# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'unit_helper' module Watir describe Capabilities do before(:all) { Watir.logger.ignore(:watir_client) } def expected_browser(browser) case browser when :ie 'internet explorer' when :edge 'MicrosoftEdge' else browser.to_s end end def service_class(browser) Selenium.const_get("Selenium::WebDriver::#{expected_browser_class(browser)}::Service") end def options_class(browser) Selenium.const_get("Selenium::WebDriver::#{expected_browser_class(browser)}::Options") end def expected_browser_class(browser) browser == :ie ? 'IE' : browser.capitalize end def halt_service(browser) allow(Selenium::WebDriver::Platform).to receive(:find_binary).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:file?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:executable?).and_return(true) service_class(browser).driver_path = nil end supported_browsers = %i[chrome edge firefox ie safari] # Options: # :listener # :service (Built from Hash) # :http_client (Generated or Built from Hash) # :proxy (Built from Hash and added to :options) # :options (Generated or Built from Hash) # :capabilities (incompatible with options) supported_browsers.each do |browser_symbol| it 'just browser has client & options not service' do capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:http_client]).to be_a HttpClient expect(args.last[:options]).to be_a options_class(browser_symbol) expect(args.last).not_to include(:service) end it 'errors with url and service' do expect { described_class.new(browser_symbol, service: instance_double(Selenium::WebDriver::Service), url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub/') }.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, ':url and :service are not both allowed') end it 'just options has client & options but not capabilities or service' do capabilities = described_class.new(options: options_class(browser_symbol).new) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:http_client]).to be_a HttpClient expect(args.last[:options]).to be_a options_class(browser_symbol) expect(args.last).not_to include(:service) end it 'just capabilities has client & capabilities but not service' do caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.send(browser_symbol) capabilities = described_class.new(capabilities: caps) args = [] expect { args = capabilities.to_args }.to have_deprecated(:capabilities) expect(args.last[:http_client]).to be_a HttpClient expect(args.last[:capabilities]).to be_a(Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities) expect(args.last[:capabilities].browser_name).to eq expected_browser(browser_symbol) expect(args.last).not_to include(:service) end describe 'service' do it 'uses provided service' do halt_service(browser_symbol) service = service_class(browser_symbol).new(port: 1234) capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, service: service) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq browser_symbol actual_service = args.last[:service] expect(actual_service.instance_variable_get(:@port)).to eq 1234 end it 'builds service from a Hash' do halt_service(browser_symbol) service = {port: 1234, path: '/path/to/driver', args: %w[--foo --bar]} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, service: service) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq browser_symbol actual_service = args.last[:service] expect(actual_service.instance_variable_get(:@port)).to eq 1234 expect(actual_service.instance_variable_get(:@executable_path)).to eq '/path/to/driver' expect(actual_service.instance_variable_get(:@extra_args)).to include '--foo', '--bar' end it 'is a bad argument to service' do capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, service: 7) expect { capabilities.to_args }.to raise_exception(TypeError) end end describe 'http_client' do it 'uses default HTTP Client' do capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:http_client]).to be_a HttpClient end it 'accepts an HTTP Client object' do client = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.new capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, http_client: client) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:http_client]).to eq client end it 'builds an HTTP Client from Hash' do client_opts = {open_timeout: 10, read_timeout: 10} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, http_client: client_opts) args = capabilities.to_args actual_client = args.last[:http_client] expect(actual_client).to be_a HttpClient expect(actual_client.instance_variable_get(:@read_timeout)).to eq 10 expect(actual_client.instance_variable_get(:@open_timeout)).to eq 10 end it 'raises an exception if :client receives something other than Hash or Client object' do expect { described_class.new(browser_symbol, http_client: 7).to_args }.to raise_exception(TypeError, ':http_client must be a Hash or a Selenium HTTP Client instance') end end it 'uses a listener' do listener = Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener.new capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, listener: listener) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:listener]).to eq listener end it 'accepts both capabilities and Options' do caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.send(browser_symbol) opts = options_class(browser_symbol).new expect { described_class.new(browser_symbol, capabilities: caps, options: opts) }.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, ':capabilities and :options are not both allowed') end describe 'timeout options' do it 'accepts page load and script timeouts in seconds' do options = {page_load_timeout: 11, script_timeout: 12} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.timeouts[:page_load]).to eq 11_000 expect(actual_options.timeouts[:script]).to eq 12_000 end it 'has deprecated timeouts key with page load warning' do options = {timeouts: {page_load: 11}} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options) expect { capabilities.to_args }.to have_deprecated(:timeouts) end it 'has deprecated timeouts key with script warning' do options = {timeouts: {script: 11}} expect { capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options) capabilities.to_args }.to have_deprecated(:timeouts) end it 'does not allow implicit wait timeout in timeouts hash' do options = {timeouts: {implicit: 1}} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options) expect { capabilities.to_args }.