/*global define*/ define(function() { "use strict"; /** * Constants for time conversions like those done by {@link JulianDate}. * * @exports TimeConstants * * @see JulianDate */ var TimeConstants = { /** * The number of seconds in one millisecond: <code>0.001</code> * @constant * @type {Number} */ SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND : 0.001, /** * The number of seconds in one minute: <code>60</code>. * @constant * @type {Number} */ SECONDS_PER_MINUTE : 60.0, /** * The number of minutes in one hour: <code>60</code>. * @constant * @type {Number} */ MINUTES_PER_HOUR : 60.0, /** * The number of hours in one day: <code>24</code>. * @constant * @type {Number} */ HOURS_PER_DAY : 24.0, /** * The number of seconds in one hour: <code>3600</code>. * @constant * @type {Number} */ SECONDS_PER_HOUR : 3600.0, /** * The number of minutes in one day: <code>1440</code>. * @constant * @type {Number} */ MINUTES_PER_DAY : 1440.0, /** * The number of seconds in one day, ignoring leap seconds: <code>86400</code>. * @constant * @type {Number} */ SECONDS_PER_DAY : 86400.0, /** * The number of days in one Julian century: <code>36525</code>. * @constant * @type {Number} */ DAYS_PER_JULIAN_CENTURY : 36525.0, /** * One trillionth of a second. * @constant * @type {Number} */ PICOSECOND : 0.000000001, /** * DOC_TBA * @constant * @type {Number} */ MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE_DIFFERENCE : 2400000.5 }; return TimeConstants; });