3.1.11 (Brainy Betty) b1d74b4e3b860e62709c2fd2f7320646a8f2ce4e o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @linei:@template"// The base font size $base-font-size: 16px !default; // The base line height is the basic unit of line hightness. $base-line-height: 24px !default; // set the default border style for rhythm borders $default-rhythm-border-style: solid !default; // The IE font ratio is a fact of life. Deal with it. $ie-font-ratio: 16px / 100%; // Set to false if you want to use absolute pixes in sizing your typography. $relative-font-sizing: true !default; // Ensure there is at least this many pixels // of vertical padding above and below the text. $min-line-padding: 2px; // $base-font-size but in your output unit of choice. // Defaults to 1em when `$relative-font-sizing` $font-unit: if($relative-font-sizing, 1em, $base-font-size) !default; // The basic unit of font rhythm $base-rhythm-unit: $base-line-height / $base-font-size * $font-unit; // The leader is the amount of whitespace in a line. // It might be useful in your calculations $base-leader: ($base-line-height - $base-font-size) * $font-unit / $base-font-size; // The half-leader is the amount of whitespace above and below a line. // It might be useful in your calculations $base-half-leader: $base-leader / 2; // True if a number has a relative unit @function relative-unit($number) { @return unit($number) == "%" or unit($number) == "em" or unit($number) == "rem" } // True if a number has an absolute unit @function absolute-unit($number) { @return not (relative-unit($number) or unitless($number)); } @if $relative-font-sizing and not relative-unit($font-unit) { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is true but $font-unit is set to #{$font-unit} which is not a relative unit."; } // Establishes a font baseline for the given font-size in pixels @mixin establish-baseline($font-size: $base-font-size) { body { font-size: $font-size / $ie-font-ratio; @include adjust-leading-to(1, if($relative-font-sizing, $font-size, $base-font-size)); } html>body { font-size: $font-size; } } // Show a background image that can be used to debug your alignments. @mixin debug-vertical-alignment($img: 'underline.png') { background: url($img); } // Adjust a block to have a different font size and leading to maintain the rhythm. // $lines is a number that is how many times the baseline rhythm this // font size should use up. Does not have to be an integer, but it defaults // to the smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. // Use $from_size to adjust from a non-base font-size. @mixin adjust-font-size-to($to-size, $lines: lines-for-font-size($to-size), $from-size: $base-font-size) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $from-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to adjust-font-size-to"; } font-size: $font-unit * $to-size / $from-size; @include adjust-leading-to($lines, if($relative-font-sizing, $to-size, $base-font-size)); } @mixin adjust-leading-to($lines, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $font-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to adjust-leading-to"; } line-height: $font-unit * $lines * $base-line-height / $font-size; } // Calculate rhythm units @function rhythm( $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size ) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $font-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to the rhythm function"; } $rhythm: $font-unit * $lines * $base-line-height / $font-size; @return $rhythm; } @function lines-for-font-size($font-size) { $lines: ceil($font-size / $base-line-height); @if $lines * $base-line-height - $font-size < $min-line-padding * 2 { $lines: $lines + 1; } @return $lines; } // Apply leading whitespace @mixin leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $property: margin) { $leader: rhythm($lines, $font-size); @if unit($leader) == px { $leader: floor($leader) } #{$property}-top: $leader; } // Apply leading whitespace as padding @mixin padding-leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include leader($lines, $font-size, padding); } // Apply leading whitespace as margin @mixin margin-leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include leader($lines, $font-size, margin); } // Apply trailing whitespace @mixin trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $property: margin) { $leader: rhythm($lines, $font-size); @if unit($leader) == px { $leader: ceil($leader) } #{$property}-bottom: $leader; } // Apply trailing whitespace as padding @mixin padding-trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include trailer($lines, $font-size, padding); } // Apply trailing whitespace as margin @mixin margin-trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include trailer($lines, $font-size, margin); } // Whitespace application shortcut // Apply top margin/padding + bottom padding/margin @mixin rhythm($leader: 0, $padding-leader: 0, $padding-trailer: 0, $trailer: 0, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include leader($leader, $font-size); @include padding-leader($padding-leader, $font-size); @include padding-trailer($padding-trailer, $font-size); @include trailer($trailer, $font-size); } // Apply a border width to any side without destroying the vertical rhythm @mixin apply-side-rhythm-border($side, $width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $font-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to apply-side-rhythm-border"; } border-#{$side}: { style: $border-style; width: $font-unit * $width / $font-size; }; padding-#{$side}: $font-unit / $font-size * ($lines * $base-line-height - $width); } // Aplly rhythm borders equally to all sides @mixin rhythm-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @if not $relative-font-sizing and $font-size != $base-font-size { @warn "$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to rhythm-borders"; } border: { style: $border-style; width: $font-unit * $width / $font-size; }; padding: $font-unit / $font-size * ($lines * $base-line-height - $width); } // Apply a leading rhythm border @mixin leading-border($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include apply-side-rhythm-border(top, $width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } // Apply a trailing rhythm border @mixin trailing-border($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include apply-side-rhythm-border(bottom, $width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } // Apply both leading and trailing rhythm borders @mixin horizontal-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include leading-border($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); @include trailing-border($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } @mixin h-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include horizontal-borders($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } :@has_childrenT:@children[Ao:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value["/* The base font size */;i: @loud0: @silenti; [: @options{o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;i: @expro:Sass::Script::Number ; i;i:@numerator_units["px:@original" 16px:@denominator_units[;@ ; [: @name"base-font-size;@ : @guarded" !defaulto; ; ["D/* The base line height is the basic unit of line hightness. */;i ; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i ;o; ; i;i ;["px;" 24px;[;@ ; [;"base-line-height;@ ;" !defaulto; ; [":/* set the default border style for rhythm borders */;i ; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i ;o:Sass::Script::String ; " solid;i : @type:identifier;@ ; [;" default-rhythm-border-style;@ ;" !defaulto; ; ["=/* The IE font ratio is a fact of life. Deal with it. */;i; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i;o:Sass::Script::Operation ;i:@operand1o; ; i;i;["px;" 16px;[;@ :@operator:div;@ :@operand2o; ; ii;i;["%;" 100%;[;@ ; [;"ie-font-ratio;@ ;0o; ; ["T/* Set to false if you want to use absolute pixes in sizing your typography. */;i; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i;o:Sass::Script::Bool; T;i;@ ; [;"relative-font-sizing;@ ;" !defaulto; ; ["e/* Ensure there is at least this many pixels * of vertical padding above and below the text. */;i; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i;o; ; i;i;["px;"2px;[;@ ; [;"min-line-padding;@ ;0o; ; ["m/* $base-font-size but in your output unit of choice. * Defaults to 1em when `$relative-font-sizing` */;i; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;i: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;i:@underscored_name"relative_font_sizing;"relative-font-sizing;@ o; ; i;i;["em;"1em;[;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ :@keywords{;"if;@ ; [;"font-unit;@ ;" !defaulto; ; ["(/* The basic unit of font rhythm */;i; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i;o; ;i;o; ;i;o;" ;i;#"base_line_height;"base-line-height;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;: times;@ ;o;" ;i;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ; [;"base-rhythm-unit;@ ;0o; ; ["g/* The