/* ** object.c - Object, NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass class ** ** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h */ #include "mruby.h" #include "mruby/class.h" #include "mruby/numeric.h" #include "mruby/string.h" mrb_bool mrb_obj_eq(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value v1, mrb_value v2) { if (mrb_type(v1) != mrb_type(v2)) return FALSE; switch (mrb_type(v1)) { case MRB_TT_TRUE: return TRUE; case MRB_TT_FALSE: case MRB_TT_FIXNUM: return (v1.value.i == v2.value.i); case MRB_TT_SYMBOL: return (v1.value.sym == v2.value.sym); case MRB_TT_FLOAT: return (mrb_float(v1) == mrb_float(v2)); default: return (mrb_ptr(v1) == mrb_ptr(v2)); } } mrb_bool mrb_obj_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value v1, mrb_value v2) { /* temporary definition */ return mrb_obj_eq(mrb, v1, v2); } mrb_bool mrb_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj1, mrb_value obj2) { mrb_value result; if (mrb_obj_eq(mrb, obj1, obj2)) return TRUE; result = mrb_funcall(mrb, obj1, "==", 1, obj2); if (mrb_test(result)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* * Document-class: NilClass * * The class of the singleton object nil. */ /* */ /* * call_seq: * nil.nil? -> true * * Only the object nil responds true to nil?. */ static mrb_value mrb_true(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_true_value(); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * nil.to_s -> "" * * Always returns the empty string. */ static mrb_value nil_to_s(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_str_new(mrb, 0, 0); } static mrb_value nil_inspect(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_str_new(mrb, "nil", 3); } /*********************************************************************** * Document-class: TrueClass * * The global value true is the only instance of class * TrueClass and represents a logically true value in * boolean expressions. The class provides operators allowing * true to be used in logical expressions. */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * true & obj -> true or false * * And---Returns false if obj is * nil or false, true otherwise. */ static mrb_value true_and(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { mrb_bool obj2; mrb_get_args(mrb, "b", &obj2); return mrb_bool_value(obj2); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * true ^ obj -> !obj * * Exclusive Or---Returns true if obj is * nil or false, false * otherwise. */ static mrb_value true_xor(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { mrb_bool obj2; mrb_get_args(mrb, "b", &obj2); return mrb_bool_value(!obj2); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * true.to_s -> "true" * * The string representation of true is "true". */ static mrb_value true_to_s(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_str_new(mrb, "true", 4); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * true | obj -> true * * Or---Returns true. As anObject is an argument to * a method call, it is always evaluated; there is no short-circuit * evaluation in this case. * * true | puts("or") * true || puts("logical or") * * produces: * * or */ static mrb_value true_or(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_true_value(); } /* * Document-class: FalseClass * * The global value false is the only instance of class * FalseClass and represents a logically false value in * boolean expressions. The class provides operators allowing * false to participate correctly in logical expressions. * */ /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * false & obj -> false * nil & obj -> false * * And---Returns false. obj is always * evaluated as it is the argument to a method call---there is no * short-circuit evaluation in this case. */ static mrb_value false_and(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_false_value(); } /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * false ^ obj -> true or false * nil ^ obj -> true or false * * Exclusive Or---If obj is nil or * false, returns false; otherwise, returns * true. * */ static mrb_value false_xor(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { mrb_bool obj2; mrb_get_args(mrb, "b", &obj2); return mrb_bool_value(obj2); } /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * false | obj -> true or false * nil | obj -> true or false * * Or---Returns false if obj is * nil or false; true otherwise. */ static mrb_value false_or(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { mrb_bool obj2; mrb_get_args(mrb, "b", &obj2); return mrb_bool_value(obj2); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * false.to_s -> "false" * * 'nuf said... */ static mrb_value false_to_s(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_str_new(mrb, "false", 5); } void mrb_init_object(mrb_state *mrb) { struct