- Context::Context
- should not have a parent set on creation
- should set the parent on entry
- should add new views to the main view
- should remove views on exit
- should be able to set key bindings
- should create the views on entry
- should destroy the views on exit
- should keep track if the context has been entered or not
- Context::EnumeratedType
- should start at 0 by default
- should increment by one for each value
- should start at the number specified
- should only respond to the names of the defined symbols
- Context::Gtk::App
- should start the Gtk main loop when run
- should quit the Gtk main loop when quit
- Context::Gtk::Key
- should have a factory method to convert from a GTK KeyPressEvent and back
- should convert characters with no modifier and back
- should create a null character if it doesn't know how to make it
- Context::Gtk::Widget
- should add and show the widget when add is called.
- should remove the widget, reshow the container and grab focus when removed is called.
- should keep track of the main Window
- Context::Key
- should have unique hash values
- should produce the same hash for equivalent values
- Kernel
- should have a unit test for require_all
- Context::Widget
- should do equivalence based on the delagate in the widget
- Context::View
- should set the context on creation
- should use the widgets to add a view
- should use the widgets to remove a view
- should pass key notifications on to the context
- Context::KeyAssignment
- should have a key and a proc
- Context::KeyMap
- should be able to contain a KeyAssignment
- should be able to contain many KeyAssignments
- should be able to press a key
- should return false if a non-handled key is pressed
- Context::Gtk::PageView
- should have a widget when initialized
- should show the widgets when opened
- should add widgets from another view when added
- should remove widgets from another view when removed
- should react to destroy signals
- Context::PageView
- should close the context when the view is closed
- Context::ExecutionProxy
- should execute methods
- should execute code blocks
- Context::Bridge
- should reference classes in the namespace provided