leader is the amount of whitespace in a line. * It might be useful in your calculations */;i ; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i";o; ;i";o; ;i";o; ;i";o;" ;i";#"base_line_height;"base-line-height;@ ;: minus;@ ;o;" ;i";#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;i";#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;i";#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ; [;"base-leader;@ ;0o; ; ["y/* The half-leader is the amount of whitespace above and below a line. * It might be useful in your calculations */;i$; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i&;o; ;i&;o;" ;i&;#"base_leader;"base-leader;@ ;;;@ ;o; ; i;i&;[;"2;[;@ ; [;"base-half-leader;@ ;0o; ; ["//* True if a number has a relative unit */;i(; 0; i; [;@ o:Sass::Tree::FunctionNode ;i);![[o;";#" number;" number;@ 0;T; [o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode ;i+;o; ;i*;o; ;i*;o; ;i*;o; ;i*;![o;" ;i*;#" number;" number;@ ;${;" unit;@ ;:eq;@ ;o; ; "%;i*;: string;@ ;:or;@ ;o; ;i*;o; ;i*;![o;" ;i*;#" number;" number;@ ;${;" unit;@ ;;);@ ;o; ; "em;i*;;*;@ ;;+;@ ;o; ;i*;o; ;i*;![o;" ;i*;#" number;" number;@ ;${;" unit;@ ;;);@ ;o; ; "rem;i*;;*;@ ; [;@ ;"relative-unit;@ o; ; ["0/* True if a number has an absolute unit */;i-; 0; i; [;@ o;' ;i.;![[o;";#" number;" number;@ 0;T; [o;( ;i/;o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;i/;:not: @operando; ;i/;o; ;i/;![o;" ;i/;#" number;" number;@ ;${;"relative-unit;@ ;;+;@ ;o; ;i/;![o;" ;i/;#" number;" number;@ ;${;" unitless;@ ;@ ; [;@ ;"absolute-unit;@ u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @linei2:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;i2:@underscored_name"relative_font_sizing: @name"relative-font-sizing: @options{:@operator:and; @ :@operand2o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;i2; :not: @operando:Sass::Script::Funcall ;i2: @args[o; ;i2; "font_unit; "font-unit; @ :@keywords{; "relative-unit; @ ; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;i3: @expro:&Sass::Script::StringInterpolation ;i3: @aftero:Sass::Script::String : @value"# which is not a relative unit.;i3: @type: string; @ : @mido; ;i3; "font_unit; "font-unit; @ : @beforeo; ;"<$relative-font-sizing is true but $font-unit is set to ;i3;;; @ ; @ :@children[; @ o; ; ["H/* Establishes a font baseline for the given font-size in pixels */;i6; 0; i; [;@ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;i7;![[o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i7;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @tabsi;i8: @rule[" body;T; [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;2i; o; ;i9;o;" ;i9;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;i9;#"ie_font_ratio;"ie-font-ratio;@ ;i9:@prop_syntax:new; [;["font-size;@ o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;i:;![o; ; i;i:;[;"1;@;@ o; ;i:;![o;" ;i:;#"relative_font_sizing;"relative-font-sizing;@ o;" ;i:;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i:;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;${;"if;@ ;${; [;"adjust-leading-to;@ :@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence;i8: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;:[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence;i8;:[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;i8:@filename":@namespace0;[" body;>@#;>@#;@ o;1 ;2i;i<;3["html>body;T; [o;4 ;2i; o;" ;i=;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;i=;5;6; [;["font-size;@ ;8o;9;i<;:[o;;;:[o;<;i<;:[o;= ;i<;>";?0;[" html;>@8">o;<;i<;:[o;= ;i<;>@8;?0;[" body;>@8;>@8;@ ;"establish-baseline;@ o; ; ["M/* Show a background image that can be used to debug your alignments. */;iA; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;iB;![[o;";#"img;"img;@ o; ; "underline.png;iB;;*;@ ;T; [o;4 ;2i; o; ;iC;![o;" ;iC;#"img;"img;@ ;${;"url;@ ;iC;5;6; [;["background;@ ;"debug-vertical-alignment;@ o; ; ["`/* Adjust a block to have a different font size and leading to maintain the rhythm. * $lines is a number that is how many times the baseline rhythm this * font size should use up. Does not have to be an integer, but it defaults * to the smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. * Use $from_size to adjust from a non-base font-size. */;iF; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;iK;![[o;";#" to_size;" to-size;@ 0[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ;iK;![o;" ;iK;#" to_size;" to-size;@ ;${;"lines-for-font-size;@ [o;";#"from_size;"from-size;@ o;" ;iK;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [u;/1[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @lineiL:@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;iL:@operator:not: @operando:Sass::Script::Variable ;iL:@underscored_name"relative_font_sizing: @name"relative-font-sizing: @options{;@ ; :and;@ :@operand2o; ;iL;o; ;iL; "from_size;"from-size;@ ; :neq;@ ;o; ;iL; "base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;iM: @expro:Sass::Script::String : @value"^$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to adjust-font-size-to;iM: @type: string;@ :@children[;@ o;4 ;2i; o; ;iO;o; ;iO;o;" ;iO;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;iO;#" to_size;" to-size;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;iO;#"from_size;"from-size;@ ;iO;5;6; [;["font-size;@ o;7 ;iP;![o;" ;iP;#" lines;" lines;@ o; ;iP;![o;" ;iP;#"relative_font_sizing;"relative-font-sizing;@ o;" ;iP;#" to_size;" to-size;@ o;" ;iP;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;${;"if;@ ;${; [;"adjust-leading-to;@ ;"adjust-font-size-to;@ o;0 ;iS;![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ 0[o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;iS;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [u;//[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @lineiT:@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;iT:@operator:not: @operando:Sass::Script::Variable ;iT:@underscored_name"relative_font_sizing: @name"relative-font-sizing: @options{;@ ; :and;@ :@operand2o; ;iT;o; ;iT; "font_size;"font-size;@ ; :neq;@ ;o; ;iT; "base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;iU: @expro:Sass::Script::String : @value"\$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to adjust-leading-to;iU: @type: string;@ :@children[;@ o;4 ;2i; o; ;iW;o; ;iW;o; ;iW;o;" ;iW;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;iW;#" lines;" lines;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;iW;#"base_line_height;"base-line-height;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;iW;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;iW;5;6; [;["line-height;@ ;"adjust-leading-to;@ o; ; ["!/* Calculate rhythm units */;iZ; 0; i; [;@ o;' ;i^;![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i\;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i];#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [u;/1[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @linei_:@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;i_:@operator:not: @operando:Sass::Script::Variable ;i_:@underscored_name"relative_font_sizing: @name"relative-font-sizing: @options{;@ ; :and;@ :@operand2o; ;i_;o; ;i_; "font_size;"font-size;@ ; :neq;@ ;o; ;i_; "base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;i`: @expro:Sass::Script::String : @value"^$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to the rhythm function;i`: @type: string;@ :@children[;@ o; ;ib;o; ;ib;o; ;ib;o; ;ib;o;" ;ib;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;ib;#" lines;" lines;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;ib;#"base_line_height;"base-line-height;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;ib;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ; [;" rhythm;@ ;0o;( ;ic;o;" ;ic;#" rhythm;" rhythm;@ ; [;@ ;" rhythm;@ o;' ;if;![[o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ 0;T; [o; ;ig;o; ;ig;![o; ;ig;o;" ;ig;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;ig;#"base_line_height;"base-line-height;@ ;${;" ceil;@ ; [;" lines;@ ;0u;/{[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @lineih:@operand1o; ;ih;o; ;ih;o:Sass::Script::Variable ;ih:@underscored_name" lines: @name" lines: @options{:@operator: times; @ :@operand2o; ;ih; "base_line_height; "base-line-height; @ ; : minus; @ ;o; ;ih; "font_size; "font-size; @ ; :lt; @ ;o; ;ih;o; ;ih; "min_line_padding; "min-line-padding; @ ; ; ; @ ;o:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei;ih:@numerator_units[:@original"2:@denominator_units[; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;ii: @expro; ;ii;o; ;ii; " lines; " lines; @ ; : plus; @ ;o; ;i;ii;[;"1;@; @ :@children[; " lines; @ : @guarded0o;( ;ik;o;" ;ik;#" lines;" lines;@ ; [;@ ;"lines-for-font-size;@ o; ; ["#/* Apply leading whitespace */;in; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;io;![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;io;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;io;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#" property;" property;@ o; ; " margin;io;;;@ ;T; [o; ;ip;o; ;ip;![o;" ;ip;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;ip;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;${;" rhythm;@ ; [;" leader;@ ;0u;/[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @lineiq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;iq: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;iq:@underscored_name" leader: @name" leader: @options{:@keywords{; " unit; @ :@operator:eq; @ :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String : @value"px;iq: @type:identifier; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;is: @expro; ;ir; [o; ;ir; " leader; " leader; @ ;{; " floor; @ :@children[; " leader; @ : @guarded0o;4 ;2i; o;" ;it;#" leader;" leader;@ ;it;5;6; [;[o;" ;it;#" property;" property;@ " -top;@ ;" leader;@ o; ; ["./* Apply leading whitespace as padding */;iw; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;ix;![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;ix;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;ix;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [o;7 ;iy;![o;" ;iy;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;iy;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o; ; " padding;iy;;;@ ;${; [;" leader;@ ;"padding-leader;@ o; ; ["-/* Apply leading whitespace as margin */;i|; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i};![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i};[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i};#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [o;7 ;i~;![o;" ;i~;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i~;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o; ; " margin;i~;;;@ ;${; [;" leader;@ ;"margin-leader;@ o; ; ["$/* Apply trailing whitespace */;i|; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i};![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i};[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i};#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#" property;" property;@ o; ; " margin;i};;;@ ;T; [o; ;i~;o; ;i~;![o;" ;i~;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i~;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;${;" rhythm;@ ; [;" leader;@ ;0u;/[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @linei:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;i: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;i:@underscored_name" leader: @name" leader: @options{:@keywords{; " unit; @ :@operator:eq; @ :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String : @value"px;i: @type:identifier; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;i: @expro; ;i; [o; ;i; " leader; " leader; @ ;{; " ceil; @ :@children[; " leader; @ : @guarded0o;4 ;2i; o;" ;i;#" leader;" leader;@ ;i;5;6; [;[o;" ;i;#" property;" property;@ " -bottom;@ ;" trailer;@ o; ; ["//* Apply trailing whitespace as padding */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [o;7 ;i;![o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o; ; " padding;i;;;@ ;${; [;" trailer;@ ;"padding-trailer;@ o; ; ["./* Apply trailing whitespace as margin */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![[o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [o;7 ;i;![o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o; ; " margin;i;;;@ ;${; [;" trailer;@ ;"margin-trailer;@ o; ; ["^/* Whitespace application shortcut * Apply top margin/padding + bottom padding/margin */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![ [o;";#" leader;" leader;@ o; ; i;i;[;"0;@;@ [o;";#"padding_leader;"padding-leader;@ o; ; i;i;[;"0;@;@ [o;";#"padding_trailer;"padding-trailer;@ o; ; i;i;[;"0;@;@ [o;";#" trailer;" trailer;@ o; ; i;i;[;"0;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ ;T; [ o;7 ;i;![o;" ;i;#" leader;" leader;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;${; [;" leader;@ o;7 ;i;![o;" ;i;#"padding_leader;"padding-leader;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;${; [;"padding-leader;@ o;7 ;i;![o;" ;i;#"padding_trailer;"padding-trailer;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;${; [;"padding-trailer;@ o;7 ;i;![o;" ;i;#" trailer;" trailer;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;${; [;" trailer;@ ;" rhythm;@ o; ; ["R/* Apply a border width to any side without destroying the vertical rhythm */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![ [o;";#" side;" side;@ 0[o;";#" width;" width;@ o; ; i;i;["px;"1px;[;@ [o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#"border_style;"border-style;@ o;" ;i;#" default_rhythm_border_style;" default-rhythm-border-style;@ ;T; [u;/>[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @linei:@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;i:@operator:not: @operando:Sass::Script::Variable ;i:@underscored_name"relative_font_sizing: @name"relative-font-sizing: @options{;@ ; :and;@ :@operand2o; ;i;o; ;i; "font_size;"font-size;@ ; :neq;@ ;o; ;i; "base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;i: @expro:Sass::Script::String : @value"c$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to apply-side-rhythm-border;i: @type: string;@ :@children[;@ o;4 ;2i; o;; ";;;@ ;i;5;6;T; [o;4 ;2i; o;" ;i;#"border_style;"border-style;@ ;i;5;6; [;[" style;@ o;4 ;2i; o; ;i;o; ;i;o;" ;i;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;i;5;6; [;[" width;@ ;[" border-o;" ;i;#" side;" side;@ ;@ o;4 ;2i; o; ;i;o; ;i;o;" ;i;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;;%;@ ;o; ;i;o; ;i;o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;i;#"base_line_height;"base-line-height;@ ;;&;@ ;o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ ;i;5;6; [;[" padding-o;" ;i;#" side;" side;@ ;@ ;"apply-side-rhythm-border;@ o; ; ["4/* Aplly rhythm borders equally to all sides */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![ [o;";#" width;" width;@ o; ; i;i;["px;"1px;[;@ [o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#"border_style;"border-style;@ o;" ;i;#" default_rhythm_border_style;" default-rhythm-border-style;@ ;T; [u;/4[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @linei:@operand1o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;i:@operator:not: @operando:Sass::Script::Variable ;i:@underscored_name"relative_font_sizing: @name"relative-font-sizing: @options{;@ ; :and;@ :@operand2o; ;i;o; ;i; "font_size;"font-size;@ ; :neq;@ ;o; ;i; "base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;i: @expro:Sass::Script::String : @value"Y$relative-font-sizing is false but a relative font size was passed to rhythm-borders;i: @type: string;@ :@children[;@ o;4 ;2i; o;; ";;;@ ;i;5;6;T; [o;4 ;2i; o;" ;i;#"border_style;"border-style;@ ;i;5;6; [;[" style;@ o;4 ;2i; o; ;i;o; ;i;o;" ;i;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;i;5;6; [;[" width;@ ;[" border;@ o;4 ;2i; o; ;i;o; ;i;o;" ;i;#"font_unit;"font-unit;@ ;;;@ ;o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ ;;%;@ ;o; ;i;o; ;i;o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ ;;%;@ ;o;" ;i;#"base_line_height;"base-line-height;@ ;;&;@ ;o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ ;i;5;6; [;[" padding;@ ;"rhythm-borders;@ o; ; ["(/* Apply a leading rhythm border */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![ [o;";#" width;" width;@ o; ; i;i;["px;"1px;[;@ [o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#"border_style;"border-style;@ o;" ;i;#" default_rhythm_border_style;" default-rhythm-border-style;@ ;T; [o;7 ;i;![ o; ; "top;i;;;@ o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"border_style;"border-style;@ ;${; [;"apply-side-rhythm-border;@ ;"leading-border;@ o; ; [")/* Apply a trailing rhythm border */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![ [o;";#" width;" width;@ o; ; i;i;["px;"1px;[;@ [o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#"border_style;"border-style;@ o;" ;i;#" default_rhythm_border_style;" default-rhythm-border-style;@ ;T; [o;7 ;i;![ o; ; " bottom;i;;;@ o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"border_style;"border-style;@ ;${; [;"apply-side-rhythm-border;@ ;"trailing-border;@ o; ; ["9/* Apply both leading and trailing rhythm borders */;i; 0; i; [;@ o;0 ;i;![ [o;";#" width;" width;@ o; ; i;i;["px;"1px;[;@ [o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#"border_style;"border-style;@ o;" ;i;#" default_rhythm_border_style;" default-rhythm-border-style;@ ;T; [o;7 ;i;![ o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"border_style;"border-style;@ ;${; [;"leading-border;@ o;7 ;i;![ o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"border_style;"border-style;@ ;${; [;"trailing-border;@ ;"horizontal-borders;@ o;0 ;i;![ [o;";#" width;" width;@ o; ; i;i;["px;"1px;[;@ [o;";#" lines;" lines;@ o; ; i;i;[;"1;@;@ [o;";#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"base_font_size;"base-font-size;@ [o;";#"border_style;"border-style;@ o;" ;i;#" default_rhythm_border_style;" default-rhythm-border-style;@ ;T; [o;7 ;i;![ o;" ;i;#" width;" width;@ o;" ;i;#" lines;" lines;@ o;" ;i;#"font_size;"font-size;@ o;" ;i;#"border_style;"border-style;@ ;${; [;"horizontal-borders;@ ;"h-borders;@ ;@