require 'assert' require 'ns-options/option' require 'ns-options/boolean' class NsOptions::Option class BaseTests < Assert::Context desc "NsOptions::Option" setup do @rules = { :default => "development" } @option =, nil, @rules) end subject{ @option } should have_class_methods :rules, :args should have_accessors :name, :value, :type_class, :rules should have_imeths :is_set?, :required?, :reset should "know its name" do assert_equal :stage, end should "know its type class" do assert_equal Object, subject.type_class end should "know its rules" do exp_rules = { :default => "development", :args => [] } assert_equal exp_rules, subject.rules end should "not be required? by default" do assert_equal false, subject.required? end end class ParseArgsTests < BaseTests desc "when parsing args" setup do @pname, @ptype_class, @prules = NsOptions::Option.args([:stage, String, @rules]) end should "parse the name arg and convert to a string" do assert_equal "stage", @pname @pname, @ptype_class, @prules = NsOptions::Option.args(['test']) assert_equal 'test', @pname end should "parse the type_class arg and default it to Object" do assert_equal String, @ptype_class @pname, @ptype_class, @prules = NsOptions::Option.args(['test']) assert_equal Object, @ptype_class end should "parse the type_class arg and default it to a given default type class" do assert_equal String, @ptype_class @pname, @ptype_class, @prules = NsOptions::Option.args(['test'], Fixnum) assert_equal Fixnum, @ptype_class end should "parse option rules arguments, defaulting to {:args => []}" do assert_equal @rules, @prules @pname, @ptype_class, @prules = NsOptions::Option.args(['test']) assert_equal({:args => []}, @prules) end end class DefaultRuleTests < BaseTests desc "using the :default rule" setup do @option =, Object, :default => {}) end should "have defaulted value based on the rule" do assert_equal, subject.value end should "allow overwriting the default value" do assert_nothing_raised { subject.value = "overwritten" } assert_equal "overwritten", subject.value end should "allow setting the value to nil" do assert_nothing_raised { subject.value = nil } assert_nil subject.value end should "return the value to its default when `reset` is called" do subject.value = {:hash => 'overwritten'} subject.reset assert_equal, subject.value subject.value[:hash] = 'overwritten' subject.reset assert_equal, subject.value end end class RequiredRuleTests < BaseTests desc "using the :required rule" setup do @option =, Object, :required => true) end should "return true with a call to #required?" do assert_equal true, subject.required? end end class ParseRulesTests < BaseTests desc "parsing rules" setup do @cases = [nil, {}, {:args => 'is'}].map do |c| NsOptions::Option.rules(c) end end should "always return them as a Hash" do @cases.each { |c| assert_kind_of Hash, c } end should "always return with an array args rule" do @cases.each do |c| assert c.has_key? :args assert_kind_of Array, c[:args] end end end class IsSetTests < BaseTests desc "is_set method" setup do @type_class = do def is_set? self.gsub(/\s+/, '').size != 0 end end @special =, @type_class) @boolean =, NsOptions::Boolean) end should "return appropriately" do @option.value = "abc" assert_equal true, @option.is_set? @option.value = nil assert_equal false, @option.is_set? @boolean.value = true assert_equal true, @boolean.is_set? @boolean.value = false assert_equal true, @boolean.is_set? end should "use the type class's is_set method if available" do @special.value = "not blank" assert_equal true, @special.is_set? @special.value = " " assert_equal false, @special.is_set? end end class EqualityOperatorTests < BaseTests desc "== operator" setup do @first =, String) @first.value = "test" @second =, String) @second.value = "test" end should "return true if their attributes are equal" do [ :name, :type_class, :value, :rules ].each do |attribute| assert_equal @first.send(attribute), @second.send(attribute) end assert_equal @first, @second @first.value = "staging" assert_not_equal @first, @second end end class WithIntegerTypeClassTests < BaseTests desc "with an Integer type class" setup do @option =, Integer) end subject{ @option } should "allow setting it's value" do subject.value = 12 assert_equal 12, subject.value end should "allow setting it's value with a string and convert it" do subject.value = "13" assert_equal "13".to_i, subject.value end end class WithFixnumTypeClassTests < BaseTests desc "with a Fixnum type class" setup do @option =, Fixnum) end subject{ @option } should "allow setting it's value" do subject.value = 12 assert_equal 12, subject.value end should "allow setting it's value with a string and convert it" do subject.value = "13" assert_equal "13".to_i, subject.value end end class WithFloatTypeClassTests < BaseTests desc "with a Float type class" setup do @option =, Float) end subject{ @option } should "allow setting it's value" do subject.value = 12.5 assert_equal 12.5, subject.value end should "allow setting it's value with a string and convert it" do subject.value = "13.4" assert_equal "13.4".to_f, subject.value end should "allow setting it's value with an integer and convert it" do subject.value = 1 assert_equal 1.to_f, subject.value end end class WithStringTypeClassTests < BaseTests desc "with an String type class" setup do @option =, String) end subject{ @option } should "allow setting it's value" do subject.value = "12" assert_equal "12", subject.value end should "allow setting it's value with a numeric and convert it" do subject.value = 13 assert_equal 13.to_s, subject.value subject.value = 13.5 assert_equal 13.5.to_s, subject.value end should "allow setting it's value with other things and convert it" do subject.value = true assert_equal true.to_s, subject.value subject.value = NsOptions assert_equal NsOptions.to_s, subject.value end end class WithSymbolTypeClasstests < BaseTests desc "with a Symbol as a type class" setup do @option =, Symbol) end should "allow setting it with any object that responds to #to_sym" do value = "amazing" subject.value = value assert_equal