Feature: conditional exclusion of example groups Example groups can be excluded from a run by matching the value of the --exclude argument against options passed to an example group. The value can be a key or a key:value pair (separated by a ":"). Scenario: exclusion using explicit value Given the following spec: """ describe "This should run" do it { 5.should == 5 } end describe "This should not run", :slow => true do it { 1_000_000.times { 5.should == 5 } } end """ When I run it with the spec command --format specdoc --exclude slow:true Then the exit code should be 0 And the stdout should match "1 example, 0 failures" And the stdout should match /This should run$/m But the stdout should not match "This should not run" Scenario: exclusion using default value (true) Given the following spec: """ describe "This should run" do it { 5.should == 5 } end describe "This should not run", :slow => true do it { 1_000_000.times { 5.should == 5 } } end """ When I run it with the spec command --format specdoc --exclude slow Then the exit code should be 0 And the stdout should match "1 example, 0 failures" And the stdout should match /This should run$/m But the stdout should not match "This should not run"