i couldnt be more bored. ): just done another study for my art that took me literally 20 mins :( argghhhhhhhh.
arhhhhh, #welovesteph shes a belieber going through a struggleee, :(
can't tweet through what's wrong? :( getting the "message sending failed" error.
oh so your back then! im going in a minute :( i got a top up so ill text you and i will see you on tuesday or something xx
#peopleshould care more about spending water....its bothers me so.. :(
#alwayskeepthefaith :( <3
i need to change my username. mine is lame. but i dont know what to do about it!! :(
half time scores port 50 wce 36 :(
aw! :) wants to wish a very special birthday! i wish i could be with you right now :( love you like crazy
house cleaning. i really dislike house cleaning. :(
you saying im not worth you're 1000th tweet? :( lol haha jks x
it's pretty cold utside. i will stay at home :(
hold tight my mum and dad cooking a full english breakfast and made none for me and ola :(
g'morgen tweute! wie geht's? ugh i woke up sounding like a 40 year old smoker. i'm losing my voice now!!! :(
want me to call? :(
: come back to sfm :( .
owwhh :( isnt comingggg
just slapped his balls by accident :(
i think i'm addicted to ebay :(
me too!! now i'm on my way home :) :) sooo tired unni :(
its hailstone in cramlington northumberland not good. :(
oh it makes me dissappointed :(
headaches... :(
another boo! you still haven't followed eli and dongho. :(
just spent the last 2 hours digging a tonne of snow. my muscles are so tense and i feel like fuckin' he-man!! my back is agony though :(
the food sucks like fuck omg :(
ctalping :(
saturday morning, dont have energy but need to go move a few more things around.. :-(
12 hours til i can eat sweets! so excited! 40 days and nights gra long time! :( ...by gra i mean is a...
u bitch shopping instead of meeting me :(
awake! grr none of da showers r free :( so lyin in bed waitin! lol,den da footy match startin at 12:45pm! c'mon man uuuuu!!!!!
poor puppy is getting a 4am trip to the vet with emily while i stay home with g. hope it's nothing too serious. :-(
my phone is nearly out of charge, and my charger is at esme's house... how am i going to talk to jip? :(
amazing!!! i didn't wanna come back to reality :( but i had to get back to work.. boo!
omg my heart is racing, think it is the lack of nicotine in my body. don't like it, don't like it at all :(
but i'd have to leave my email address :-(
can't sleep. might stay up : (
lol loser! i know i always say it, but it's true! ... shup bout me toes :( betch! xx
damn totally jus fuckd up and disappointed momz i feel crazy bad right now :(
hey love :* i'm here :) where are you? :(
when youre not busy oh :(
pretty much did what i vowed not to do this week, at tryst after work with julian throwin back shots. tao beach and wet in the am :(
so it's all usher's fault?! sad world we live in :(
they don't sell that in holland :( i always have to ask my friends from america to bring me some when they come over :)
ohhhhhhhh i missed i have only seen him go live once :( i h8 timezones :(
so unbelieveable. :(
yea, i think you had to be 18 to get into the mardi gras, i'm only 14 :( i think the most i can pass for is 16 xd
hmm.. another day of boredom :(
ended up doing some work :-( oh well, tomorrow's kids' movie day. #fb
iwant to play pvz :(
damn it's raining...... no cycling for me today :(
follback dong :(
the oldest woman in the united states has died today, awww thats sad :(
#indonesiawantsalltimelow!!!! please guys i beg of you come here!! :(
says argh! bitin ng eden of the east movie!!!! :( need second movie to quell this burning hunger!!!! (angry)...
#zoulbouki #zoulbouki #zoulbouki everyone wants a lil #zoulbouki in their lives lol
the show was #zoulbouki man.u missed it :-(
q:setengah fine kenapa nit? a:sesuatu make me down rud :(
well you better see the doctor okay bey? udh nih baru aja minum obatnya, gue td sampai jatoh pas berdiri :(
awww :( so do now you bloody said that! why r! why would you say that!!!!!x