#!/usr/bin/env jruby require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' require 'rspec' require 'rbconfig' require 'operawatir' require 'operawatir/desktop_helper' @options = { :ng => false, :color_enabled => true, :check_syntax => false, :output_stream => IO.new(1, 'w'), :format => 'progress', :no_quit => false, :no_restart => false, :opera_idle => false, :full_backtrace => false } # TODO # Should steal https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/blob/master/lib/rspec/core/option_parser.rb begin OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOS Usage: desktopwatir [-l|--launcher=BINARY] [-e|--executable=BINARY] [-a|--args=ARGUMENTS] [--no-color] [-q|--no-quit] [-r|--no-restart] [--opera-idle] [-b|--backtrace] [-t|--tag=TAG] [-f|--format=FORMAT] [-o|--out=FILE] [-h|--help] [-v|--version] FILES EOS opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Specific options:' opts.on('-l', '--launcher=BINARY', 'Path to launcher binary, will use environmental ', 'variable OPERA_LAUNCHER if not specified') do |c| @options[:launcher] = c end opts.on('-e', '--executable=BINARY', 'Browser to run the test with, will use environmental ', 'variable OPERA_PATH if not specified') do |e| @options[:path] = e end opts.on('-a', '--args=ARGUMENTS', 'Arguments passed to the executable. ', 'Will override environmental variable OPERA_ARGS') do |a| @options[:args] = a end opts.on('--no-color', 'Disable colorized output') do |c| @options[:color_enabled] = false end opts.on('-q', '--no-quit', 'Disable quitting of Opera at the end of a testrun') do |c| @options[:no_quit] = true end opts.on('-r', '--no-restart', 'Disables automatic relaunching of Opera') do |c| @options[:no_restart] = true end opts.on('--opera-idle', 'Enable OperaIdle') do |c| @options[:opera_idle] = true end opts.on('-b', '--backtrace', 'Enable full backtrace') do |c| @options[:full_backtrace] = true end #opts.on('-c', '--check-syntax', 'Check syntax only') do |c| # @options[:check_syntax] = true #end #opts.on('--ng', 'Connect to Nailgun server instead of starting out ', # 'own JVM') do |ng| # @options[:ng] = ng #end opts.on('-o', '--out=FILE', 'Send output to a file instead of STDOUT') do |o| @options[:output_stream] = File.open(o, 'w') or abort "desktopwatir: Unable to write to file `#{o}'" end opts.on('-f', '--format=FORMAT', 'Specify RSpec output formatter (documentation, html, ', 'progress (default), textmate)') do |formatter| @options[:formatter] = formatter end opts.on('-t', '--tag=TAG', 'Specify tags to only run examples with the specified tag To exclude examples, add ~ before the tag (e.g. ~slow) (TAG is always converted to a symbol)') do |tag| @options[:filter_run] = tag end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Common options:' opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do abort opts end opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'Show version') do abort "OperaWatir version #{OperaWatir.version}" end end.parse!(ARGV) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e abort "desktopwatir: Unknown option `#{e.to_s.sub(/invalid option:\s+/, '')}'" end if ARGV.empty? abort 'desktopwatir: You need to specify at least one test file to run' else @options[:files_to_run] = ARGV @options[:files_to_run].map! { | f | Dir.glob(f) }.flatten! end #abort 'desktopwatir: --ng and --check-syntax are disabled for now' if @options[:ng] || @options[:check_syntax] OperaWatir::DesktopHelper.run! @options