require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe Superfeedr do before(:each) do @mock_connection = mock(Babylon::XmppConnection, {:send_xml => true, :jid => "client@server.tld/resource"}) end describe "connect" do end describe "on_stanza" do end describe "subscribe" do before(:each) do Superfeedr.stub!(:connection).and_return(@mock_connection) Superfeedr.stub!(:send).and_return(true) @block = { } @node = "" @mock_stanza = mock(SubscribeQueryStanza, {:id => "123"}) SubscribeQueryStanza.stub!(:new).and_return(@mock_stanza) end it "should raise an error if not connected" do Superfeedr.should_receive(:connection).and_return(nil) lambda { Superfeedr.subscribe(@node, &@block) }.should raise_error(Superfeedr::NotConnected) end it "should create a new SubscribeQueryStanza with the right url" do SubscribeQueryStanza.should_receive(:new).with({:node => @node, :from => @mock_connection.jid}).and_return(@mock_stanza) Superfeedr.subscribe(@node, &@block) end it "should add a Proc that just calls the block in params to the @@callbacks" do Superfeedr.subscribe(@node, &@block) Superfeedr.callbacks[][:method].should == Superfeedr.method(:on_subscribe) Superfeedr.callbacks[][:param].should == @block end it "should send the stanza" do Superfeedr.should_receive(:send).with(@mock_stanza).and_return(true) Superfeedr.subscribe(@node, &@block) end end describe "unsubscribe" do before(:each) do Superfeedr.stub!(:connection).and_return(@mock_connection) Superfeedr.stub!(:send).and_return(true) @block = { } @node = "" @mock_stanza = mock(UnsubscribeQueryStanza, {:id => "123"}) UnsubscribeQueryStanza.stub!(:new).and_return(@mock_stanza) end it "should raise an error if not connected" do Superfeedr.should_receive(:connection).and_return(nil) lambda { Superfeedr.unsubscribe(@node, &@block) }.should raise_error(Superfeedr::NotConnected) end it "should create a new SubscribeQueryStanza with the right url" do UnsubscribeQueryStanza.should_receive(:new).with({:node => @node, :from => @mock_connection.jid}).and_return(@mock_stanza) Superfeedr.unsubscribe(@node, &@block) end it "should add a Proc that just calls the block in params to the @@callbacks" do Superfeedr.unsubscribe(@node, &@block) Superfeedr.callbacks[][:method].should == Superfeedr.method(:on_unsubscribe) Superfeedr.callbacks[][:param].should == @block end it "should send the stanza" do Superfeedr.should_receive(:send).with(@mock_stanza).and_return(true) Superfeedr.unsubscribe(@node, &@block) end end describe "subscriptions" do before(:each) do Superfeedr.stub!(:connection).and_return(@mock_connection) Superfeedr.stub!(:send).and_return(true) @block = { } @page = 3 @mock_stanza = mock(SubscriptionsQueryStanza, {:id => "123"}) SubscriptionsQueryStanza.stub!(:new).and_return(@mock_stanza) end it "should raise an error if not connected" do Superfeedr.should_receive(:connection).and_return(nil) lambda { Superfeedr.subscriptions(@page, &@block) }.should raise_error(Superfeedr::NotConnected) end it "should create a new SubscribeQueryStanza with the right url" do SubscriptionsQueryStanza.should_receive(:new).with({:page => @page, :from => @mock_connection.jid}).and_return(@mock_stanza) Superfeedr.subscriptions(@page, &@block) end it "should add a Proc that just calls the block in params to the @@callbacks" do Superfeedr.subscriptions(@page, &@block) Superfeedr.callbacks[][:method].should == Superfeedr.method(:on_subscriptions) Superfeedr.callbacks[][:param].should == @block end it "should send the stanza" do Superfeedr.should_receive(:send).with(@mock_stanza).and_return(true) Superfeedr.subscriptions(@page, &@block) end end describe "on_subscribe" do it "should call the block with true if the stanza type is 'result'" do xml = <<-EOXML EOXML stanza = Nokogiri::XML(xml) Superfeedr.on_subscribe(stanza.root) do |res| res.should be_true end end it "should call the block with false if the stanza type is not 'result'" do xml = <<-EOXML EOXML stanza = Nokogiri::XML(xml) Superfeedr.on_subscribe(stanza.root) do |res| res.should be_false end end end describe "on_unsubscribe" do it "should call the block with true if the stanza type is 'result'" do xml = <<-EOXML EOXML stanza = Nokogiri::XML(xml) Superfeedr.on_unsubscribe(stanza.root) do |res| res.should be_true end end it "should call the block with false if the stanza type is not 'result'" do xml = <<-EOXML EOXML stanza = Nokogiri::XML(xml) Superfeedr.on_unsubscribe(stanza.root) do |res| res.should be_false end end end describe "on_subscriptions" do it "should call the block with the page number and the list of feeds as an array" do xml = <<-EOXML EOXML stanza = Nokogiri::XML(xml) Superfeedr.on_subscriptions(stanza.root) do |page, subscriptions| page.should == 3 subscriptions.should == ["http://domain.tld/path/to/a/feed/atom.xml", "http://domain2.tld/path/to/feed.rss"] end end end end