require 'representable/json' RSpec.shared_context 'representable swagger example' do before :all do module Entities class Something < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON class << self # Representable doesn't have documentation method, mock this def documentation { id: { type: Integer, desc: 'Identity of Something' }, text: { type: String, desc: 'Content of something.' }, links: { type: 'link', is_array: true }, others: { type: 'text', is_array: false } } end end property :id, documentation: { type: Integer, desc: 'Identity of Something' } property :text, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'Content of something.' } property :links, documentation: { type: 'link', is_array: true } property :others, documentation: { type: 'text', is_array: false } end class EnumValues < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :gender, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Content of something.', values: %w(Male Female) } property :number, documentation: { type: 'integer', desc: 'Content of something.', values: [1, 2] } end class AliasedThing < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :something, as: :post, decorator: Entities::Something, documentation: { type: 'Something', desc: 'Reference to something.' } end class FourthLevel < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :text, documentation: { type: 'string' } end class ThirdLevel < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :parts, decorator: Entities::FourthLevel, documentation: { type: 'FourthLevel' } end class SecondLevel < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :parts, decorator: Entities::ThirdLevel, documentation: { type: 'ThirdLevel' } end class FirstLevel < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :parts, decorator: Entities::SecondLevel, documentation: { type: 'SecondLevel' } end class QueryInputElement < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :key, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'Name of parameter', required: true } property :value, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'Value of parameter', required: true } end class QueryInput < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :elements, decorator: Entities::QueryInputElement, documentation: { type: 'QueryInputElement', desc: 'Set of configuration', param_type: 'body', is_array: true, required: true } end class ApiError < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :code, documentation: { type: Integer, desc: 'status code' } property :message, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'error message' } end class SecondApiError < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :code, documentation: { type: Integer } property :severity, documentation: { type: String } property :message, documentation: { type: String } end class ResponseItem < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON class << self def documentation { id: { type: Integer }, name: { type: String } } end end property :id, documentation: { type: Integer } property :name, documentation: { type: String } end class OtherItem < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :key, documentation: { type: Integer } property :symbol, documentation: { type: String } end class UseResponse < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON class << self def documentation { :description => { type: String }, '$responses' => { is_array: true } } end end property :description, documentation: { type: String } property :items, as: '$responses', decorator: Entities::ResponseItem, documentation: { is_array: true } end class UseItemResponseAsType < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :description, documentation: { type: String } property :responses, documentation: { type: Entities::ResponseItem, is_array: false } end class UseAddress < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :street, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'street' } property :postcode, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'postcode' } property :city, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'city' } property :country, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'country' } end class UseNestedWithAddress < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :name, documentation: { type: String } property :address, decorator: Entities::UseAddress end class TypedDefinition < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :prop_integer, documentation: { type: Integer, desc: 'prop_integer description' } property :prop_long, documentation: { type: Numeric, desc: 'prop_long description' } property :prop_float, documentation: { type: Float, desc: 'prop_float description' } property :prop_double, documentation: { type: BigDecimal, desc: 'prop_double description' } property :prop_string, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'prop_string description' } property :prop_symbol, documentation: { type: Symbol, desc: 'prop_symbol description' } property :prop_date, documentation: { type: Date, desc: 'prop_date description' } property :prop_date_time, documentation: { type: DateTime, desc: 'prop_date_time description' } property :prop_time, documentation: { type: Time, desc: 'prop_time description' } property :prop_password, documentation: { type: 'password', desc: 'prop_password description' } property :prop_email, documentation: { type: 'email', desc: 'prop_email description' } property :prop_boolean, documentation: { type: Virtus::Attribute::Boolean, desc: 'prop_boolean description' } property :prop_file, documentation: { type: File, desc: 'prop_file description' } property :prop_json, documentation: { type: JSON, desc: 'prop_json description' } end class RecursiveModel < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :name, documentation: { type: String, desc: 'The name.' } property :children, decorator: