require 'base64' require 'stringio' require 'zlib' require 'openssl' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module Integrations #:nodoc: module Adyen class Helper < ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::Helper # the values of these fields are concatenated, HMAC digested, Base64 encoded, and sent along with the POST data to make hoodwinkery difficult SIGNATURE_FIELDS = [ :paymentAmount, :currencyCode, :shipBeforeDate, :merchantReference, :skinCode, :merchantAccount, :sessionValidity, ] # same as above but for the customer's street address, which is to be separately hashed, as specified by Adyen # country should be ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, see ) ADDRESS_SIGNATURE_FIELDS = %w( billingAddress.street billingAddress.houseNumberOrName billingAddress.postalCode billingAddress.stateOrProvince ) def initialize(order, account, options = {}) super add_field('currencyCode', 'USD') add_field('shipBeforeDate', + 10) add_field('skinCode', 'notavalidskincode') add_field('shopperLocale', 'en_GB') add_field('orderData', 'orderData') add_field('sessionValidity', "#{ ( + 10).to_s }T11:00:00Z" ) end # orderData is a string of HTML which is displayed along with the CC form # it is GZipped, Base64 encoded, and sent along with the POST data def set_order_data(value) str = gz = str gz.write value gz.close @order_data = Base64.encode64(str.string()).gsub("\n","") end def shared_secret(value) @shared_secret = value end def form_fields @fields.merge!('merchantSig' => generate_signature) @fields.merge!('billingAddressSig' => generate_address_signature) if @billing_address @fields.merge!('orderData' => @order_data) if @order_data @fields end def generate_signature_string {|key| @fields[key.to_s]} * "" end def generate_signature digest = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, @shared_secret, generate_signature_string) return Base64.encode64(digest).strip end def generate_address_signature_string end # Replace with the real mapping mapping :account, 'merchantAccount' mapping :amount, 'paymentAmount' mapping :order, 'merchantReference' mapping :currencyCode, 'currencyCode' mapping :shipBeforeDate, 'shipBeforeDate' mapping :skinCode, 'skinCode' mapping :shopperLocale, 'shopperLocale' mapping :orderData, 'orderData' mapping :sessionValidity, 'sessionValidity' # FIXME: shopperEmail seems to be a signature field # mapping :customer, :email => 'shopperEmail' mapping :billing_address, :city => '', :address1 => 'billingAddress.street', #:address2 => 'billingAddress.????', :state => 'billingAddress.stateOrProvince', :zip => 'billingAddress.postalCode', :country => '' mapping :notify_url, '' mapping :return_url, '' mapping :cancel_return_url, '' mapping :description, '' mapping :tax, '' mapping :shipping, '' end end end end end