require 'spec_helper' describe MemoryModel::Collection do let(:klass) { MemoryModel::Collection } let(:model) { } subject(:collection) { model.collection } before(:each) do stub_const('MyModel', model) end describe '.new' do it 'should be empty' do collection.size.should == 0 end it 'should be present' do klass.all.should include collection end end describe '.all' do it 'should be a set' do klass.all.should be_a Array end end # Instance Methods describe '#all' do it 'should be an array' do collection.all.should be_a Array end it 'should call unique' do collection.should_receive(:unique).and_return([]) collection.all end it 'should not contain deleted items' do 3.times { } collection.all.each do |record| record.should_not be_deleted end end end describe '#deleted' do it 'should be an array' do collection.deleted.should be_a Array end it 'should call unique' do collection.should_receive(:unique).and_return([]) collection.deleted end it 'should contain deleted items' do 3.times { } collection.deleted.each do |record| record.should be_deleted end end end describe '#find' do it 'should return a single object' do id = collection.find(id).should be_present end it 'should have unfrozen attributes' do instance = instance.commit collection.find( be_frozen end it 'should not return a deleted object' do instance = instance.commit.delete expect { collection.find( }.to raise_error MemoryModel::RecordNotFoundError end context 'with the deleted option' do it 'should return a deleted object with the deleted option' do instance = instance.commit.delete collection.find(, deleted: true).should be_present collection.find(, deleted: true).should be_deleted collection.find(, deleted: true).should be_frozen end end context 'with a version' do it 'should return a version' do model.send(:field, :foo) instance = 'bar') instance.commit = 'baz' instance.commit collection.find(, version: 1).foo.should == 'bar' end it 'should return previous version of a deleted object' do instance = instance.commit.delete expect { collection.find( }.to raise_error MemoryModel::RecordNotFoundError collection.find(, version: 1).should be_present end end end describe "#insert" do it 'should raise an error for an invalid object' do expect { collection.insert }.to raise_error MemoryModel::Collection::InvalidTypeError end it 'should duplicate a record being inserted' do instance = instance.should_receive :dup collection.insert instance end it 'should freeze a record being inserted' do instance = collection.insert instance collection.last.should == instance collection.records(false).last.should be_frozen end end describe '#inspect' do it 'should delegate inspect to all' do all_mock = mock all_mock.should_receive(:inspect) collection.stub(:all).and_return(all_mock) collection.inspect end end describe '#records' do let(:mock_record) do mock_record = mock mock_record.stub(:deleted?).and_return(false) mock_record end before(:each) do collection.instance_variable_set :@records, [mock_record] end it 'should dup records' do mock_record.should_receive(:dup) collection.records end it 'should not dup records' do mock_record.should_not_receive(:dup) collection.records(false) end end describe '#records' do it 'should contain unfrozen duplicates' do 3.times { } collection.records.each do |record| record.should_not be_frozen end collection.records.size.should == 3 end end describe '#method_missing' do it 'should delegate method to all' do all_mock = mock all_mock.should_receive(:test_method) collection.stub(:all).and_return(all_mock) collection.test_method end end describe '#respond_to_missing?' do it 'should check if all responds to' do all_mock = mock all_mock.should_receive(:respond_to?) collection.stub(:all).and_return(all_mock) collection.send :respond_to_missing?, :test_method end end describe 'sorted' do it 'should be sorted by timestamp, with most recent first' do item_1 = item_2 = collection[1].should == item_1 collection[0].should == item_2 end end describe '#unique' do it 'should contain unique items' do instance = 3.times { instance.commit } collection.send(:unique).size.should == 1 collection.records.size.should == 3 end it 'should call sorted' do collection.should_receive(:sorted).and_return([]) collection.send(:unique) end end end