Feature: Simple usage In order to improve my web file's typography As a web developer using typogruby I want to apply typogruby to a file Scenario: getting help When I run `typogruby -h` Then the output should contain "Usage: typogruby [options] filename [filename, ...]" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: getting the version number When I run `typogruby -v` Then the output should contain "Typogruby " Scenario: filtering a file Given a file named "input.html" with: """
"This IS a simple file!
""" When I run `typogruby input.html` Then the output should contain exactly: """“This IS a simple file!
""" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Writing output to a file Given a file named "input.html" with: """"This IS a simple file!
""" When I run `typogruby -o output.html input.html` Then the file "output.html" should contain exactly: """“This IS a simple file!
""" And the exit status should be 0