require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::RM::EHR include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity::DateTime describe EHR do before(:each) do system_id = => 'ABC::DEF') ehr_id = => 'GHI::JKL') time_created = => '2009-11-14T19:01:11') ehr_access = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_EHR_ACCESS') ehr_status = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_EHR_STATUS') contribution1 = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'CONTRIBUTION') contribution2 = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'CONTRIBUTION') contributions = [contribution1, contribution2] directory = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_FOLDER') composition1 = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_COMPOSITION') composition2 = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_COMPOSITION') composition3 = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_COMPOSITION') compositions = [composition1, composition2, composition3] @ehr = => system_id, :ehr_id => ehr_id, :time_created => time_created, :contributions => contributions, :ehr_access => ehr_access, :ehr_status => ehr_status, :directory => directory, :compositions => compositions) end it 'should be an instance of EHR' do @ehr.should be_an_instance_of EHR end it 'system_id should be assigned properly' do @ehr.system_id.value.should == 'ABC::DEF' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil system_id' do lambda { @ehr.system_id = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'ehr_id should be assigned properly' do @ehr.ehr_id.value.should == 'GHI::JKL' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil ehr_id' do lambda { @ehr.ehr_id = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'time_created should be assigned properly' do @ehr.time_created.value.should == '2009-11-14T19:01:11' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil time_created' do lambda { @ehr.time_created = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'contributions should properly assigned' do @ehr.contributions.size.should be_equal 2 end it 'type contributions should be CONTRIBUTION' do contributions = [stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'PARTY')] lambda { @ehr.contributions = contributions }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil contributions' do lambda { @ehr.contributions = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'ehr_access should be assigned properly' do @ehr.ehr_access.type.should == 'VERSIONED_EHR_ACCESS' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil ehr_access' do lambda { @ehr.ehr_access = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArguemntError with invalid ehr_access type' do lambda { @ehr.ehr_access = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_EHR_STATUS') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'ehr_status should be assigned properly' do @ehr.ehr_status.type.should == 'VERSIONED_EHR_STATUS' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil ehr_status' do lambda { @ehr.ehr_status = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid ehr_statsu type' do lambda { @ehr.ehr_status = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'VERSIONED_EHR_ACCESS') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should assigned compositions properly' do @ehr.compositions.size.should be_equal 3 end it 'should raise ArgumentError with nil compositions' do lambda { @ehr.compositions = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid type composition' do lambda { @ehr.compositions = [stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'INVALID_COMPOSITION')] }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should assigned directory properly' do == 'VERSIONED_FOLDER' end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid type' do lambda { = stub(ObjectRef, :type => 'INVALID_FOLDER') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end end