module TestingHelpers def add_stubs(target, atts = {}) target = create(target.to_sym) if target.is_a? Symbol target.tap do |it| klass = [Class, Module].include?(target.class) ? target : target.class atts.each do |(attr, v)| allow_any_instance_of(klass).to receive(attr.to_sym) { v } end end end def current_order_stubs(order) allow_any_instance_of(Spree::CheckoutController).to receive_messages(current_order: order) allow_any_instance_of(Spree::OrdersController).to receive_messages(current_order: order) end # Builds a regex matcher for script tag contents # @param tag_name [String] Value of script's data-tag attribute # @param matches [Array] Keywords that must appear in script contents (order matters!) # @return [Object] Returns a capybara matcher for a script tag with specific attributes and contents def track_analytics_event(tag_name, event_name, matches) matches = {|v| Regexp.escape(v.to_s) }.join('.+') have_selector :css, "script[data-tag=#{tag_name}][data-fired-events=#{event_name}]", visible: false, text: /#{matches}/i end end