RClass *n; struct RClass *t; struct RClass *f; n = mrb->nil_class = mrb_define_class(mrb, "NilClass", mrb->object_class); mrb_undef_class_method(mrb, n, "new"); mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "&", false_and, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "^", false_xor, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "|", false_or, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "nil?", mrb_true, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "to_s", nil_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "inspect", nil_inspect, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); t = mrb->true_class = mrb_define_class(mrb, "TrueClass", mrb->object_class); mrb_undef_class_method(mrb, t, "new"); mrb_define_method(mrb, t, "&", true_and, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, t, "^", true_xor, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, t, "to_s", true_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, t, "|", true_or, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, t, "inspect", true_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); f = mrb->false_class = mrb_define_class(mrb, "FalseClass", mrb->object_class); mrb_undef_class_method(mrb, f, "new"); mrb_define_method(mrb, f, "&", false_and, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, f, "^", false_xor, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, f, "to_s", false_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, f, "|", false_or, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, f, "inspect", false_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); } static mrb_value inspect_type(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val) { if (mrb_type(val) == MRB_TT_FALSE || mrb_type(val) == MRB_TT_TRUE) { return mrb_inspect(mrb, val); } else { return mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, mrb_obj_classname(mrb, val)); } } static mrb_value convert_type(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val, const char *tname, const char *method, int raise) { mrb_sym m = 0; m = mrb_intern_cstr(mrb, method); if (!mrb_respond_to(mrb, val, m)) { if (raise) { mrb_raisef(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "can't convert %S into %S", inspect_type(mrb, val), mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, tname)); return mrb_nil_value(); } else { return mrb_nil_value(); } } return mrb_funcall_argv(mrb, val, m, 0, 0); } mrb_value mrb_check_to_integer(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val, const char *method) { mrb_value v; if (mrb_fixnum_p(val)) return val; v = convert_type(mrb, val, "Integer", method, FALSE); if (mrb_nil_p(v) || !mrb_fixnum_p(v)) { return mrb_nil_value(); } return v; } mrb_value mrb_convert_type(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val, enum mrb_vtype type, const char *tname, const char *method) { mrb_value v; if (mrb_type(val) == type) return val; v = convert_type(mrb, val, tname, method, 1/*Qtrue*/); if (mrb_type(v) != type) { mrb_raisef(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "%S cannot be converted to %S by #%S", val, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, tname), mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, method)); } return v; } mrb_value mrb_check_convert_type(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val, enum mrb_vtype type, const char *tname, const char *method) { mrb_value v; if (mrb_type(val) == type && type != MRB_TT_DATA) return val; v = convert_type(mrb, val, tname, method, 0/*Qfalse*/); if (mrb_nil_p(v) || mrb_type(v) != type) return mrb_nil_value(); return v; } static const struct types { unsigned char type; const char *name; } builtin_types[] = { // {MRB_TT_NIL, "nil"}, {MRB_TT_FALSE, "false"}, {MRB_TT_TRUE, "true"}, {MRB_TT_FIXNUM, "Fixnum"}, {MRB_TT_SYMBOL, "Symbol"}, /* :symbol */ {MRB_TT_MODULE, "Module"}, {MRB_TT_OBJECT, "Object"}, {MRB_TT_CLASS, "Class"}, {MRB_TT_ICLASS, "iClass"}, /* internal use: mixed-in module holder */ {MRB_TT_SCLASS, "SClass"}, {MRB_TT_PROC, "Proc"}, {MRB_TT_FLOAT, "Float"}, {MRB_TT_ARRAY, "Array"}, {MRB_TT_HASH, "Hash"}, {MRB_TT_STRING, "String"}, {MRB_TT_RANGE, "Range"}, // {MRB_TT_BIGNUM, "Bignum"}, {MRB_TT_FILE, "File"}, {MRB_TT_DATA, "Data"}, /* internal use: wrapped C pointers */ // {MRB_TT_VARMAP, "Varmap"}, /* internal use: dynamic variables */ // {MRB_TT_NODE, "Node"}, /* internal use: syntax tree node */ // {MRB_TT_UNDEF, "undef"}, /* internal use: #undef; should not happen */ {-1, 0} }; void mrb_check_type(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value x, enum mrb_vtype t) { const struct types *type = builtin_types; struct RString *s; enum mrb_vtype xt; xt = mrb_type(x); if ((xt != t) || (xt == MRB_TT_DATA)) { while (type->type < MRB_TT_MAXDEFINE) { if (type->type == t) { const char *etype; if (mrb_nil_p(x)) { etype = "nil"; } else if (mrb_fixnum_p(x)) { etype = "Fixnum"; } else if (mrb_type(x) == MRB_TT_SYMBOL) { etype = "Symbol"; } else if (mrb_special_const_p(x)) { s = mrb_str_ptr(mrb_obj_as_string(mrb, x)); etype = s->ptr; } else { etype = mrb_obj_classname(mrb, x); } mrb_raisef(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "wrong argument type %S (expected %S)", mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, etype), mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, type->name)); } type++; } mrb_raisef(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "unknown type %S (%S given)", mrb_fixnum_value(t), mrb_fixnum_value(mrb_type(x))); } } /* */ /* * call-seq: * obj.to_s => string * * Returns a string representing obj. The default * to_s prints the object's class and an encoding of the * object id. As a special case, the top-level object that is the * initial execution context of Ruby programs returns ``main.'' */ mrb_value mrb_any_to_s(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { mrb_value str = mrb_str_buf_new(mrb, 20); const char *cname = mrb_obj_classname(mrb, obj); mrb_str_buf_cat(mrb, str, "#<", 2); mrb_str_cat2(mrb, str, cname); mrb_str_cat(mrb, str, ":", 1); mrb_str_concat(mrb, str, mrb_ptr_to_str(mrb, mrb_cptr(obj))); mrb_str_buf_cat(mrb, str, ">", 1); return str; } /* * call-seq: * obj.is_a?(class) => true or false * obj.kind_of?(class) => true or false * * Returns true if class is the class of * obj, or if class is one of the superclasses of * obj or modules included in obj. * * module M; end * class A * include M * end * class B < A; end * class C < B; end * b = B.new * b.instance_of? A #=> false * b.instance_of? B #=> true * b.instance_of? C #=> false * b.instance_of? M #=> false * b.kind_of? A #=> true * b.kind_of? B #=> true * b.kind_of? C #=> false * b.kind_of? M #=> true */ mrb_bool mrb_obj_is_kind_of(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj, struct RClass *c) { struct RClass *cl = mrb_class(mrb, obj); switch (c->tt) { case MRB_TT_MODULE: case MRB_TT_CLASS: case MRB_TT_ICLASS: break; default: mrb_raise(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "class or module required"); } while (cl) { if (cl == c || cl->mt == c->mt) return TRUE; cl = cl->super; } return FALSE; } static mrb_value mrb_to_integer(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val, const char *method) { mrb_value v; if (mrb_fixnum_p(val)) return val; v = convert_type(mrb, val, "Integer", method, TRUE); if (!mrb_obj_is_kind_of(mrb, v, mrb->fixnum_class)) { mrb_value type = inspect_type(mrb, val); mrb_raisef(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "can't convert %S to Integer (%S#%S gives %S)", type, type, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, method), inspect_type(mrb, v)); } return v; } mrb_value mrb_to_int(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val) { return mrb_to_integer(mrb, val, "to_int"); } static mrb_value mrb_convert_to_integer(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val, int base) { mrb_value tmp; if (mrb_nil_p(val)) { if (base != 0) goto arg_error; mrb_raise(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "can't convert nil into Integer"); } switch (mrb_type(val)) { case MRB_TT_FLOAT: if (base != 0) goto arg_error; if (FIXABLE(mrb_float(val))) { break; } return mrb_flo_to_fixnum(mrb, val); case MRB_TT_FIXNUM: if (base != 0) goto arg_error; return val; default: break; } if (base != 0) { tmp = mrb_check_string_type(mrb, val); if (!mrb_nil_p(tmp)) { return mrb_str_to_inum(mrb, val, base, TRUE); } arg_error: mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "base specified for non string value"); } tmp = convert_type(mrb, val, "Integer", "to_int", FALSE); if (mrb_nil_p(tmp)) { return mrb_to_integer(mrb, val, "to_i"); } return tmp; } mrb_value mrb_Integer(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val) { return mrb_convert_to_integer(mrb, val, 0); } mrb_value mrb_Float(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value val) { if (mrb_nil_p(val)) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "can't convert nil into Float"); } switch (mrb_type(val)) { case MRB_TT_FIXNUM: return mrb_float_value(mrb, (mrb_float)mrb_fixnum(val)); case MRB_TT_FLOAT: return val; case MRB_TT_STRING: return mrb_float_value(mrb, mrb_str_to_dbl(mrb, val, TRUE)); default: return mrb_convert_type(mrb, val, MRB_TT_FLOAT, "Float", "to_f"); } } mrb_value mrb_inspect(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { return mrb_obj_as_string(mrb, mrb_funcall(mrb, obj, "inspect", 0, 0)); } mrb_bool mrb_eql(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj1, mrb_value obj2) { if (mrb_obj_eq(mrb, obj1, obj2)) return TRUE; return mrb_test(mrb_funcall(mrb, obj1, "eql?", 1, obj2)); }