#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'github_api' require 'date' require 'optparse' require 'optparse/date' # Instructions: # Get a token from github's settings (https://github.com/settings/tokens) # # Example: # ruby change_log.rb -t abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -s 2017-09-06 # options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: change_log.rb [options]\n" \ 'Prints New, Open, Closed Issues, and number of accepted PRs' opts.separator '' # defaults, go back 90 days options[:start_date] = Date.today - 90 options[:end_date] = Date.today opts.on('-s', '--start-date [DATE]', Date, 'Start of data (e.g. 2017-09-06)') do |v| options[:start_date] = v end opts.on('-e', '--end-date [DATE]', Date, 'End of data (e.g. 2017-09-13)') do |v| options[:end_date] = v end opts.on('-t', '--token [String]', String, 'Github API Token') do |v| options[:token] = v end end.parse! # Convert dates to time objects options[:start_date] = Time.parse(options[:start_date].to_s) options[:end_date] = Time.parse(options[:end_date].to_s) puts options ### Repository options repo_owner = 'URBANopt' repo = 'urbanopt-core-gem' github = Github.new if options[:token] puts 'Using github token' github = Github.new oauth_token: options[:token] end total_open_issues = [] total_open_pull_requests = [] new_issues = [] closed_issues = [] accepted_pull_requests = [] def get_num(issue) issue.html_url.split('/')[-1].to_i end def get_issue_num(issue) "\##{get_num(issue)}" end def get_html_url(issue) issue.html_url end def get_title(issue) issue.title end def print_issue(issue) is_feature = false issue.labels.each { |label| is_feature = true if label.name == 'Feature Request' } if is_feature "- Improved [#{get_issue_num(issue)}]( #{get_html_url(issue)} ), #{get_title(issue)}" else "- Fixed [#{get_issue_num(issue)}]( #{get_html_url(issue)} ), #{get_title(issue)}" end end # Process Open Issues results = -1 page = 1 while results != 0 resp = github.issues.list user: repo_owner, repo: repo, sort: 'created', direction: 'asc', state: 'open', per_page: 100, page: page results = resp.length resp.env[:body].each do |issue, _index| created = Time.parse(issue.created_at) if !issue.key?(:pull_request) total_open_issues << issue if created >= options[:start_date] && created <= options[:end_date] new_issues << issue end else total_open_pull_requests << issue end end page += 1 end # Process Closed Issues results = -1 page = 1 while results != 0 resp = github.issues.list user: repo_owner, repo: repo, sort: 'created', direction: 'asc', state: 'closed', per_page: 100, page: page results = resp.length resp.env[:body].each do |issue, _index| created = Time.parse(issue.created_at) closed = Time.parse(issue.closed_at) if !issue.key?(:pull_request) if created >= options[:start_date] && created <= options[:end_date] new_issues << issue end if closed >= options[:start_date] && closed <= options[:end_date] closed_issues << issue end elsif closed >= options[:start_date] && closed <= options[:end_date] accepted_pull_requests << issue end end page += 1 end closed_issues.sort! { |x, y| get_num(x) <=> get_num(y) } new_issues.sort! { |x, y| get_num(x) <=> get_num(y) } accepted_pull_requests.sort! { |x, y| get_num(x) <=> get_num(y) } total_open_pull_requests.sort! { |x, y| get_num(x) <=> get_num(y) } puts "Total Open Issues: #{total_open_issues.length}" puts "Total Open Pull Requests: #{total_open_pull_requests.length}" puts "\nDate Range: #{options[:start_date].strftime('%m/%d/%y')} - #{options[:end_date].strftime('%m/%d/%y')}:" puts "\nNew Issues: #{new_issues.length} (" + new_issues.map { |issue| get_issue_num(issue) }.join(', ') + ')' puts "\nClosed Issues: #{closed_issues.length}" closed_issues.each { |issue| puts print_issue(issue) } puts "\nAccepted Pull Requests: #{accepted_pull_requests.length}" accepted_pull_requests.each { |issue| puts print_issue(issue) } puts "\nAll Open Issues: #{total_open_issues.length} (" + total_open_issues.map { |issue| get_issue_num(issue) }.join(', ') + ')'