# Parelation [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/meskyanichi/parelation.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/meskyanichi/parelation) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/meskyanichi/parelation.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/meskyanichi/parelation) Parelation, for Rails/ActiveRecord 4.1.0+, allows you to query your ActiveRecord-mapped database easily, securely and quite flexibly using simple GET requests. It's used in your controller layer where it uses HTTP GET parameters to build on the ActiveRecord::Relation chain. This provides the client-side with the out-of-the-box flexibility to perform fairly dynamic queries without having to write boilerplate on the server. This library was developed for- and extracted from [HireFire]. ### Compatibility - Rails/ActiveRecord 4.1.0+ - Ruby (MRI) 2.0+ - Ruby (RBX) 2.2+ ### Installation Compile and install the gem from source. ```rb gem "parelation", github: "meskyanichi/parelation" ``` *This library won't be hosted on RubyGems.org until it's been tested more in development.* ### Example Here's an example to get an idea of how it works. We'll fetch the `50` most recently created and `open` tickets, and we only want their `id`, `name` and `message` attributes. ```js var params = { "select[]": ["id", "name", "message"], "where[state]": "open", "order": "created_at:desc", "limit": "50" } $.get("https://api.ticket.app/tickets", params, function(tickets){ console.log("Just fetched the 50 most recent and open tickets.") $.each(tickets, function(ticket){ console.log("Ticket " + ticket.name + " loaded!") }) }) ``` Simply include `Parelation::Helpers` and use the `parelate` method. This will ensure that the provided parameters are converted and applied to the `Ticket.all` criteria chain. ```rb class Api::V1::TicketsController < ApplicationController include Parelation::Helpers def index render json: parelate(Ticket.all) end end ``` You can also scope results to the `current_user`: ```rb class Api::V1::TicketsController < ApplicationController include Parelation::Helpers def index render json: parelate(current_user.tickets) end end ``` Using the same JavaScript, this'll now fetch the 50 most recent open tickets scoped to the `current_user`. ### Parameter List (Reference) Here follows a list of all possible query syntaxes. We'll assume we have a Ticket model to query on. #### Select ``` /tickets?select[]=id&select[]=name&select[]=message ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.select(:id, :name, :message) ``` #### Where ``` /tickets?where[state]=open ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.where(state: "open") ``` You can also specify multiple multiple conditions: ``` /tickets?where[state][]=open&where[state][]=pending ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.where(state: ["open", "pending"]) ``` #### Where (directional) * `where_gt` (greater than `>`) * `where_gte` (greater than or equal to `>=`) * `where_lt` (less than `<`) * `where_lte` (less than or equal to `<=`) ``` /tickets?where_gt[created_at]=2014-01-01T00:00:00Z ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.where("'tickets'.'created_at' > '2014-01-01 00:00:00.000000'") ``` You can also specify multiple conditions: ``` /tickets?where_gt[created_at]=2014-01-01T00:00:00Z&where_gt[updated_at]=2014-01-01T00:00:00Z ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket .where("'tickets'.'created_at' > '2014-01-01 00:00:00.000000'") .where("'tickets'.'updated_at' > '2014-01-01 00:00:00.000000'") ``` #### Query ``` /tickets?query[memory leak]=name ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.where("'tickets'.'name' LIKE '%memory leak%'") ``` You can also specify multiple columns to scan: ``` /tickets?query[memory leak]=name&query[memory leak]=message ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.where("( 'tickets'.'name' LIKE '%memory leak%' OR 'tickets'.'message' LIKE '%memory leak%' )") ``` #### Order ``` /tickets?order=created_at:desc ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.order(created_at: :desc) ``` You can also specify multiple order-operations: ``` /tickets?order[]=created_at:desc&order[]=name:asc ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.order(created_at: :desc, name: :asc) ``` #### Limit ``` /tickets?limit=50 ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.limit(50) ``` #### Offset ``` /tickets?offset=25 ``` Translates to: ```rb Ticket.offset(25) ``` ### Error Handling When invalid parameters were sent, you can rescue the exception and return a message to the client. ```rb class Api::V1::TicketsController < ApplicationController include Parelation::Helpers def index render json: parelate(Ticket.all) rescue Parelation::Errors::Parameter => error render json: { error: error }, status: :bad_request end end ``` This will tell client developers what parameter failed in the HTTP response. This exception generally occurs when there is a typo in the URL's parameters. Knowing which parameter failed (described in `error`) helps narrowing down the issue. ### Contributing Contributions are welcome, but please conform to these requirements: - Ruby (MRI) 2.0+ - Ruby (RBX) 2.2+ - ActiveRecord 4.1.0+ - 100% Spec Coverage - Generated by when running the test suite - 100% [Passing Specs] - Run test suite with `$ rspec spec` - 4.0 [Code Climate Score] - Run `$ rubycritic lib` to generate the score locally and receive tips - No code smells - No duplication To start contributing, fork the project, clone it, and install the development dependencies: ``` git clone git@github.com:USERNAME/parelation.git cd parelation bundle ``` Ensure that everything works: ``` rspec spec rubycritic lib ``` Create a new branch and start hacking: ``` git checkout -b my-contributions ``` Submit a pull request. ### Author / License Copyright (c) 2014 Michael van Rooijen ( [@meskyanichi] )
Released under the MIT [License]. [@meskyanichi]: https://twitter.com/meskyanichi [HireFire]: http://hirefire.io [Passing Specs]: https://travis-ci.org/meskyanichi/parelation [Code Climate Score]: https://codeclimate.com/github/meskyanichi/parelation [License]: https://github.com/meskyanichi/parelation/blob/master/LICENSE