value.to_sym, subject.value value = :another subject.value = value assert_equal value, subject.value object_class = do def to_sym; :object_sym; end end value = subject.value = value assert_equal, subject.value end should "error on anything that doesn't define #to_sym" do assert_raises(NsOptions::Option::CoerceError) do subject.value = true end end end class WithHashTypeClassTests < BaseTests desc "with a Hash as a type class" setup do @option =, Hash) end subject{ @option } should "allow setting it with a hash" do new_value = { :another => true } subject.value = new_value assert_equal new_value, subject.value end end class WithArrayTypeClassTests < BaseTests desc "with an Array as a type class" setup do @option =, Array) end subject{ @option } should "allow setting it with a array" do expected = [ :something, :else, :another ] subject.value = [ :something, :else, :another ] assert_equal expected, subject.value end should "allow setting it with a single value" do expected = [ :something ] subject.value = :something assert_equal expected, subject.value end end class WithTypeClassArgErrorTests < BaseTests desc "setting a value with arg error" setup do @err = begin raise ArgumentError, "some test error" rescue ArgumentError => err err end class SuperSuperTestTest def initialize(*args) raise ArgumentError, "some test error" end end @option =, SuperSuperTestTest) end should "reraise as a CoerceError with a custom message and backtrace" do err = begin @option.value = "arg error should be raised" rescue Exception => err err end assert_equal NsOptions::Option::CoerceError, err.class assert_included @option.type_class.to_s, err.message assert_included 'test/unit/option_tests.rb:', err.backtrace.first end end class WithAValueOfTheSameClassTests < BaseTests desc "with a value of the same class" setup do @class = @option =, @class) end should "use the object passed to it instead of creating a new one" do value = @option.value = value assert_same value, @option.value end end class WithAValueKindOfTests < BaseTests desc "with a value that is a kind of the class" setup do @class = @child_class = @option =, @class) end should "use the object passed to it instead of creating a new one" do value = @option.value = value assert_same value, @option.value end end class ProcHandlingTests < BaseTests setup do class KindOfProc < Proc; end @a_string = "a string" @direct_proc = { "I can haz eval: #{@a_string}" } @subclass_proc = { 12345 } @direct_opt =, Proc) @subclass_opt =, KindOfProc) end end class WithProcTypeClassTests < ProcHandlingTests desc "with Proc as a type class" setup do @direct_opt.value = @direct_proc @subclass_opt.value = @subclass_proc end should "allow setting it with a proc" do assert_kind_of Proc, @direct_opt.value assert_kind_of KindOfProc, @subclass_opt.value assert_equal @direct_proc, @direct_opt.value assert_equal @subclass_proc, @subclass_opt.value end end class WithLazyProcTests < ProcHandlingTests desc "with a Proc value but no Proc-ancestor type class" setup do @string_opt =, String) end should "set the Proc and coerce the Proc return val when read" do @string_opt.value = @direct_proc assert_kind_of String, @string_opt.value assert_equal "I can haz eval: a string", @string_opt.value @a_string = "a new string" assert_equal "I can haz eval: a new string", @string_opt.value @string_opt.value = @subclass_proc assert_kind_of String, @string_opt.value assert_equal "12345", @string_opt.value end end class WithReturnValueTests < BaseTests setup do # test control values @string = :string, String @symbol = :symbol, Symbol @integer = :integer, Integer @float = :float, Float @hash = :hash, Hash @array = :array, Array @proc = :proc, Proc @lazy_proc = :lazy_proc, Object # custom return value class HostedAt # sanitized :hosted_at config # remove any trailing '/' # ensure single leading '/' def initialize(value) @hosted_at = value.sub(/\/+$/, '').sub(/^\/*/, '/') end def returned_value @hosted_at end end @hosted_at =, HostedAt) end should "return values normally when no `returned_value` is specified" do @string.value = "test" assert_equal "test", @string.value @symbol.value = :test assert_equal :test, @symbol.value @integer.value = 1 assert_equal 1, @integer.value @float.value = 1.1 assert_equal 1.1, @float.value @hash.value = {:test => 'test'} assert_equal({:test => 'test'}, @hash.value) @array.value = ['test'] assert_equal ['test'], @array.value @proc.value = { 'test' } assert_kind_of Proc, @proc.value @lazy_proc.value = { 'lazy test' } assert_equal 'lazy test', @lazy_proc.value end should "should honor `returned_value` when returning option values" do @hosted_at.value = "path/to/resource/" assert_equal '/path/to/resource', @hosted_at.value end end class WithArgsTests < BaseTests desc "with args rule" setup do @class = do attr_accessor :args def initialize(*args) self.args = args end end end class AsArrayTests < WithArgsTests desc "as an array" setup do @args = [ true, false, { :hash => "yes" } ] @option =, @class, { :args => @args }) @option.value = "amazing" end should "pass the args to the type class with the value" do expected = ["amazing", *@args] assert_equal expected, subject.value.args end end class AsSingleValueTests < WithArgsTests desc "as a single value" setup do @args = lambda{ "something" } @option =, @class, { :args => @args }) @option.value = "amazing" end should "pass the single value to the type class with the value" do expected = ["amazing", *@args] assert_equal expected, subject.value.args end end class AsNilValueTests < WithArgsTests desc "as a nil value" setup do @args = nil @option =, @class, { :args => @args }) @option.value = "amazing" end should "just pass the value to the type class and that's it" do expected = ["amazing"] assert_equal expected, subject.value.args end end class AsEmptyArrayValueTests < WithArgsTests desc "as an empty Array value" setup do @args = [] @option =, @class, { :args => @args }) @option.value = "amazing" end should "just pass the value to the type class and that's it" do expected = ["amazing"] assert_equal expected, subject.value.args end end end end