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, 'do not set implicit wait, Watir handles waiting automatically') end end it 'unhandled prompt behavior defaults to ignore' do capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.unhandled_prompt_behavior).to eq :ignore end it 'unhandled prompt behavior can be overridden' do capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: {unhandled_prompt_behavior: :accept_and_notify}) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.unhandled_prompt_behavior).to eq :accept_and_notify end describe 'proxy' do it 'adds Selenium Proxy to empty Options' do proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new(http: '', ssl: '') capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, proxy: proxy) args = capabilities.to_args proxy = args.last[:options].proxy expect(proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy expect(proxy.type).to eq(:manual) expect(proxy.http).to eq('') expect(proxy.ssl).to eq('') end it 'builds a Proxy from Hash for Options' do proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, proxy: proxy) args = capabilities.to_args proxy = args.last[:options].proxy expect(proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy expect(proxy.type).to eq(:manual) expect(proxy.http).to eq('') expect(proxy.ssl).to eq('') end it 'builds a Proxy from Hash and adds to Options' do proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''} options = {unhandled_prompt_behavior: :accept, page_load_strategy: :eager} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options, proxy: proxy) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy expect(actual_options.proxy.type).to eq(:manual) expect(actual_options.proxy.http).to eq('') expect(actual_options.proxy.ssl).to eq('') expect(actual_options.unhandled_prompt_behavior).to eq :accept expect(actual_options.page_load_strategy).to eq :eager end end it 'errors on bad proxy key' do proxy = {bad_key: 'foo'} capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, proxy: proxy) expect { capabilities.to_args }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /unknown option/) end it 'errors on bad proxy object' do capabilities = described_class.new(browser_symbol, proxy: 7) expect { capabilities.to_args }.to raise_exception(TypeError, '7 needs to be Selenium Proxy or Hash instance') end end # Options: # :url (Required) # :service (Errors) # :listener # :http_client (Generated or Built from Hash) # :proxy (Built from Hash and added to :options) # :options (Generated or Built from Hash) # :capabilities (incompatible with options) describe 'Remote execution' do it 'with just url' do capabilities = described_class.new(url: 'http://example.com') args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.browser_name).to eq 'chrome' end it 'just url & browser name has capabilities and client but not service' do capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub/') args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote expect(args.last[:url]).to eq 'https://example.com/wd/hub/' expect(args.last[:http_client]).to be_a HttpClient expect(args.last[:options]).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options expect(args.last).not_to include(:service) end it 'accepts a listener' do listener = Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener.new capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'http://example.com/wd/hub/', listener: listener) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:listener]).to eq listener end it 'accepts http client object' do client = HttpClient.new capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', http_client: client) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote expect(args.last[:http_client]).to eq client actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.browser_name).to eq 'chrome' end it 'accepts http client Hash' do capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', http_client: {read_timeout: 30}) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote expect(args.last[:http_client].instance_variable_get(:@read_timeout)).to eq 30 actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.browser_name).to eq 'chrome' end it 'accepts proxy object' do proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new(http: '', ssl: '') capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', proxy: proxy) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote proxy = args.last[:options].proxy expect(proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy expect(proxy.type).to eq(:manual) expect(proxy.http).to eq('') expect(proxy.ssl).to eq('') end it 'accepts proxy Hash' do proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''} capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', proxy: proxy) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote proxy = args.last[:options].proxy expect(proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy expect(proxy.type).to eq(:manual) expect(proxy.http).to eq('') expect(proxy.ssl).to eq('') end it 'accepts options object' do capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', options: Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options.new(args: ['--foo'])) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.browser_name).to eq 'chrome' expect(actual_options.args).to include('--foo') end it 'accepts options hash' do options = {prefs: {foo: 'bar'}} capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'http://example.com', options: options) args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote expect(args.last[:url]).to eq 'http://example.com' actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options).to be_a(Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options) expect(actual_options.prefs).to eq(foo: 'bar') end it 'accepts capabilities object' do caps = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', capabilities: Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.chrome) args = [] expect { args = caps.to_args }.to have_deprecated(:capabilities) expect(args.first).to eq :remote actual_capabilities = args.last[:capabilities] expect(actual_capabilities).to be_a(Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities) expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq 'chrome' end it 'accepts http client & capabilities objects' do client = HttpClient.new caps = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', capabilities: Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.chrome, http_client: client) args = [] expect { args = caps.to_args }.to have_deprecated(:capabilities) expect(args.first).to eq :remote expect(args.last[:http_client]).to eq client actual_capabilities = args.last[:capabilities] expect(actual_capabilities).to be_a(Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities) expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq 'chrome' end it 'accepts http client & proxy & options objects' do client = HttpClient.new proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''} options = Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options.new(prefs: {foo: 'bar'}) caps = described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', proxy: proxy, options: options, http_client: client) args = caps.to_args expect(args.first).to eq :remote expect(args.last[:http_client]).to eq client actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options).to be_a(Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options) expect(actual_options.prefs).to eq(foo: 'bar') proxy = args.last[:options].proxy expect(proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy expect(proxy.type).to eq(:manual) expect(proxy.http).to eq('') expect(proxy.ssl).to eq('') end it 'raises exception when both options & capabilities defined' do options = {prefs: {foo: 'bar'}} expect { described_class.new(:chrome, url: 'https://example.com/wd/hub', capabilities: Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.chrome, options: options) }.