module Learn module RSpec class Runner attr_accessor :parsed_output, :json_output, :formatted_results attr_reader :username, :user_id, :repo_name, :options, :connection def initialize(username, user_id, repo_name, options) @username = username @user_id = user_id @repo_name = repo_name @options = options @json_output = "" @parsed_output = nil @formatted_results = {} @connection = SERVICE_URL) do |faraday| faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter end end def run check_options run_rspec if !options.include?('-h') && !options.include?('--help') set_json_output jsonify format_results push_results cleanup end end def check_options options_has_format = options.include?('--format') || options.include?('-f') if dot_rspec = read_dot_rspec if options_has_format if dot_rspec.any? {|dot_opt| dot_opt.match(/--format|-f/)} options << dot_rspec.reject {|dot_opt| dot_opt.match(/--format|-f/)} else options << dot_rspec end end end if options_has_format self.options.flatten! else options.unshift('--format documentation') end # Don't pass the test/local flag from learn binary to rspec runner. options.delete("--test") options.delete("-t") options.delete("-l") options.delete("--local") end def read_dot_rspec if File.exist?('.rspec') File.readlines('.rspec').map(&:strip) else nil end end def run_rspec system("rspec #{options.join(' ')} --format j --out .results.json") end def set_json_output self.json_output ='.results.json') end def jsonify self.parsed_output = Oj.load(json_output, symbol_keys: true) end def format_results self.formatted_results.merge!({ username: username, github_user_id: user_id, repo_name: repo_name, build: { test_suite: [{ framework: 'rspec', formatted_output: parsed_output, duration: parsed_output[:summary][:duration] }] }, examples: parsed_output[:summary][:example_count], passing_count: parsed_output[:summary][:example_count] - parsed_output[:summary][:failure_count] - parsed_output[:summary][:pending_count], pending_count: parsed_output[:summary][:pending_count], failure_count: parsed_output[:summary][:failure_count], failure_descriptions: parsed_output[:examples].select do |example| example[:status] == "failed" { |ex| ex[:full_description] }.join(";") }) end def push_results do |req| req.url SERVICE_ENDPOINT req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = Oj.dump(formatted_results, mode: :compat) end end def cleanup FileUtils.rm('.results.json') end end end end