require 'capybara/rack_test/driver' require 'mechanize' require 'capybara/mechanize/node' require 'capybara/mechanize/form' class Capybara::Mechanize::Browser < Capybara::RackTest::Browser extend Forwardable def_delegator :agent, :scheme_handlers def_delegator :agent, :scheme_handlers= def initialize(driver) @agent = @agent.redirect_ok = false @agent.user_agent = default_user_agent super end def reset_host! @last_remote_uri = nil @last_request_remote = nil super end def current_url last_request_remote? ? remote_response.current_url : super end def last_response last_request_remote? ? remote_response : super end # For each of these http methods, we want to intercept the method call. # Then we determine if the call is remote or local. # Remote: Handle it with our process_remote_request method. # Local: Register the local request and call super to let RackTest get it. [:get, :post, :put, :delete].each do |method| define_method(method) do |path, params = {}, env = {}, &block| path = @last_path if path.nil? || path.empty? if remote?(path) process_remote_request(method, path, params, env, &block) else register_local_request super(path, params, env, &block) end @last_path = path end end def remote?(url) if Capybara.app_host true else host = URI.parse(url).host if host.nil? last_request_remote? else !Capybara::Mechanize.local_hosts.include?(host) end end end def find(format, selector) if format==:css dom.css(selector, else dom.xpath(selector) { |node|, node) } end attr_reader :agent private def last_request_remote? !!@last_request_remote end def register_local_request @last_remote_uri = nil @last_request_remote = false end def remote_request_path @last_remote_uri.nil? ? nil : @last_remote_uri.path end def request_path last_request_remote? ? remote_request_path : super end def process_remote_request(method, url, attributes, headers) if remote?(url) uri = URI.parse(url) @last_remote_uri = uri url = uri.to_s reset_cache! begin if method == :post if attributes.is_a? Mechanize::Form submit_mechanize_form(url, attributes, headers) else @agent.send(method, url, attributes, headers) end elsif method == :get if attributes.is_a? Mechanize::Form submit_mechanize_form(url, attributes, headers) else referer = headers['HTTP_REFERER'] @agent.send(method, url, attributes, referer, headers) end else @agent.send(method, url, attributes, headers) end rescue => e raise "Received the following error for a #{method.to_s.upcase} request to #{url}: '#{e.message}'" end @last_request_remote = true end end def submit_mechanize_form(url, form, headers) form.action = url @agent.submit(form, nil, headers) end def remote_response if @agent.current_page end def default_user_agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_0) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.853.0 Safari/535.2" end class ResponseProxy extend Forwardable def_delegator :page, :body attr_reader :page def initialize(page) @page = page end def current_url page.uri.to_s end def headers # Hax the content-type contains utf8, so Capybara specs are failing, need to ask mailinglist headers = page.response headers["content-type"].gsub!(';charset=utf-8', '') if headers["content-type"] headers end def [](key) headers[key] end def status page.code.to_i end def redirect? status >= 300 && status < 400 end end end