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, ':capabilities and :options are not both allowed') end it 'allows headless to be set in chrome' do capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, headless: true, url: 'http://example.com') args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '--headless', '--disable-gpu' end it 'allows headless to be set in firefox' do capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, headless: true, url: 'http://example.com') args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:options].args).to include '-headless' end it 'supports multiple vendor capabilities' do sauce_options = {'sauce:options': {username: ENV.fetch('SAUCE_USERNAME', nil), access_key: ENV.fetch('SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY', nil)}} other_options = {'other:options': {foo: 'bar'}} capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, options: sauce_options.merge(other_options), url: 'https://ondemand.us-west-1.saucelabs.com') generated_options = capabilities.to_args.last[:options] expect(generated_options).to be_a(Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options) expect(generated_options.unhandled_prompt_behavior).to eq :ignore actual_options = generated_options.instance_variable_get(:@options) expect(actual_options[:'sauce:options']).to eq sauce_options[:'sauce:options'] expect(actual_options[:'other:options']).to eq other_options[:'other:options'] end end describe 'chrome' do it 'by default uses chrome, has client, options, but not capabilities' do capabilities = described_class.new args = capabilities.to_args expect(args.last[:http_client]).to be_a HttpClient expect(args.last[:options]).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options expect(args.last).not_to include(:service) end it 'sets headless by creating options' do capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, headless: true) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '--headless', '--disable-gpu' end it 'sets headless in existing options class' do capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, options: Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options.new, headless: true) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '--headless', '--disable-gpu' end it 'sets headless when existing options is a Hash' do options = {args: ['--foo']} capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, options: options, headless: true) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--foo' end it 'generates options from Hash' do options = {args: %w[--foo --bar]} capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, options: options) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options expect(actual_options.args).to include '--foo', '--bar' end it 'accepts browser and w3c capabilities in options Hash' do opts = {page_load_strategy: 'eager', args: %w[--foo --bar]} capabilities = described_class.new(:chrome, options: opts) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.page_load_strategy).to eq 'eager' expect(actual_options.args).to include '--foo', '--bar' end end describe 'firefox' do it 'puts Profile inside Options as Hash' do profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new options = {args: ['--foo'], profile: profile} capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, options: options) actual_options = capabilities.to_args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '--foo' expect(actual_options.profile).to eq profile end it 'sets headless by creating options' do capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, headless: true) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '-headless' end it 'sets headless in existing options class' do capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, options: Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options.new, headless: true) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '-headless' end it 'sets headless when existing options is a Hash' do options = {args: ['-foo']} capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, options: options, headless: true) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '-headless', '-foo' end it 'generates Options instance from Hash' do options = {args: %w[--foo --bar]} capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, options: options) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options expect(actual_options.args).to include '--foo', '--bar' end it 'accepts browser and w3c capabilities in options Hash' do opts = {page_load_strategy: 'eager', args: %w[--foo --bar]} capabilities = described_class.new(:firefox, options: opts) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '--foo', '--bar' expect(actual_options.page_load_strategy).to eq 'eager' end end describe 'safari' do it 'sets Technology Preview' do halt_service(:safari) described_class.new(:safari, technology_preview: true).to_args expect(Selenium::WebDriver::Safari.technology_preview?).to be true end it 'generates options from Hash' do options = {automatic_inspection: true} capabilities = described_class.new(:safari, options: options) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Options expect(actual_options.automatic_inspection).to be true end it 'accepts browser and w3c capabilities in options Hash' do opts = {page_load_strategy: 'eager', automatic_inspection: true} capabilities = described_class.new(:safari, options: opts) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.automatic_inspection).to be true expect(actual_options.page_load_strategy).to eq 'eager' end end describe 'ie' do it 'generates Options instance from Hash with args' do options = {args: %w[--foo --bar]} capabilities = described_class.new(:ie, options: options) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Options expect(actual_options.args).to include '--foo', '--bar' end it 'generates Options instance from Hash with valid option' do options = {browser_attach_timeout: true} capabilities = described_class.new(:ie, options: options) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Options expect(actual_options.options[:browser_attach_timeout]).to be true end it 'accepts browser and w3c capabilities in options Hash' do opts = {page_load_strategy: 'eager', args: ['--foo']} capabilities = described_class.new(:ie, options: opts) args = capabilities.to_args actual_options = args.last[:options] expect(actual_options.args).to include '--foo' expect(actual_options.page_load_strategy).to eq 'eager' end end end end