<% content_for :main do %>


<% if Preference.get_cached(_sid, 'show_groups')=='true' %> <% end %> <% if UserAttribute.sys(_sid).count > 0 && true %> <% end %>
Email Address or name:
Optional: A full or partial name or email address
Optional: A user ID - if you enter this any other criteria are ignored
Optional: a group to which the user(s) belong(s)
<%= select_tag "parameter", options_from_collection_for_select(UserAttribute.sys(_sid).all, 'id', 'name', params[:parameter]), :include_blank=>true %> <%= text_field_tag "value", params[:value] %>
Optional: the value for the selected attribute
<%= kit_submit "Search" %> <%= kit_submit "Export" %>
<% if @users != nil %>
<%= paginate(@users) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>