calls can be concatenated as in plot << series1 << series2 << series3. =end def <<(serie) if serie.instance_of? Data @series << serie else raise ArgumentError end end =begin rdoc Provides a JavaScript-formatted description of the all the series. =end def inspect data = @series.map {|s| s.inspect} "[ #{data*', '} ]" end end end