module Jets::Thor class Auth def initialize(args) @args = args end # Only check once. Thor subcommands result in 2 calls to Thor dispatch. @@success = false def check! return @@success if @@success # Commands that do not require authentication return if no_auth_command? if api_key? resp = ping puts resp["message"] unless resp["message"] == "pong" @@success = true else login_help_message exit 1 end end # interface method def api_key? Jets::Api::Config.instance.api_key? end # interface method def ping Jets::Api::Ping.create end # Tricky: Thor load the command and then the subcommand. # IE: jets generate:event # @args = ["dotenv", "list"] # first pass # @args = ["list"] # second pass # We only check first pass to see if it is a no_auth_command. # And cache it so the second pass never occurs. @@no_auth_command = nil def no_auth_command? return @@no_auth_command unless @@no_auth_command.nil? base = %w[ generate init ] more = %w[ ci:info ci:init ci:logs ci:start ci:status ci:stop clean concurrency curl dotenv env exec functions funs logs maintenance schedule waf:info waf:init ] commands = base + more commands += commands.uniq! # @args contains the command and subcommand # IE: jets ci:init => ["ci", "init"] @@no_auth_command = (commands & @args).any? || # IE: ["ci"] & ["ci", "init"] (commands & [@args.join(":")]).any? || # IE: ["ci:init"] & ["ci:init"] @args.empty? end def login_help_message puts <<~EOL An account is required to use Jets. You can sign up at Please login. You can login with jets login EOL end def handle_unauthorized(e) puts "Unauthorized: #{e.message}".color(:red) exit 1 end end end