self, documentation: { type: 'RecursiveModel', is_array: true, desc: 'The child nodes.' } end class DocumentedHashAndArrayModel < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON property :raw_hash, documentation: { type: Hash, desc: 'Example Hash.' } property :raw_array, documentation: { type: Array, desc: 'Example Array' } end end end let(:swagger_definitions_models) do { 'ApiError' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'code' => { 'description' => 'status code', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32' }, 'message' => { 'description' => 'error message', 'type' => 'string' } } }, 'ResponseItem' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'id' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32' }, 'name' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'string' } } }, 'UseResponse' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'description' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'string' }, 'items' => { 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/ResponseItem' }, 'description' => '' } } }, 'RecursiveModel' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'name' => { 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The name.' }, 'children' => { 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/RecursiveModel' }, 'description' => 'The child nodes.' } } } } end let(:swagger_nested_type) do { 'ApiError' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'code' => { 'description' => 'status code', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32' }, 'message' => { 'description' => 'error message', 'type' => 'string' } }, 'description' => 'This returns something' }, 'UseItemResponseAsType' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'description' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'string' }, 'responses' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'ResponseItem' } }, 'description' => 'This returns something' } } end let(:swagger_entity_as_response_object) do { 'ApiError' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'code' => { 'description' => 'status code', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32' }, 'message' => { 'description' => 'error message', 'type' => 'string' } }, 'description' => 'This returns something' }, 'ResponseItem' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'id' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32' }, 'name' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'string' } } }, 'UseResponse' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'description' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'string' }, 'items' => { 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/ResponseItem' }, 'description' => '' } }, 'description' => 'This returns something' } } end let(:swagger_params_as_response_object) do { 'ApiError' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'code' => { 'description' => 'status code', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32' }, 'message' => { 'description' => 'error message', 'type' => 'string' } }, 'description' => 'This returns something' } } end let(:swagger_typed_defintion) do { 'prop_boolean' => { 'description' => 'prop_boolean description', 'type' => 'boolean' }, 'prop_date' => { 'description' => 'prop_date description', 'type' => 'string', 'format' => 'date' }, 'prop_date_time' => { 'description' => 'prop_date_time description', 'type' => 'string', 'format' => 'date-time' }, 'prop_double' => { 'description' => 'prop_double description', 'type' => 'number', 'format' => 'double' }, 'prop_email' => { 'description' => 'prop_email description', 'type' => 'string', 'format' => 'email' }, 'prop_file' => { 'description' => 'prop_file description', 'type' => 'file' }, 'prop_float' => { 'description' => 'prop_float description', 'type' => 'number', 'format' => 'float' }, 'prop_integer' => { 'description' => 'prop_integer description', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32' }, 'prop_json' => { 'description' => 'prop_json description', 'type' => 'Representable::JSON' }, 'prop_long' => { 'description' => 'prop_long description', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int64' }, 'prop_password' => { 'description' => 'prop_password description', 'type' => 'string', 'format' => 'password' }, 'prop_string' => { 'description' => 'prop_string description', 'type' => 'string' }, 'prop_symbol' => { 'description' => 'prop_symbol description', 'type' => 'string' }, 'prop_time' => { 'description' => 'prop_time description', 'type' => 'string', 'format' => 'date-time' } } end let(:swagger_json) do { 'info' => { 'title' => 'The API title to be displayed on the API homepage.', 'description' => 'A description of the API.', 'termsOfServiceUrl' => '', 'contact' => { 'name' => 'Contact name', 'email' => '', 'url' => 'Contact URL' }, 'license' => { 'name' => 'The name of the license.', 'url' => '' }, 'version' => '0.0.1' }, 'swagger' => '2.0', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'host' => '', 'basePath' => '/api', 'tags' => [ { 'name' => 'other_thing', 'description' => 'Operations about other_things' }, { 'name' => 'thing', 'description' => 'Operations about things' }, { 'name' => 'thing2', 'description' => 'Operations about thing2s' }, { 'name' => 'dummy', 'description' => 'Operations about dummies' } ], 'paths' => { '/v3/other_thing/{elements}' => { 'get' => { 'summary' => 'nested route inside namespace', 'description' => 'nested route inside namespace', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'parameters' => [{ 'in' => 'body', 'name' => 'elements', 'description' => 'Set of configuration', 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { 'type' => 'string' }, 'required' => true }], 'responses' => { '200' => { 'description' => 'nested route inside namespace', 'schema' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/QueryInput' } } }, 