#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; Gosu::LargeImageData::LargeImageData(Graphics& graphics, const Bitmap& source, unsigned partWidth, unsigned partHeight, unsigned borderFlags) { fullWidth = source.width(); fullHeight = source.height(); partsX = trunc(ceil(1.0 * source.width() / partWidth)); partsY = trunc(ceil(1.0 * source.height() / partHeight)); this->partWidth = partWidth; this->partHeight = partHeight; parts.resize(partsX * partsY); for (unsigned y = 0; y < partsY; ++y) for (unsigned x = 0; x < partsX; ++x) { // The right-most parts don't necessarily have the full width. unsigned srcWidth = partWidth; if (x == partsX - 1 && source.width() % partWidth != 0) srcWidth = source.width() % partWidth; // Same for the parts on the bottom. unsigned srcHeight = partHeight; if (y == partsY - 1 && source.height() % partHeight != 0) srcHeight = source.height() % partHeight; unsigned localBorderFlags = bfTileable; if (x == 0) localBorderFlags = (localBorderFlags & ~bfTileableLeft) | (borderFlags & bfTileableLeft); if (x == partsX - 1) localBorderFlags = (localBorderFlags & ~bfTileableRight) | (borderFlags & bfTileableRight); if (y == 0) localBorderFlags = (localBorderFlags & ~bfTileableTop) | (borderFlags & bfTileableTop); if (y == partsY - 1) localBorderFlags = (localBorderFlags & ~bfTileableBottom) | (borderFlags & bfTileableBottom); parts[y * partsX + x].reset(graphics.createImage(source, x * partWidth, y * partHeight, srcWidth, srcHeight, localBorderFlags).release()); } } unsigned Gosu::LargeImageData::width() const { return fullWidth; } unsigned Gosu::LargeImageData::height() const { return fullHeight; } namespace { // Local interpolation helper functions. double ipl(double a, double b, double ratio) { return a + (b - a) * ratio; } Gosu::Color ipl(Gosu::Color a, Gosu::Color b, double ratio) { Gosu::Color result; result.setAlpha(Gosu::round(ipl(a.alpha(), b.alpha(), ratio))); result.setRed (Gosu::round(ipl(a.red(), b.red(), ratio))); result.setGreen(Gosu::round(ipl(a.green(), b.green(), ratio))); result.setBlue (Gosu::round(ipl(a.blue(), b.blue(), ratio))); return result; } } void Gosu::LargeImageData::draw(double x1, double y1, Color c1, double x2, double y2, Color c2, double x3, double y3, Color c3, double x4, double y4, Color c4, ZPos z, AlphaMode mode) const { if (parts.empty()) return; reorderCoordinatesIfNecessary(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, c3, x4, y4, c4); for (unsigned py = 0; py < partsY; ++py) for (unsigned px = 0; px < partsX; ++px) { ImageData& part = *parts[py * partsX + px]; double relXL = static_cast(px * partWidth) / width(); double relXR = static_cast(px * partWidth + part.width()) / width(); double relYT = static_cast(py * partHeight) / height(); double relYB = static_cast(py * partHeight + part.height()) / height(); double absXTL = ipl(ipl(x1, x3, relYT), ipl(x2, x4, relYT), relXL); double absXTR = ipl(ipl(x1, x3, relYT), ipl(x2, x4, relYT), relXR); double absXBL = ipl(ipl(x1, x3, relYB), ipl(x2, x4, relYB), relXL); double absXBR = ipl(ipl(x1, x3, relYB), ipl(x2, x4, relYB), relXR); double absYTL = ipl(ipl(y1, y3, relYT), ipl(y2, y4, relYT), relXL); double absYTR = ipl(ipl(y1, y3, relYT), ipl(y2, y4, relYT), relXR); double absYBL = ipl(ipl(y1, y3, relYB), ipl(y2, y4, relYB), relXL); double absYBR = ipl(ipl(y1, y3, relYB), ipl(y2, y4, relYB), relXR); Color absCTL = ipl(ipl(c1, c3, relYT), ipl(c2, c4, relYT), relXL); Color absCTR = ipl(ipl(c1, c3, relYT), ipl(c2, c4, relYT), relXR); Color absCBL = ipl(ipl(c1, c3, relYB), ipl(c2, c4, relYB), relXL); Color absCBR = ipl(ipl(c1, c3, relYB), ipl(c2, c4, relYB), relXR); part.draw(absXTL, absYTL, absCTL, absXTR, absYTR, absCTR, absXBL, absYBL, absCBL, absXBR, absYBR, absCBR, z, mode); } } Gosu::Bitmap Gosu::LargeImageData::toBitmap() const { Bitmap bitmap(width(), height()); for (int x = 0; x < partsX; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < partsY; ++y) bitmap.insert(parts[y * partsX + x]->toBitmap(), x * partWidth, y * partHeight); return bitmap; } void Gosu::LargeImageData::insert(const Bitmap& bitmap, int atX, int atY) { for (int x = 0; x < partsX; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < partsY; ++y) parts[y * partsX + x]->insert(bitmap, atX - x * partWidth, atY - y * partHeight); }