# The error is raised when +alda+ command exits with nonzero status.
class Alda::CommandLineError < StandardError
# The Process::Status object representing the status of
# the process that runs +alda+ command.
attr_reader :status
# The port on which the problematic alda server runs.
# This is only available for \Alda 1.
# begin
# Alda[port: 1108].play code: 'y'
# rescue CommandLineError => e
# e.port # => 1108
# end
def port
Alda::GenerationError.assert_generation [:v1]
# :call-seq:
# new(status, msg=nil) -> Alda::CommandLineError
# Create a Alda::CommandLineError object.
# +status+ is the status of the process running +alda+ command (can be nil).
# +msg+ is the output of +alda+ command. #port info is extracted from +msg+ in \Alda 1.
def initialize status, msg = nil
if Alda.v1? && msg && /^\[(?\d+)\]\sERROR\s(?.*)$/ =~ msg
super message
@port = port.to_i
super msg
@status = status
# The error is raised when the \Alda nREPL server returns problems.
# This is only available for \Alda 2.
# See Alda::REPL#message.
class Alda::NREPLServerError < StandardError
# The hostname of the nREPL server.
attr_reader :host
# The port of the nREPL server.
attr_reader :port
# The problems returned by the nREPL server.
# This is an Array of String.
attr_reader :problems
# The status returned by the nREPL server.
# It is an Array of Symbol.
# Symbols must appear are +:done+, +:error+, and there may be +:unknown_op+.
attr_reader :status
# :call-seq:
# new(host, port, problems, status) -> Alda::NREPLServerError
# Creates a Alda::NREPLServerError object.
# Raises Alda::GenerationError if the current generation is not \Alda 2.
def initialize host, port, problems, status
Alda::GenerationError.assert_generation [:v2]
@status = status.map { Alda::Utils.slug_to_snake _1 }
if @status.include? :unknown_op
super 'unknown operation'
super problems.join ?\n
@host = host
@port = port
@problems = problems
# This error is raised when one tries to run commands that are not available for the generation
# of \Alda specified by Alda::generation.
# Alda.v1!
# Alda.import # (GenerationError)
class Alda::GenerationError < StandardError
# The actual generation that was set by Alda::generation when the error occurs.
attr_reader :generation
# The generations that could have been set to avoid the error.
# An Array.
attr_reader :fine_generations
# :call-seq:
# new(fine_generations) -> Alda::GenerationError
# Creates a Alda::GenerationError object.
def initialize fine_generations
super "bad Alda generation for this action; good ones are #{fine_generations}"
@generation = Alda.generation
@fine_generations = fine_generations
# Raises an Alda::GenerationError if the current generation is not in +fine_generations+.
def self.assert_generation fine_generations
raise new fine_generations unless fine_generations.include? Alda.generation
# This error is raised when one tries to
# append events in an Alda::EventList in a wrong order.
# Alda::Score.new do
# motif = f4 f e e d d c2
# g4 f e d c2 # It commented out, error will not occur
# c4 c g g a a g2 motif # (OrderError)
# end
class Alda::OrderError < StandardError
# The expected element gotten if it is of the correct order.
# See #got.
# Alda::Score.new do
# motif = f4 f e e d d c2
# g4 f e d c2
# p @events.size # => 2
# c4 c g g a a g2 motif
# rescue OrderError => e
# p @events.size # => 1
# p e.expected # => #
# p e.got # => #
# end
attr_reader :expected
# The actually gotten element.
# For an example, see #expected.
attr_reader :got
# :call-seq:
# new(expected, got) -> Alda::OrderError
# Creates a Alda::OrderError object.
def initialize expected, got
super 'events are out of order'
@expected = expected
@got = got