'tags' => ['other_thing'], 'operationId' => 'getV3OtherThingElements', 'x-amazon-apigateway-auth' => { 'type' => 'none' }, 'x-amazon-apigateway-integration' => { 'type' => 'aws', 'uri' => 'foo_bar_uri', 'httpMethod' => 'get' } } }, '/thing' => { 'get' => { 'summary' => 'This gets Things.', 'description' => 'This gets Things.', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'parameters' => [ { 'in' => 'query', 'name' => 'id', 'description' => 'Identity of Something', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', 'required' => false }, { 'in' => 'query', 'name' => 'text', 'description' => 'Content of something.', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => false }, { 'in' => 'formData', 'name' => 'links', 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { 'type' => 'link' }, 'required' => false }, { 'in' => 'query', 'name' => 'others', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => false } ], 'responses' => { '200' => { 'description' => 'This gets Things.' }, '401' => { 'description' => 'Unauthorized', 'schema' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/ApiError' } } }, 'tags' => ['thing'], 'operationId' => 'getThing' }, 'post' => { 'summary' => 'This creates Thing.', 'description' => 'This creates Thing.', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'consumes' => ['application/json'], 'parameters' => [ { 'in' => 'formData', 'name' => 'text', 'description' => 'Content of something.', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true }, { 'in' => 'formData', 'name' => 'links', 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { 'type' => 'string' }, 'required' => true } ], 'responses' => { '201' => { 'description' => 'This creates Thing.', 'schema' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Something' } }, '422' => { 'description' => 'Unprocessible Entity' } }, 'tags' => ['thing'], 'operationId' => 'postThing' } }, '/thing/{id}' => { 'get' => { 'summary' => 'This gets Thing.', 'description' => 'This gets Thing.', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'parameters' => [{ 'in' => 'path', 'name' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', 'required' => true }], 'responses' => { '200' => { 'description' => 'getting a single thing' }, '401' => { 'description' => 'Unauthorized' } }, 'tags' => ['thing'], 'operationId' => 'getThingId' }, 'put' => { 'summary' => 'This updates Thing.', 'description' => 'This updates Thing.', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'consumes' => ['application/json'], 'parameters' => [ { 'in' => 'path', 'name' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', 'required' => true }, { 'in' => 'formData', 'name' => 'text', 'description' => 'Content of something.', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => false }, { 'in' => 'formData', 'name' => 'links', 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { 'type' => 'string' }, 'required' => false } ], 'responses' => { '200' => { 'description' => 'This updates Thing.', 'schema' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Something' } } }, 'tags' => ['thing'], 'operationId' => 'putThingId' }, 'delete' => { 'summary' => 'This deletes Thing.', 'description' => 'This deletes Thing.', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'parameters' => [{ 'in' => 'path', 'name' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', 'required' => true }], 'responses' => { '200' => { 'description' => 'This deletes Thing.', 'schema' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Something' } } }, 'tags' => ['thing'], 'operationId' => 'deleteThingId' } }, '/thing2' => { 'get' => { 'summary' => 'This gets Things.', 'description' => 'This gets Things.', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'responses' => { '200' => { 'description' => 'get Horses', 'schema' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Something' } }, '401' => { 'description' => 'HorsesOutError', 'schema' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/ApiError' } } }, 'tags' => ['thing2'], 'operationId' => 'getThing2' } }, '/dummy/{id}' => { 'delete' => { 'summary' => 'dummy route.', 'description' => 'dummy route.', 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'parameters' => [{ 'in' => 'path', 'name' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', 'required' => true }], 'responses' => { '204' => { 'description' => 'dummy route.' }, '401' => { 'description' => 'Unauthorized' } }, 'tags' => ['dummy'], 'operationId' => 'deleteDummyId' } } }, 'definitions' => { 'QueryInput' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'elements' => { 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/QueryInputElement' }, 'description' => 'Set of configuration' } }, 'description' => 'nested route inside namespace' }, 'QueryInputElement' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'key' => { 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'Name of parameter' }, 'value' => { 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'Value of parameter' } } }, 'ApiError' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'code' => { 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', 'description' => 'status code' }, 'message' => { 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'error message' } }, 'description' => 'This gets Things.' }, 'Something' => { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'id' => { 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', 'description' => 'Identity of Something' }, 'text' => { 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'Content of something.' }, 'links' => { 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'link' } }, 'others' => { 'description' => '', 'type' => 'text' } }, 'description' => 'This gets Things.' } } } end let(:http_verbs) { %w(get post put delete) } end def mounted_paths %w( /thing /other_thing /dummy ) end