APPSENT - awesome config management solution [![Build Status](]( ================================================================================================================================================ Description ----------- In every application (especially big apps, where a lot of people working on it) you need to have many config files, where settings for different environments (development, test, and production as minimum), and without some settings there application will fail, and sometime it takes long time to find where was mistake. This gem provides easy way to handle loading different config files, validations for necessary config values, in a such way: your application will not start until you fill all needed settings, and when you done you will have access to every your in a convenient way. Usage ----- Initialize application with config requirements: require 'appsent' AppSent.init(:path => 'config', :env => ENV['RACK_ENV']) do # Hash-based config: mongo_db_config do host :type => String, :example => 'localhost', :desc => 'Host to connect to MongoDB' port :type => Fixnum pool_size :type => Fixnum timeout :type => Fixnum end exception_notification_recipients :type => Array end Access to config values performs in a such way: AppSent::MONGO_DB_CONFIG['host'] #=>'localhost' AppSent::EXCEPTION_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENTS #=>[...] TODO: more doc