require 'google_analytics_mailer/version'
require 'google_analytics_mailer/url_for'
require 'google_analytics_mailer/uri_builder'
require 'action_mailer'
require 'active_support/concern'

# This module declares the main class method which is then callable from every
# ActionMailer class and in ActionController::Base if available.
module GoogleAnalyticsMailer

  # These are the currently GA allowed get params for link tagging
  VALID_ANALYTICS_PARAMS = [:utm_source, :utm_medium, :utm_campaign, :utm_term, :utm_content]

  # Enable google analytics link tagging for the mailer (or controller) which call this method
  # @param [Hash] params options for url to build
  # @option params [String] :utm_campaign required is the main GA param
  # @option params [String] :utm_content content of the campaign
  # @option params [String] :utm_source campaign source
  # @option params [String] :utm_medium campaign medium
  # @option params [String] :utm_term keyword for this campaign
  def google_analytics_mailer(params = {})
    if (params.keys - VALID_ANALYTICS_PARAMS).any?
      raise ArgumentError, "Invalid parameters keys #{params.keys - VALID_ANALYTICS_PARAMS}"

    # add accessor for class level parameters
    cattr_accessor(:google_analytics_class_params) { params }

    # include the module which provides the actual functionality
    include GoogleAnalytics


  # Allow usage also in controllers since they have the same structure of ActionMailer
  alias_method :google_analytics_controller, :google_analytics_mailer

  # This module provides methods to deal with parameter merging and similar stuff
  module GoogleAnalytics

    # uses concern to include it
    extend ActiveSupport::Concern

    # this code is evaluated in class context
    included do
      helper GoogleAnalyticsMailer::UrlFor

    # This method return the actual parameters to use when building links
    # @return [Hash] computed parameters
    def computed_analytics_params
      @_computed_ga_params ||= self.class.google_analytics_class_params.merge(@_ga_instance_params || {})

    # Instance level parameters, used only for the given message
    def google_analytics_params params
      @_ga_instance_params = params



# Add the class method to ActionMailer::Base
ActionMailer::Base.send :extend, GoogleAnalyticsMailer

# Allow usage also in application controller if required in dependencies
ActionController::Base.send :extend, GoogleAnalyticsMailer if defined?(ActionController::Base)